Reasons [BTS - Jungkook]

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Characters: Yette and BTS' Jungkook
Genre: Romance
Author: Audrey :)
P/S: I'm sorry if this is bad and it took ages to complete :(


Jungkook's POV

"You guys better behave in front of my girlfriend!!" I warned and waited for their nods before opening the front door. It's not that they haven't met her, it's just so that they'd be less random. My words will be ignored tonight, I bet you... They never listen -.- No one listens to the maknae.
"Jungkook!!" She cheered and hugged me, her arms around my neck. My arms snaked up her waist and lifted her up causing her to giggle cutely. Her laughs and smiles always lifts up my mood no matter what.
"Yette!!!" They all cheered besides Rapmon who is always pretending to be stoic and expressionless all the time.
"Hai guys!!" She replied with a grin painted on her face.
"Yo," the guy spoke up. Knowing that she knows English he always greets her like that.
"Sup Rapmon," she said before patting his shoulder. Her attempt to be boyish is cute, too cute. With her black skirt, red tucked in shirt and her high ponytail, she looked too beautiful to be boyish.

"What's for dinner?" She asked and sat on the floor next to me. Nobody spoke up, instead they just giggled to themselves.
"Alright I'll cook," she got up and fixed her skirt before shaking her head at us.
"Yay! Yette's food is the best!" Jimin cheered like a little kid.
"Thanks Jimin, Jungkook...?" She turned to me and made puppy eyes.
"But I can't cook!!!" I complained and she grabbed my arm, placed a peck on my cheek.
"You can cook rice for me or boil some water," she showed a toothy smile.
"Arasso, anything for you baby," I got up and held her hand. As we were about to walk into the kitchen Taehyung called her name and she turned around with a 'hmm?'
"Did you... Perhaps. Got your hair done?" Taehyung asked and she stared at him in amazement before giving him her million dollar smile.
"I like it..." He added.
"Well you're the first, thank you for noticing," she replied before turning on her heels and walked towards the kitchen. The rest of us went silent and looked at innocent Taehyung.
"What?" He asked.
"How the actual hell did you even noticed that?" Suga asked confusedly.
"I just do," he said lastly before I walk into the kitchen.

"Baby, why didn't you tell me that you did your hair?" I asked as I pour the water inside the rice cooker.
"I was going to see if you'd notice or not," she replied as she continued chopping the veggies.
"Babe, you know I'm not observant," I mumbled.
"Uh-huh! I know that," she turned and gave me a smile before going back to what she was doing. Why am I feeling... Kinda... Jealous?

"Enjoy everyone!!" She exclaimed before everyone started digging into the delicious meal prepared in front of us.
"How is it?" She asked after everyone tasted it. We all gave her our thumbs up and continued eating.
"Do you play any instruments?" Taehyung asked suddenly. What's up with him today?
"Hm? Me? Yes, yes I do..." She asked curiously.
"I thought that your fingers are long and slender and that it will be good if you can play guitar," he said and smiled before eating.
"Thanks for noticing," she said before continuing her meal. Why is V being so observant. What the hell is this.


We all sat on the floor, talking, telling stories and playing board games together.
"You're not meant to go up! You can't go up on a snake!" J-Hope said loudly and slapped Rapmon's hand away.
"Yah! Do you wanna die?!" He shot back and Yette just laughed blissfully. I like it how she's so close to my group members because then she knows just what kind of people I'm hanging out with.
"You guys are stupid," she laughed again and I smiled at her, pecking her cheeks.

"You've lived somewhere in the western area right?" Taehyung asked suddenly, cutting me off when we were watching TV together.
"How did you know?" She asked with her eyes wide and sparkling.
"Shows on your skin," he said and gave her an eye smile before turning back to the tv.
"Thanks again for noticing," she said softly.
"No problem!" He said as I got up abruptly, making her head bump the arm rest.
"Ow, Jungkook! Where are you going?" She asked.
"Outside," I answered before going outside the door. Seriously. I'm sick of this. She's not even paying attention to me.


Yette's POV

What did I do wrong? Seriously? I didn't think that I've done anything wrong.
"Jungkook wai-" I called out as the door slams.
"I have to go after him," I said while running outside quickly only to shiver at the contact with the cold winter air. I grabbed a coat from the coat rack and saw the name Jeon.J printed on the tag. I smiled and wore it with no hesitation before following him out.

I walked around the dark streets of Seoul, trying to find the one guy I'm looking for. Jungkook. Tears start to well up in my eyes before they fall carelessly to the ground. Where the hell is he? Think. Think. Favourite place? Han River. Han River! That's it! He's at Han River!


Jungkook's POV

I picked up a rock and threw it to the river before picking another one and throwing it to a tree near by. I throw my hands up in frustration and walked up to the tree only to kick it.
"Stupid love tree crap," I muttered before hitting it again, this time at the carving of a heart with our initials written on it. Yette has decided that this will be our love tree, since the first time we met, it was an accident at this tree. She made me fall for her on her "aww come on kitty!" That day. And since then on, we always bump into each other every time. I smiled a little at the memory. Maybe she's not the one for me. Maybe she really does like Taehyung. I mean... Why would she choose me over Taehyung. V is everything in one. I'm nothing compared to hi-

"Jungkook! Please... What did I do wrong?" I heard a voice shout.
"Yette?" I muttered to my own. She actually came for me.
"Jungkook," she breathed out as she stood a few meters away from me.
"Jungkook, Jungkook. You got me so worried," she said as she wrapped her arms tightly around me.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"I want to be with you always," she said and I could see that she's been crying.
"Did you cry? Was I the reason? I'm sorry..." I muttered and looked down.
"I-it's okay... Hey, what's wrong? You've been quite not into the talks today, did I do anything wrong?" She asked, carefully choosing her words.

"Can I ask you something, and please answer truthfully," I stared into those warm brown orbits. She nodded.
"Do you like Taehyung?" I asked bluntly.
"What? Me? V? Nooo!" She said and shook her head.
"Don't lie Yette!"
"I'm not lying! Can't you trust me?" She said to me, eyes full of doubt and fear.
"I can. But, you seem like you like him. I mean, today you weren't even paying attention to me. V was just pointing out little details of you that I didn't even notice. He's freaking perfect. Why wouldn't any girl like him? Tell me what I have that he doesn't!" I said to her as she sighed before walking up to me and cupping both my cheeks and rubbing it with her thumb softly.

"Okay... Number one, your lips. I love them. Taehyung doesn't have your lips, does he?" She asked as her skin grazed over the corner of my lips.
"Yeah but-"
"Number two, your playfulness and how you're always worried for me..."

"Three, the way your strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to you at all times..."
"Four, the way you love me."
"Five, the way you kiss me."
"Six, how you always care about me."
"Seven, how you alway make time for me even on the busiest day of your life."
"Eight, how you make me feel special."
"Nine, how you're not observant at all. Not noticing little changes in me. I like it," she chuckled and rested her forehead on mine. I let out a low chuckle before pulling her even closer.
"Ten, how you always keep me warm."
"Eleven, your ways to tell me that you love me."

"Lastly, you have my heart and he doesn't. And that's the most important thing..." She said lastly I stared at her beautiful lashes before locking her lips with mine, pouring as much love to the kiss.
"I love you baby," I whispered as she smiled.
"I love you too," she replied.
"Hey who said you can wear my coat?" I said to her and she smirked.
"I said because I'm your beloved girlfriend," she smiled sweetly and I hugged her tightly.
There are just so many reasons about her that makes her so special to me .

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