Fateful Meeting [EXO - Xiumin]

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Fateful Meeting

Characters: Gail Ann and EXO's Xiumin

Genre: cute...?

Author: Hanisah



   "Minseok-ah, are you going to leave me just like this?" I asked, holding my tears back.

   "Of course not," he said, patting my head gently, "I will come back to Korea in the future, please don't be sad, Gail Ann."

   "You can't break your promise, or else I will hunt you down in states and break your leg," I threatened.

He laughed before handing me a custom made bookmark. On it, it says 'World's Best Friend, Gail Ann, from: Minseok'.

   "I have nothing to give you though... I didn't even know you were going until just then,"

I sighed.

   "Come on," he punched my arm lightly, "I never break my promise and besides, we'll keep in touch, won't we?"

   "Fair enough,"

We both hugged for the last time before he had to go to the boarding room.

*end of flashback*

I wipe clean the kitchen bench while memorising the notes I had thought of.

My assignment is due the day after tomorrow and I still haven't got any music sheet planned out.

   "Gail Ann--" my housemate called, but I quickly cut her off.

   "Don't talk to me, or else I will forget the notes,"

   "Write the notes out then, you doofus," she grumbled, "this is why you always have to struggle with every assignment given,"

I stood still glaring at her.

    "Go, woman, I'll help with cleaning up,"

She shooed me off.

I went to my room and quickly took out my music notebook and wrote the notes down.

We were given a task to create a piece of music that can express a feeling.

But to create something, you have to feel it. I mean, I don't think I was ever hurt enough to know exactly what sad means, or happy enough to know what happy means.

But for now, I am just going to write any notes that might express any feeling and then I'll figure something out myself.

I got out of the room to see my roommate, Young In, sitting on the sofa with the remote in her hand.

   "Come and watch this," she gushed excitedly.

I came over to her and took a seat.

   "We will now show you a comeback stage of EXO titled Growl," the commentator on the TV announced.


I don't know much of EXO, but I know well enough that my best friend--well ex-best friend?-- is in that group.

He didn't break his promise, so I have no reason to hunt him down.

I had always imagine that when he came back to Korea, I'd be the first one to know.

But of course that didn't happen.

I knew that he was in Korea last year. During what they call their 'wolf' era. They were holding a fansign nearby my university and I happened to see one of their banners.

So that's that.

   "Gosh, aren't they amazing?" Young In fluttered her hands together dreamily.

I smiled.

Yeah, they are amazing.

In a way, I am proud of what Minseok have become.

   "You should go to sleep early, you have a class in the morning," I advised, before going to the kitchen to make myself a cup of drink.

When morning comes, the first thing I heard was Young In shrieked.

I rubbed my eyes due to sleepiness and looked at the clock on the wall.

7:30 a.m.

No wonder she freaked out. Her class starts at 8.

   "I told you to go to sleep early," I shouted to get my point across.

   "Shut up," she scowled, "can you please order me a cup of latte at the café while I get ready?"

   "Aigoo," I muttered before putting on a jumper and changing my pants.

I got out of my room and pushed her away from the sink so that I could at least wash my face and brush my teeth.

   "You're lucky to have a kind friend," I notified before heading out to the café a block away from our apartment with my purse.

Having a cup of latte in the morning was her daily routine. She said it keeps her awake during her class.

I doubt it, judging by the fact that she drinks it every day, so the effectiveness ought to worn out at least a little bit, if you understand what I'm saying.

I entered the café and gave one if the workers a smile.

While waiting in line to give my order, I scanned the room to spot an empty spot.

Then my eyes locked with a pair of eyes that I never thought I would see again.

   "Gail Ann," he uttered in disbelief at the same time I said "Minseok,"

   "Next please," the cashier said.

I snapped out and gave her my order and while waiting for it, I went up to him.

   "You really are Minseok right?" I questioned.

   "Only if you are Gail Ann," he joked, "have a seat," he offered.

   "Looks like I don't have to hunt you down,"

He laughed.

   "I don't break promises," he informed.

   "You didn't tell me you're back in Korea though,"

   "We lost contact, how on earth should I tell you?"

I shrugged, but still smiling.

I was happy.

It's the kind of happy that I have never felt before.

   "We need to catch up," he said.

   "We sure do, but before that, let me just give this to my friend," I said, holding out the cup, "you wait here, I'll be right back."


Firstly, thank you for waiting so patiently and secondly I hope you enjoyed it.

I know that it kind of lacked the genre you wanted but... I couldn't think of a way to make it short other than end it right there. Or else it won't be a oneshot... So sorry OTL


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