Kandy- Oh... I am gay

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Hey hey you guys! @PlanetX2021 wanted this one you guys!

I just made up a ship name, but its a Kellin X Andy.

Does anyone even read my intro and out-tros to these fics?

Do you?

Anyway, let's get into it!


**Andy's P.O.V**

   I stare at Kellin's ass as he runs up onto stage and blush.

   Omfg.. Stop stop! 

   Why was sexuality so confusing? My hand shook a bit as I sip my monster. I never really had many crushes on guys. I had always kinda considered myself bisexual. Ashley was too, and there was a couple times we'd been drunk and fucked.

   To be honest, those times were the best, sex wise. Ashley had talked with me about it. Ashley prefered guys over girls, but settled for whatever. He said I was a complete submissive and a 'Bottom.'

   And then he called Kellin a top and cooed over how much I blushed. I started crushing on Kellin more and more and more, and I wasn't really sure if I was Bi or gay.

   Ashley smacked my ass and I squeak.

   "Your crushing so hard babe." Ashley teases, and I whine in frustration. He just smiles at me, and pats my shoulder. I watch Kellin prance around the stage and I listen to his singing. I smile wide, and catch his eyes.

   It could be my imagination, but I thought I saw him wink.

**Time skip**

   I pout, rubbing my temples, and feeling my whole body blush when Kellin places a gentle hand on my shoulder.

   "I wanted to go out tonight." I mutter weakly. Kellin chuckles and snatches my Monster away, replacing it with a water bottle, and meeting my whine with a stern look.

   "Your not going out tonight because your dehydrated." He scolds, sitting besides me. I take the Asprin, and sip the water. I wind up chugging the whole thing fast, and pouting when Kellin pulls it out of my mouth. "Not to fast, babe." He says softly, and holds the bottle for me to drink from. I blush again when he calls me 'Babe.'

   "T-thanks.. I- I should s-sleep." I whisper, stuttering. Kellin just smirks at me a bit, then rubs his nose to mine. I shiver hard, and blink at him. 

   "You know, Ashley was talking to me earlier..." He says, smiling and rubbing my side. His side wasn't even scary, it was warm. I blush a bit more. "You have a crush on me?" I nod, blushing.

   "I- I like you." I whisper. He very softly places a small kiss onto my lips. I feel an electric shock through me. Sure me and Ashley had made out, but it was always sloppy and drunken. This was... Something else. I grip Kellin's shirt, feeling his lips touch mine softly. I shiver and nudge him, kissing him harder and open my mouth to allow his tongue into my mouth.

   Kellin was soft and gentle, but I felt the dominance behind that kiss. I felt the way he could pin me to the bed and fuck me hard. I shiver at that, but he softly pushed me into the bunk and lies besides me. I snuggle up to his chest, and started giggling.

   "I'm gay.." I whisper. Kellin smiles at me.

   "Found yourself out, hmm?" He asks softly. I nod, and snuggle closer, and drifting to sleep.

   I felt amazing.


Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this one!

As always leave prompts!

Thanks for reading!

Bye bye! ^.^

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