Stay Away [EXO - Sehun]

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Stay Away

Characters: Lissa and EXO's Sehun
Genre: romance
Author: Audrey :)

P/S: I am so deeply sorry if this took centuries to upload and I hope you like it.


"What the hell was he thinking?" You sighed in frustration as you slammed your room door closed with a loud bang.
"Oh Sehun you little bastard," You mumbled and took a shower.

Oh Sehun, your beloved boyfriend. Has just barged into the practice room you and your partner, Kai, were practicing in.
It wasn't your fault that Sehun was majored in the bachelor of sciences instead of the performing arts.
You were completely aware that he is a complete genius when it comes to science and an absolute dance god that can make anyone's knees go all lifeless.

You wanted none of this. His lack of trust in you and his paranoia and possessiveness of you that constantly scares your dance partners.

Your phone rang continuously and you picked it up, voice absolutely annoyed and irritated at the caller.
" this is Kai. I was wondering if you would like to practice again tomorrow right after know to make up for the time we missed, are you okay?" He said nervously and you chuckled lightly, trying to make the mood lighter.
"Sure, so straight after classes yes?" You confirmed and he said a yes before bidding you goodbye.


Whilst bobbing your head up and down to the beat of the song, someone suddenly yanked out your earphones and you turned around to the person with an angry face and when faced with the angelic, fair skinned man, your anger boiled up even more.
Before you got the chance to walk away and tell him to never look for you again, he pulled you in for a hug and your defenses and anger immediately crumbled. Hearing him whimper made you giggle inwardly at his sudden cuteness.
"Lissa honey pie, forgive me for being so insecure and for being a stupid a-hole," he whispered softly and you felt chills through your body.
"You understand that your possessiveness of me might cost me my whole future right? I'm only doing this for projects Sehun," you said, sounding rather serious.
"Yes, and I am sorry for being an insolent female dog. I will try and change myself."
"But not with Kim Jong Kai! The way he looks at you, I can only fear what he's going to do to you!" He said immediately when you were about to leave.
"Sehun. You promised you'll change!"
"Yeah! I know, but-"
"I'm practicing with him straight after classes. Pick me up at the practice room 004 at 5 okay? I'm late for class now, we'll talk about it later," you said hurriedly and he pecked your lips for a short while, tugged on your scarf to make sure it is on properly before whispering an I love you against your lips, making it curl upwards.
Sehun always knew how to catch people's hearts. That little flirt.


"Should we modify this bit? I think it lacks of flow and feeling," Kai said and you nodded, restyling your hair in to a bun.
"How should we change it though, it has to flow from the fast tempo first," you asked.
"Follow my lead," he said before the two of you take your previous positions.

When the slow part of the song came up, Kai changed the steps and you just stood there as he grabbed your waist, turned you around and ran his hands through your hair whilst being incredibly close to you.

As the song continued on, the two of you froze there. You, mainly. Because he was so close you could feel him breathing against your neck.
"Kai?" You broke the silence and his lustful eyes looked at you.
"You're beautiful..." He mumbled and you gasped. It's not that you're not used to compliments. Sehun says it all the time. But this was Kai and the look he was radiating was different from the admiration Sehun displays when he said the exact same line.

"You know how long I've wanted to be this close to you? What did you see in the Sehun boy anyway, he's just a nerd. You should date someone with the same passion as you, you should date me," you retreated your hands from all contact with him, however his grip around your waist tightened even more. Making it impossible to escape.
"Don't be ridiculous. I can never leave Sehun for you. He's so much better than you," you fired back and his eyes widened, flames of anger evident and he grabbed your shoulders to push you to the nearest wall.
"Say that again and I make you regret," he said and you repeated the exact same words again. And you did regret it when he started staining your skin with his kisses.
You tried to push him away but he won't budge, you were screaming but no one heard you because the walls are thick. You stepped on Kai's foot and kicked his spot before running towards the door.
Since when was it locked?! Did he plan all this? You turned the key as he was starting to get up and regain himself but you bolted out the door and into the hallways.

You kept running and wondered how big this department really is, you were shaking and you can hear Kai's footsteps, running after you. It was almost dark outside and not to mention almost freezing cold. When you bumped into someone your fear grew, thinking it was some of Kai's allies.
"Hey watc-Lissa?" A familiar voice just made your insides settle and you immediately hugged Sehun tightly and he hugged back, just as tight.
"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly and cupped your cheeks.
"K-Kai, he-he tried-"
"That bastard, I knew it," he was charging towards Kai and when he was finally in front of him, Sehun didn't hesitate but to throw a punch.


"I told you to stay away from him," he said, tone rising as each word passes his lips.
"I know, I'm sorry," you mumbled and he sighed.
"You're not hurt right?" He lifted your chin up to make eye contact but when your eyes met his worried ones you just broke in a puddle of tears.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for not listening to you Sehun," you sobbed into your hands and he pulled you for a hug. Caressing your hair, whispering sweet nothings and it's okay's.

"You're a girl honey, males are not that nice so you have to expect the worst from the best," he whispered and cupped your cheeks, wiping your tears away.
"I'm sorry Sehun..."
"It's okay, did he touch you?"
"He kissed me," and he immediately lent forwards to give you a deep kiss, wiping any traces of Kai from you.
"I love you, you know that? And you're so beautiful, I don't want to share you with anyone," he said and you nodded.
"Lissa I love you, and I don't want you to get hurt."
"I love you too Sehun..."

"You should call your teacher and change partners. Go with the wide eyed guy in your class. He's nice," Sehun said as he played with your hands whilst your head is tucked under his chin.
"What? Kyungsoo?" You repeated and he nodded.
"Okay, you don't mind him?" You reassured and he shook his head.
"He's a nice person. He won't touch you, he'll bake you cookies instead, they're really good," he said nonchalantly and you chuckled.
"And how would you know?"
"I was his roommate last year remember? He told me about all his recipes and taught me how to cook," you faced him and gave him a weird look.
"Are you saying that you had a bromance relationship with him?"

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