Oli X Andy - Birthday soup

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Hey... Hey?

So... Like... Hi. 

What the actual hell...

Do you guys even remember me? I'm sorry I vanished, with no explaining.

School is an ass. I'm so sorry.

I hope to start updating more..

I really hope you guys like it. Love you and thank you for reading!


**Andy's P.O.V**

   Oli was my little baby. He would always baby.

   And today was special. He was turning twenty seven. But, he was also completely in little space. 

   "Hey baby..." Oli giggles up at me and suckles on his pacifier. "It's your birthday today!" I say cheerfully. Oli had barely any clue what I was saying, but my happy tone made him bounce up and down. I grin, pulling him to sit in my lap. 

   "What do you want to eat baby?" I ask him, cheerfully. 

   "SOUP!" I burst in soft laughter and rub his back gently. 

   "What was that honey?" I coo lovingly.

   "Soup!" He demanded in his happy little voice. He knew very few words, being in such a small head space. But he certainly knew the word soup! "Soup! Daddy soup!" He squeals happily. I kiss his cheek and put a paci in his mouth. 

   "Daddy will get his precious baby some soup yeah?" I say with a warm smile. He looks up at me, his eyes shinning with joy. He nuzzles his nose to mine, and sags into my chest with delight. 

   "L-love you." He whispers softly. I rub his back gently, kissing his head.

   "I love you too..

**Time skip**

   Three bowls of soup later, Oli was passed out in a swaddle of blankets. I chuckle as I watch my baby sleep peacefully. He looks beautiful. He looks amazing. He was so pure and gentle. I clean up the kitchen, and the soup bowls. 

   After a few hours, Oli woke up, but he was big this time. He hugged me from behind and kisses my neck. 

   "Hey there, Daddy~" He purrs in my ear. I chuckle, turning my head and kissing his forehead. 

   "Hey there, diaper butt." I tease. He huffs sassily, marching upstairs to change his clothes. I get the cake out of the fridge, and gets some presents. A few new sweaters, hoodies, jeans, necklaces, and of course a large box full of kinky sex toys.

   He marches back down in my sweat pants and sweater. "What are you making?" He asks happily. I chuckle and get out a pizza. 

   "Pizza! Your favorite as well as soup." I tease him. He giggles and sits at the table.

   "And cake! And presents!!" He squeals. I chuckle, plating the food.

   "Honey, It's your birthday!" I tease him with a smile. He grins up at me and kiss his knuckles.

   He digs into his food, and so do I. This day felt so perfect, and it was. Especially with my baby boy.


Heeeeey! Thank you guys for reading.

Sorry I vanished again.

I love you guys!

Bye bye ^.^

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