Back-Up Dancer [EXO Chen]

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Back-up Dancer

Characters: Emily and EXO's Chen
Genre: romance
Author: Audrey ^^

P.s: sorry that it took ages! I hope you like it! :)

Emily's POV

Yeah sure, being the backup dancers for EXO was an amazing job to have. It's also a really tiring job though. But it's good that you get paid for it even though you're supposed to do it voluntarily because you're a trainee in the company. I stretched in the same room as EXO, danced in the same floor as EXO and practice at the same time as EXO. EXO. EXO. EXO. Not a singe day went by without me admiring their backs or the reflection of their face expressions in the mirror. They really are one perfect batch of people. As I continued dancing along with the beat, the music stopped and I bumped into someone.
"Ah Mianhae," I bowed and smiled awkwardly to Chen.
"It's okay," he replied and I was taken aback. I have never talked to them before, like ever. None of them. Of course I heard their voices and replied to some questions they ask me constantly but the conversation will always be a Q&A type. I was the type of trainee who doesn't flirt with the sunbaenims. Because, I don't want to. And I don't think it's right. While other girls are busy showing their ass cheeks to them with their boobs showing. I show up in shorts and a slightly oversized shirt. No make up, hair tied in a bun. Yep, that's how I am. That careless brunette.
"Kim Jong Dae! Get the steps right!" The instructor said and sighed in frustration.
"If you don't get it right, you'll have to sit out for the concert," she added and I saw his eyes widen in fear.
"I will work harder seongsaengnim!" He said with energy and smiled widely. Seeing him smile makes me smile too, at his enthusiasm and at his perseverance. He's something different. He knows he has flaws in his dancing and he keeps getting scolded but he just waved it with a smile and crack a joke. That's why I admire him most.

And when he called out my name after practice ended, I jolted in shock and looked at him confusedly.
"Yes?" I asked and he walked over to me and smiled a breath taking half smile.
"Will you stay over and help me practice?" He asked without hesitation and I blinked innocently. He wanted me to help him? Me? Seriously. Me??
"Sure, but why don't you ask the other girls? They're much better than me," I said and smiled.
"From what I see, your dancing skills is flawless," he smiled charmingly and I swear I felt the dangerous glares of the girls, boring a hole through my head.
"Oh really? Thank you then," I thanked and bowed.
"Don't be so formal Emily," he knows my name?
"Yes I know your name, you're not that invisible you know," he chuckled and ruffled my hair. Immediately I felt attracted to him. Not that I wasn't before, but this attraction was different than what I felt before. I was more pure and blissful.
"Ahah, alright," I laughed awkwardly and put my bag down.
"We'll start as soon as everyone's gone," he said and smiled.
"Why when everyone's gone?" I asked and tilted my head to the side, he mirrored me and smiled.
"Because I don't want them to feel bad for themselves," he said and I gave him a confused look.
"Because after this extra practice, I am going to be so much better than them," he whispered the last bit and I laughed before shaking my head.
"I heard that hyung!" Kai shouted and Chen turned to him and smiled sheepishly.
"Of course I can't be as good as Kai, or Sehun, or Tao, or Kyungsoo, or Lay hyung, or Umin hyung, or Baekhyun or Kris hyung or Luhan hyung," he smiled and stifled a laugh.
"Hey what about me and Suho hyung?" Chanyeol spoke up and they just laughed.
"I can surely be better than you two," he winked.

"Aren't you guys going to go?" Chen asked for the umpteenth time for the past 20 minutes. All the other dancers have gone home except for the EXO members who are insisting on staying to watch him practice.
"Come on, let's just practice," I said and nudge his arm.
"Fine, but you guys better make yourself invisible," he said and huffed.
"We will," they said in unison, making me smile. They're such cute innocent boys.
"Alright, where do we start?" He asked and I hummed as I walked over to the speakers.
"Beginning, I'll watch you dance first," I suggested and he just nodded. I played the music and watched him dance. A few flaws, but it's not that critical. I don't know what that dance instructor was saying about his flaws. They're so minimal. It's barely noticeable from a hundred meter from the audience to the stage.
"Wait a minute. I forgot the steps," he stopped, making me burst into laughter.
"Oh well, done! How did I go?" He smiled and panted for a bit. Oh my gosh he's so good looking!
"Boo!!" The rest cooed and put up their thumbs down.
"Ahahah! Guys don't be mean," I said and they quieten down except for Chanyeol and Baekhyun.
"Yah hyung!" Sehun said and hit both their heads. Finally they quieten down. Funny how the maknaes are more mature than the hyungs.
"Your faults are actually minimal and barely noticeable. To be honest," I said and a fond smile grew on his lips.
"Are you saying that because you like me?" He asked and the smile turned into a smirk. My jaws fell agape and I tried talking but no words came out. I felt blood rushing through my veins and to my cheeks. Oh my god.
"N-No!" I said a bit too loud.
"I'm saying that because I think so. I don't know, maybe the instructor has problems with you or she's really a perfectionist," I commented and he nodded with a teasing smile.
"What's with that smile?" I asked suspiciously and he shook his head, the smile still plastered on his face.
"Nothing, now it's your turn!" He said and played the music again.

