Unbreakable [Big Bang - G Dragon]

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Characters: Hee Young and Big Bang's GD
Genre: romance
Author: Audrey :)

P/S: I am so sorry this took so long! I hope you like it! :) Oh and I used GD's real name, I hope you don't mind.


You're meeting up with your boyfriend for the first time in the past three months. He's been touring with his bandmates and finally came back home. Of course you're excited and tried to look your best, but how tonight ended was to your surprise.

He showed up at your doorsteps late but with a bunch of different coloured roses in his hands, as you opened the door, you jumped up to hug him and kiss him, as he wraps his arms around you securely. Getting inside your apartment together, he examines your appearance with his lips parted slightly and still breathless from the passionate kiss you just shared.

"I missed you so much," he mumbled and hugged you tightly once again, lips curling into a smile.
"I missed you too Ji Young," you said and he pressed a soft kiss against your nose.
"Do you like it?" You asked nervously, bitting your bottom lip. He shook his head and his previous smile turned upside down.
"Wha-why?" You asked in disbelief, can he not see the effort I put in this?

"It's too short, the dress is too short for everyone to see. This, you, is only for me to see," he said, caressing your fair skin lightly. It lightens your heart to know that he's so possessive over you. And you blushed just letting his words sink.
"Ji Young, come on. Let's just go and eat," you sighed as you melt in his touch even more.
"Na uh, not with this dress on, we're not going anywhere," He insisted, holding you against him. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, completely drowning in the sweet scent of your perfume.
"Ji Young, do you want me to change into a longer dress?" You whispered and he nodded, pouting at you. You cant't help but lean forward and peck it because its rare that he does aegyo. He almost never does it.
"Alright, I'll be back," you said and went to your room, with GD following closely behind you.

The both of you finally went out, after changing your dress 3 times he finally approves of one. You didn't know why he's being so picky this time. It usually doesn't matter to him what you wear if it fits you perfectly. Why is he being so protective and possessive suddenly?
"Ji Young are you feeling okay?" You asked in worry as you see him fidgeting in his seat. Constantly fixing his custom made blazer and tugging his tie downwards.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he said and smiled warmly.
"Tell me, if you have anything that's worrying you, you know I'll always listen," you said and smiled before turning to the waiter to ask for a glass of water.
"Here you go miss," the waiter smiled at you and you thanked him before he went.
"Here, drink some water and calm yourself," you said to him and he did as he was told whilst looking at you the whole time.


"Dessert is served. A sweet dessert for a sweet young lady," you smiled at his statement and muttered a thank you.
"And one for you too sir, enjoy," he said to GD and went. G Dragon was watching you the whole time, his stares burning holes through your skin. The way he looks at you is not the way he usually looks at you. The warm brown eyes usually portrayed love, admiration. But this time, it's different and you hated how you can't read him,

"Ji Young are you really okay? You've been silent the whole time, it's not like you," you said once you took off your shoes and locked your apartment door.
"No, I'm not okay," he said, almost growling under his breath. You turned to him, confused.
"Then what's w-"
"How are you letting him flirt with you!" He snapped and you were taken aback.
"Wh-what? Who? Who's flirting with me?" You asked, clueless at his accusations.
"You're not stupid. And neither am I. That waiter of course," he said in anger. His voice raised each time he says a word.
"You go out in short dresses and let people openly flirt with you while you flirt back! You're such a slu-" You gasped and slapped him across the face, running to your room, locking the door and crying yourself to sleep. You have no idea why he's being like that today. Why today? When the two of you met for the first time after three long months of no contact at all. Was he going out of his mind?

Meanwhile Ji Young is still in state of anger. He's so angry that he can practically see imaginary fume coming out of his ears. When he finally snapped back to reality and felt that sting from your slap, he tried to remember what he said to you and regret washed over him. He walks over to your door, knocking softly, calling out your name in the most loving way he can possibly manage. But all he heard was your muffled cries. He leaned on your door and sat down, crying himself to sleep as well.


The next morning you woke up with swollen eyes and you felt tired and weary. Getting inside the shower, you tried to relax your body for a while and to try and get it together. The memories of last night played back and you were puzzled to why he's acting like that. He never called you such words. Nor do you wear short dresses to flirt with guys, you wear what he wants you to wear. You huffed and decided to dry yourself before getting into a pair of shorts and an oversized jumper of his that you really love. Inhaling the scent of his cologne you instantly missed him, but when you opened the door and his head hit the floor of your room, you jolted in shock.
"Kwon Ji Young are you crazy or stupid?" You muttered to yourself with his head on your lap, your fingers tangling into his tousled locks.
"Hmm," he hums and wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face on your stomach. You chuckled as you feel him kiss your tummy lightly.

GD woke up with his head on your lap, and your fingers tangled in his hair.
"Ow," he winced ever so slightly when he realised your fingers are stuck in his hair. Freeing your fingers softly, he squeezed your hand and kiss your fingers lightly. He picked you up and placed you on the bed, tucking you in. He took a long look at your sleeping face, bent down and placed a soft kiss on your forehead before muttering,"I'm sorry..."

The two of you fell asleep next to each other, tangled in each other's arms. When your eyes fluttered open, strangely you didn't mind him sleeping next to you. The warmth he's radiating and his steady breathing calms you down and washed away all your anger and pain from last night. The both of you knew you loved each other, and there's no reason why the both of you shouldn't stay together. You played with his soft hair again, it's just simply your kink. His hair is so soft that you can touch it all day and wouldn't complain. The soft tugging of his hair woke G Dragon up. Fluttering his eyes open to your chocolate eyes and playful smile on your lips was the best thing he's ever felt in such a long time. That moment he knew he didn't want to lose you now or ever.

"Hm, stop pulling on it," he sighed and pulled you closer to against his body.
"I'm not pulling on it, it's just tangled around my fingers. Why's your hair so knotty?" You asked and he shrugged.
"Did you even wash your hair before you came to see me? Next time you should, because I love your hair," you said softly and closed your eyes.

"I'm sorry," he whispered and buried his face on the crook of your neck.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," he started sobbing and staining his own jumper that you're wearing.
"I'm so sorry, how can I call you such thing, I love you," he sobbed and you hugged him tighter.
"It's okay, it's alright Ji Young," you whispered and stroked his hair.
"No, it's not okay! What kind of boyfriend am I?!" He said and his cries softened but still sobbing.
"I know you're just worried and insecure because of the relationship incidents that's been happening all year around in the kpop world. I heard Ji Young, and I can assure you, that we won't end up the same," you said softly and he looked up to meet your eyes.
"I love you," you said softly and he leaned in to kiss your lips ever so softly.
"And I will never, ever, leave, because what we have is unbreakable," you smiled and he did too.
"Unbreakable? Sounds like an action movie," he winked suggestively and you burst out laughing at his gesture. He is just so dorky sometimes.

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