Third Wheeling [EXO Baek Hyun]

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Third Wheeling

Characters: Lee Yeonchan and EXO's Baekhyun
Genre: romance
Author: Audrey ^^

A/N: I'm sorry it took a century but I hope this makes up for it! :)


"Please, please, please!! Lee Yeonchan my beautiful, smart, talented and perfect best friend!!"
"Please Byun Baek my very handsome, sporty and tall best friend!"
"No! Geez!" The two of you answered in unison.
"I'll buy you food for a week!" Chanyeol said, desperate.
You and your friend looked around in case people or security guards are passing by.
"A month!" Baekhyun said and Chanyeol groaned in misery.
"Fine a month!!!"


"I can't believe this!" You said in disbelief as you throw yourself on one of the single beds provided.
"Thank god there's two single beds," Baekhyun sighed in relief and let out an awkward laugh as he placed his stuff down on the other bed.
"I know right..." You muttered.
"They better give us good food for the month," he said and you smiled at him.
"And now they're going somewhere without us too, is this holiday about third wheeling?" he added and you laughed before looking into your suitcase.
"I'm going for a swim, you coming?" You asked and grabbed your swimming clothes before walking to the bathroom, taking small steps.
"No thanks. Swimming's not my thing and besides it's cold!" He commented and you just smiled at him.
"I'm a swimmer, and it's not even winter anymore," You closed the bathroom door and started changing. Baekhyun just sighed and smiled to himself. He gets to know a different side of you by the day.

"I'm just going to sleep. Don't go swimming for too long, Lee Yeonchan, otherwise you'll get sick," he said and you rolled your eyes. "Yes Byun Baekhyun," you mocked before you left and said your bye's. You closed the door and smiled to yourself. It's nice to see him so worried over you and it gives you this warmth to know that he cares about you.


The thing is, you, Baekhyun and your two other friends, Chanyeol and Sarang. The four of you decided to go on a holiday in Jeju. The four of you planned this thoroughly for months and months and months before and have everything set. Rooms, activities. But just weeks before the four of you will depart to Jeju, Sarang and Chanyeol got into a relationship. Hence why you and Baekhyun are sharing the same room. Truth be told you were beyond embarrassed because you've had a tiny crush on him for a very very very long time. It made you nervous to be around him but you've mustered the art of facade since he started dating this girl a year back. They broke up after 2 months of dating. But those two months were like hell on earth. That was also when you started taking up swimming. You practiced every single day because when you cry, no one will notice. They will just think, oh it's the pool that made your eyes red. When it really was your own tears and the pool water. Okay maybe you didn't just have a tiny crush on him. It was much greater.


Baekhyun woke up from his nap and found your bed still untouched since the last time he saw it. He turned to the digital clock on the night stand and jumped out of bed in shock when he noticed that it was already past dinner time and you're not back yet. He thought that maybe you went to buy some food, but when he saw your bag still zipped up and the bathroom still dry. He knew you lost track of time. It's been 5 hours since he fell asleep. And it's probably like 6 hours since you started swimming or something. So he grabbed his phone and the room keys before trying to find the indoor swimming pool.

Baekhyun sighed exasperatedly when he saw that the indoor swimming pool is closed since an hour ago. Then worry started growing in him and he searched for the outdoor pool instead.
"Lee Yeonchan, are you stupid or just too passionate about swimming?" He mumbled and shook hi head as he hurried his steps.

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