After an hour or so of practicing we decided to rest and eat some food that the members bought for all of us. We were eating when my phone rang embarrassingly loud. I grabbed it and stood up.
"I'll just go and take this call outside," I excused myself.
"No it's okay, just take it inside, it's cold out there," Suho said caringly and I gave all of them a look.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yeah, just go take it," Chen said and a soft smile formed on his lips. He's so breath taking.
"Arrasso," I said and went a bit farther from them.

"Ne?" I answered with my annoyed tone.
"Please Emily! One date! Please! I'll make you like me!" Taehyung said and I rolled my eyes. This guy have been asking me for a date since last week.
"No, no and finally no," I heard the member stifled a laugh.
"Why not?" He asked again.
"Because firstly, you're a stalker. And secondly, I have a life and thirdly, I am not interested in any relationships right now," I said and smirked.
"You know you're really fiesty," he said and I rolled my eyes again.
"You know you're really annoying?" I hung up immediately.

"Who was that? You seem really angry at him," Kai commented and I sat back down.
"Not angry, just extremely annoyed. He's this stalker from college, he keeps asking me to go out with him. Even though I rejected him one million times already. He just won't back off," I sighed and my phone vibrated on the floor.
"I told you he won't stop calling!" I said and showed them the phone screen.
"Stalker, wow," Luhan said and when I was about to reject the call, Chen grabbed my phone and smiled at me.
"Do you trust me?" He asked.
"What are you going to do?" I asked hurriedly.
"Just do you trust me?" He asked and I nodded finally. He tapped the accept button and put it on speaker. Then that annoying voice came through, begging for me to talk to him.
"Yoboseo? Who's this?" Chen said and I smiled at him.
"What? Who are you?" Taehyung asked.
"I'm Emily's boyfriend of course, duh who else moron," he said and my heart leaped out of my cage. He just told Taehyung that he's my boyfriend. BOYFRIEND.
"What? boyfriend?"
"Yes boyfriend. Now mr stalker would you kindly please leave my precious girl alone? She's taken," he said and I felt a blush creeping up to my cheeks. Oh my god. Why am I getting worked up by this fake role playing.
"She said she's not interested in any relationship," Taehyung said.
"Well that's because she's mine," Chen said and I felt my breath hitched. Oh my god. Keyword: Mine.
"Now, will you stop bothering my girlfriend during our dates?" Chen asked and Taehyung stammered. Dates? Wow.
"Okay, bye," and they hung up. My cheeks were burning. My mind is hazy now. I didn't want it to be a pretend relationship. I want it to be real.
"Emily? Are you okay?" Kris waved a hand in front of my face and I snapped out.
"Y-yeah, thanks for that," I said and grabbed my phone.
"N-no problem," he stammered out and I smiled nervously.
"I think we'll leave now, I'm tired," Xiumin begun and they all nodded.
"But I wanna-"
"Tao," Kris gave him a glare and they grabbed their bags before scurrying out. Leaving Chen and I alone.
"Should we.. Continue?" He asked and I nodded.

After we're done fixing the flaws and go over it a couple of times, we decided to call it a day.
"Can we grab some coffee?" He asked and I nodded.
"Sure," we walked alongside each other on the side walk. There's not many people, since it's late already.
"Thanks for today," he said and smiled towards me.
"No problem. Thank you for getting rid of that stalker for me," I said and he laughed sweetly.
"That's a pleasure," he replied and silence fell.
"About that, I have something to tell you," he said and froze. I stood in front of him.
"What is it?" Completely clueless.
"I was really upset when the members decided to stay because I wanted to be alone with you, I finally have an excuse to be alone with you, and after that phone call and they left, I realised just how much you're making me nervous," he explained and I was so puzzled. What is he trying to say to me?
"How should I say this..." He trailed away and cupped my cheeks. His soft skin caressed my cheeks, making me sigh. What's he trying to say?!!
"What are you trying to say?" I asked and looked up into his eyes. He just leaned down and gave a chaste kiss on my lips. My stomach did backflips and summersaults. My heart almost leaped out of its rib cage. He's driving me crazy. His kiss was just soft and gentle. And he pulled away, leaving me addicted to his lips.
"I don't want that relationship to be just a fake one," he whispered and rested his forehead against mine.
"I really really like you, no, love you," he said and chuckled.
"Will you he my girlfriend?" He asked and leaned down to peck my lips again. His lips is so addicting.
"Hm, of course," I hummed and he pulled me into a hug, kissing my hair.
"I'll protect you, I promise. I will make sure I make time for you every day," he said and I nodded.
"Just cope with me okay?" He asked and I nodded.
"Hey I'm your back up dancer, we'll be promoting together," I smiled and he laughed.
"Aren't I lucky?" He smirked.
"Very lucky."
"I shall pick you up from college every day, I hope that Taehyung guy will back off, I wouldn't want any guy courting my girl," he winked an I slapped his chest
"Stop it!"
"You're so cute when you blush babe," he leaned down for a chaste kiss once again, smiling in between the kisses.

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