Crikey- Missing

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Hey guys!! I can't remember the username exactly and I would rather not butcher it!

They wanted Rickey going missing and Chris being relived when he finds them. And post sex aftercare.

So I hope you guys enjoy, and all prompts are welcome!


**Chris' P.O.V**

   I paced the room and bit on my thumb nail. Ricky was missing... Just absolutely gone. He was just vanished. It was about two days so far and there was nothing. I was loosing my head over it. Ghost was trying to get me to calm down. It was making him crazy with all of my pacing, late night searching and since I hadn't slept in a while.

   "Chris. Chris, look at me." I looked at Ghost, my pacing finally stopping. "They found him." 

**Time skip**

   I cradled Ricky's head in my shoulder and rocked him side to side. He hadn't been really 'missing.' Lost phone and lack of directions home, in a town where no one could really help him out until he was able to find a police station. He wasn't good in situations like that.

   "Oh baby boy... I gotcha. I gotcha." I whispered. He hugged onto me, holding onto me with tight fist. He looked up at me and whimpered quietly.  I smile and kiss him gently and stroking his hair. Ghost chuckles. 

   "I'm going home, now that Ricky is safe. Get some sleep Chris." I thank him and wave him away, carrying Ricky to our bedroom and laying him down. I started kissing him, his lips, cheek, chin, neck, nibbling his ear lobe gently and the down towards his chest. I strip off his shirt, and smile at him.

   "C-Chris." He stutters shyly.

   "Shhh.. Just let me.. Let me touch you." I whisper to him, still kissing and biting parts of his body. I kissed over the waist band of his jeans and chuckled softly. "I was so worried... Now your safe... I've got you. Daddy has you." I whispered against his skin. I stripped off his jeans and boxers, kissing his inner thigh gently. He laid back and relaxed more and more. 

   "D-Daddy... Thank you.. Please more."

**Time skip**

   After care was a big part of my sex life. I knew I was a bit rough any time I fucked Ricky, so I always took my time with him. I would gently massage his body, and his back. I'd lather his body in kisses, and gentle praises. He ate it up, laying there and taking every bit of love I lathered onto him. He giggles happily and often just laid there looking at me with adoring eyes.

   "Daddy... Jus cuddle. I'm sleepy." He said with a cute little pout. I kissed his lips gently and started to gently make out with him. I laid down and pulled him to lay down on top of me. I smiled warmly and kissed him a few times. 

   "Okay... Okay.. Daddy is so glad your home. I missed you." He smiled happily and just laid in my neck.

   "I was too scared to ask for help... I'm sorry Daddy." 

   "Don't be sorry. Next time, be bold for daddy yeah? I know it's scary, but sometimes you have to ask for help and I won't be there." I said gently and rubbed over his back. He nodded and promised he would. I wouldn't be letting him out of my sight for a while, determined to keep him closer then every before.

   I watched as he fell asleep, and slowly followed suit. I was glad to have my baby in my arms.


Well I hope you guys liked it! 

Requests are open and I hope you guys request anything any time you want!

Thanks for reading!

Love you guys.

Bye bye! ^.^

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