Unrequited [Your bias]

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Characters: OC and your bias

Author: Audrey


I saw you grin and laugh along with your friends. I saw you grow and achieve great things. I was so much younger. Maybe not that much younger than you. Maybe...a year or two.

You always had that bright, sunshine like smile everywhere you go. Waiting at the canteen line so patiently and scowling at the people who cut the lines. You were so courageous, so dominating and intriguing. I guess that's what made you one of the leaders at school.

I sat down on the bench at school as I glued my eyes to the phone screen. My friend's laughter rang through my ears but all I saw was your smile. As impossible as it may sound, I can even hear the distinct sound of your eyes as they danced around.

"You know what, he's top 1 in class."

My friends whispered and I will always blush reluctantly because I know that they know how much I admire you. One dreamed of a Prince Charming, and you have to be the one.

As I see you hold her hand, I can't help but feel my heart clenching so tight it might explode soon. The way you looked at her, the love in your eyes. I know you'll never look at me like that. And that's just the sad truth.

As I saw you walk down that grey pathway of high school, and step a foot to that pathway of yellow bricks, I can't help but hold in my tears. You're going to leave high school. Graduating with the best possible scores and reaching out to follow your dreams out there. I wanted so much to talk to you, confess and just, lay out my feelings to you. From all those blown away sticky notes that I stick on your locker once a week. It's been a routine and now it's just going to stop. Just like that, as you stepped out of the school and cheered with your fellow graduates, my heart broke into fine pieces. I couldn't hold it in, I excused myself to go to the restroom and that was the last time I ever see you again.

If fate was kind, we'll meet again.


That long, jet black hair that's always tied in a high ponytail. That tanned skin. That small frame of yours. Slim and tiny. I wondered how perfect it will be to fit you in my arms. But I could only wonder as I lack of courage.

That cheerful and bright smile of yours that always brightens up my day. Nevertheless if my day is so grey and stormy, only you'll be that source of happiness. The light at the end of the tunnel during my darkest days.

"I like smart boys..."

"Mhm, I agree..."

My eyes shot open wider as the voice immediately imprints itself in my mind. That sweet voice belongs to you. I walked past and saw you and your friend giggling from my peripheral view.

You liked smart boys. I worked harder to climb the class ladder as the years fly by. Winning academic and sporting awards. I can silently thank you every single night for making me better. I changed for you. Because that's how much you mean to me.

That faint blush covering your cheeks when I caught you gazing my way. At first I thought you might have liked me. Then I saw that you were actually blushing at what your friends said to you. You giggled and covered your pink tinted cheeks with your slender fingers. And at the sound of your laugh, I fell in love with you all over again.

The way your fingers danced around the keys of the piano in the deserted music room. You didn't know but I always watched you play. Then I thought how creepy I might seem to you for always watching you and admiring you from afar. So I stopped and tried to drift away from you.

I had a dream, you left with that immature kid I dislike the most. He's probably the least suitable guy for you in the school and yet you went with him. So I decided to distract myself away from you and accepted this girl's confession who claimed to be sticking sticky notes every once in a while.

I received my diploma, and walked along the path. I chose to walk, not run. Because I wanted to stay as close to you as possible for as long as I can. It's safe to say that I loved you by now. Deeply in love with you. I saw you clapping for me, no for all the graduates, and threw a smile at you. You replied back. Your swollen eyes didn't go unnoticed by me. The usual dancing glint is not there in your eyes. The sparks and the stars. As I stepped to the yellow bricked pathway, I turned and cheered along with my fellow graduates. I saw you, standing amongst the crowd. A forced smile, swollen eyes and yet you still managed to look so beautiful. I don't know how you did it but you made me fall for you all over again.

"Go, confess," my friend whispered and I turned to him, he gave me an encouraging look and I turned back to you. Well, I turned back to where you were before. You were gone. I wanted to run back and look for you. But the teachers ordered us to go and that was it. That was the end. Those secretly admiring you was already like a routine, but it's just going to stop like that.

If we were meant to be, we'll meet again. Until then, my love.


"Gosh, where am I? This university is so big!" She hissed and looked around her and back to the map. She hated the fact that she got offered a scholarship at a university in a completely different country when her friends are all together. She was lonely and scared.

"I don't know anymore, great start to the first day of university," she sat on a bench and covered her face with her palms.

He got an afternoon class, walking through the familiar boring path to his building, early for his lecture as usual. But as he walked he heard a soft sound of a girl sobbing and he stopped walking and looked around. He spotted a girl with her jet black hair in a high ponytail. Her figure reminded him so much of the girl he used to love. No, the girl he is still very much in love with despite the years of unrequited love. His palms grew sweaty at the sight of the latter. She brings back so much memory to him. From years ago. It made him smile. That smile he hadn't smiled for so long it felt nostalgic. He braced himself and approached her. Tapping her shoulder.


"Do you...need help?" He asked softly and gently. He knew it was her. Her brains came to life and her heart raced. The voice she missed so much. She wiped her tears and looked up at that pair of chocolate eyes that was looking into her eyes deeply. That smile he missed so much took over her lips and that smile she missed took over his. No more lies no more hiding they decided. The way say each other's name sounded like a prayer. The way they looked at each other's eyes conveyed so much love it was impossible to get around it.

"I missed you..."


They both knew it was fate. They were meant to be together forever. Reunited in this lousy university across the world to where they met the first time. It was no other than fate's doing.

Together was them and forever is what they have with each other.

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