Familiarity <3 (Chapter 7)

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The picture on the right is of the bouquet of flowers. It's not exactly the same... the thing I was looking for is actually blue lilac instead of those blue flowers. But you get the point :P PERTY ain't they?


Enjoy this chapter !! :):)


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Much love,


Rhonda <3

Chapter 7- Familiarity


            The engagement party was to begin within a few hours, and I felt myself plummeting into a sea of bitterness. I was angry with Holden for disregarding everything we’d once had; angry with myself for feeling so lightheaded in Holden’s presence; and, most importantly, angry with Louis for making me fall for him so swiftly. In retrospect, it really wasn’t his fault. It was mine for letting my guard down so quickly after being free from my parents’ watch.

            Regardless, my heart became heavy with the burden of remembering the past few days. Louis’ decline to sing for me, but apparent willingness to sing ‘at a club in Wilmington’ (if he was even being truthful about that) was troubling. His secretive glances and mumbled excuses were becoming increasingly disturbing; if this relationship (and I used the term lightly) was going to work out, there need be no secrets about little details like that.

            Despite his little white lies, there was still a part of me that was attracted to him, not because of his looks, though that most certainly was a bonus, but because of his genuine desire to help others. The way he had followed me to save the boy from the shark, not knowing whether he even had the strength to finish was a testament to his caring and gentle nature. The way he seemed to appear out of thin air, cracking jokes and making me smile. The date… everything about it had been serene and comforting.

            There was also this feeling… a tangible notion that I needed to be there for him. I knew it might have sounded silly to many people, but I really felt God’s tug on my heart to help Louis. What else would have made me step into that alley to rescue him from his own mistakes? What else could have messed with my thoughts, so much so that I found it increasingly hard to forget his face? It seemed to me only God’s hand, pushing me directly into His will for my life.

            So these were the thoughts that plagued me: What had I done wrong that Louis would turn down my invitation to the party? Why on earth would I be so enraptured with him as to lay aside the plans for Holden’s sake? And when would I have a chance to redeem myself?
            “Christa!” Holden yelled. I snapped my eyes open suddenly, spying Holden on a step ladder, teetering precariously over the window in an attempt to hang the silver and blue streamers. “Can I get a hand with this?”
            I smiled regretfully, pulling myself off the couch and walking over to help him. After the streamer was hung over the window, I helped Holden down, feeling the muscles in his arms as I did. “Sorry. My mind…”
            “…Is in a haze,” he finished. “I called your name four times.”

            “Sorry,” I repeated uselessly. “Where’s Emma?”
            “She went out to buy the food,” he said, taking a step back to look at his finished work. “It doesn’t look half bad,” he mumbled. The banner over the back wall read ‘Congratulations Holden and Emma!’ It was beautiful, and definitely the first thing one would see upon entering the apartment. Blue streamers were hung around the ceiling; the furniture had been moved to create a space for dancing and socializing; and the huge dining room table had been set up in the living room corner for the food. I simply nodded my head in agreement, for we had done a nice job of decorating the place.

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