One Sided [Big Bang G-Dragon]

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One Sided

Characters: Haneul and Big Bang's G-Dragon
Genre: sad/happy
Author: Audrey ^^

Author's POV

Haneul was sitting on the sofa, watching TV when the she heard the door open. She sighed and got up, it must be her husband again. Yes, she's married, but she's still in college. She walked over to the front door and saw her husband's arms wrapped around another woman's waist while laughing and talking happily. When GD and the anonymous caught her eyes, their expression changed.
"I'm going," Haneul said and walked past them and out the front door. The girl scowled at her and GD made a disgusted face at his own wife. Sure, it may be an arranged marriage but it didn't stop GD to go out on dates with different girls who will eventually he end up dumping at the end of the month. Even though this marriage is done by business and force rather than love, but to say that love wasn't visible was wrong, love was certainly there. Only one sided though.

She went to the park and waited there for hours and hours until the sky eventually darkened. This is a routine, whenever he came home with one of his girlfriends again, she would go out and come home late, just to avoid seeing sights that she know will shatter her heart to pieces. She sighed and decided to wait for one more hour. It's been months since you guys we're married, but you never shared a talk at all. Other than 'I'm going's there was none. You two had your separate lives, only living in the same house. She exhaled again and hugged her knees as she felt the cold breeze fan her face, and there was a loud rumble. Her eyes wondered to the sky where dark clouds we're forming. She couldn't be bothered. She said she'll stay for one more hour and she's going to do that even though it's going to rain. GD has hurt her too much. It's unfair how the only one with love in this relationship is Haneul. She wanted to cry, but she can't. Her tears have dried from last night, yesterday night and the night before, she cried herself to sleep every single night on the couch. Since the apartment only had one room and GD uses it.

She opened the door, freezing cold and tired. She sighed and knocked on the door of the room before going in, taking her clothes and coming back out to the bathroom. GD's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the sight of her drenched state, and tons of questions are circling in his mind making him worried, but he forced himself to forget, he forced himself to not care about her. After all, forced marriages shouldn't have a hint of love, it should be purely forced. Little did he know that love was present since the beginning. He frowned and sighed.
"Stop worrying over her," he said to himself quietly and watched the TV blankly. He couldn't deny, he is worrying about you, but he doesn't know why. The question is going to bother him all night and keep him up, he knew that.

He was trying to sleep, eyes shut, body tired but his mind was restless. He turned to his side and looked at the digital clock only to find that it's just a little bit past one in the morning. He stifled a yawn and closed his eyes. Just before he fell upon deep slumber, a high pitched scream came from outside his room. He got up immediately and ran to the living room, turning on the light and found his wife, Haneul. She was sweating like crazy, her body froze but tears kept coming down. She looked like she had been paralysed. GD was terrified himself, he didn't know what to do. He went to her and shook her body violently, trying to wake her up.
"Yah! Kwon Haneul!" he shouted only to realise that he called her by her married name.
"Haneul!" he shouted again and her eyes opened, panting and sweating as if she'd gone on a marathon. Her eyes were opened wide but her brain couldn't quite recover from what she saw before. She covered her face with her palms and cried. She was beyond terrified and GD was beyond confused to what's happening to his wife.
"Haneul, stop crying please," he whispered lowly. After hesitating for a while he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her close to him. He didn't know what he was doing but it felt right to do it. She needed him and he was willing to take care of her. The sight of her so vulnerable and broken melted his heart of ice. He figured for himself that he hated seeing her cry.
"Haneul," he said softly as he felt her tears staining his shirt.
"J-Ji Yong," she said in between sobs.
"Yes?" he answered and stroked her hair.
"Did I wake you up?" she asked softly and he let out a low chuckle.
"No, I couldn't sleep," he said.
"Oh, I'm scared," she said and his hold around her tightened.
"Of what?" he asked softly and closed his eyes, just feeling her body against his calms him. She fell silent. He knows the answers to his questions now. He was already in love with her, but he refused to admit it.
"Haneul?" he asked softly and felt her head resting on his shoulder. He stayed quiet and listened for her breathing. She fell asleep.

The next morning Haneul turned to her side and opened her eyes. Her eyes widens in agitation and yelped as she sat up quickly. She was on the bed. Next to sleeping GD. They slept together? What? Oh my god. What happened last night? She freaked out and sighed in relief when she found her clothes on her. But how did she get here is the question? GD stirred and groaned before opening his eyes.
"What are you doing? Why are you up already?" he asked with his morning voice and she felt her heart leaping out of her chest, she almost died.
"Go back to sleep, you're sick," he added and tugged on her arm, making her lay down next to him.
"B-But GD-ssi, may I ask how did I get here?" she asked and he furrowed his eyebrows.
"You we're having nightmares last night and you we're about to tell me what it was about but you fell asleep, so I brought you here and I found out you got a fever," he explained swiftly.
"B-But we slept together, not in that way, I mean on the same bed, what about your girlf-"
"But you're my wife, who cares about what they think," he said and pulled her closer by her waist. She was flabbergasted and happy at the same time. But she was also confused, why is he like this so suddenly.
"Are you sick?" she questioned and placed a hand on his forehead, he smirked, he knew she must be confused because of his sudden change of attitude.
"The only one sick here is you, Kwon Haneul," he heart stopped beating for a second.
"I'm sorry I've been such a horrible husband for the past months," he apologised and she just nodded.
"That's okay."
"Now I realised that all I need is you, I refuse and force myself to not love you by dating other girls, because I was so mad because of our parents, you deserve to love who you want, and I do to, but I fell for you," he said and you just giggled.
"Well, it's nice to know that this love is not one sided anymore," she smiled and closed her eyes sighing when she saw his jaw dropped. Then she felt his arms left her waist and the next thing she saw when he opens her eyes was GD hovering above her.
"You could've told me that and I would stop dating other girls you know," he said huskily and she squirmed underneath him.
"Get off me!" she squealed and he leaned down dangerously close to her face.
"Hm... What about no?" he smirked before he capture her lips in a passionate kiss.
"What do you say, we stay in bed the whole day and watch movies, you're sick," he hummed against her lips and she just nodded weakly.
"Great," he kissed her again and a smile lifted up on his lips. Never did both of them expect this day to come. But I guess fate has its own ways of putting people together.

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