Convictions <3 (Chapter 10)

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Hiya! Wow, I was gonna upload last night, but then wattpad broke down on me! Ahhh, well. Here's chapter 10!

Chapter 10- Convictions


"So you're coming when? You know I've got to stock my apartment with plenty of food," I said casually, leaning over to pick up a candy wrapper from the floor. When I sat back up in my swivel chair I spun it slightly, locking my hands behind my head and leaning back. The chair bounced lightly with my movement. Niall and Harry were on the other end of our Skype video, relaxed just the same as I.

"Ahh, yes," Harry sighed. He pointed to Niall and rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. "Plenty of food for Niall here," he said, smiling.

Niall punched Harry playfully in the arm. "I'm sure I'll be fine with whatever you have, Lou," he said, pulling a candy bar from his pocket and unwrapping it. Harry looked sharply at Niall, then back at me, rolling his eyes once more. Niall didn't notice a thing; instead he took a bite of his chocolate and started talking, his mouth full. "We're coming out a week from tomorrow," he answered my earlier question.

I smiled. "I'll be ready," I said, sitting up straight in my chair. After a moment, I tried to spark a conversation. "How've the fans been treating you?" I said, knowing I was in for a good tale. These stories were always hilarious, sometimes even sweet. The fans (for the most part) treated us like kings. I was always immensely grateful for their support.

Niall, still chewing, laughed, spewing bits of chocolate on Harry's shirt sleeve. He shot Niall a look. "Sorry," Niall said. "Lou, this girl tried to kiss me at the concert the other day!"

Harry interrupted. "She did not try to kiss you, Niall. Don't be so full of yourself." He paused, as if just deciding to include me. "She tried to kiss all four of us," he said, sounding proud.

I laughed. "What happened?"

Niall cackled again. "This little girl and her mother had backstage passes at the concert, so we were giving them a tour of the set, you know," he began. I imagined a sweet young girl throwing herself at my mates in an attempt to kiss them. Lots of girls dreamed of that, I supposed. But the ending to Niall's story was unexpected. "When we finished, signed the girl's autograph and everything, her mother grabbed my shirt and pulled me in, like she was really going to kiss me. One of the boys pulled her away, and then she tried to kiss him too!"

Harry laughed. "Yeah, I think Liam actually did get a big sloppy one," he added.

I smiled ruefully. "I can honestly say I'm glad I wasn't there."

It was quiet for a moment. "Aren't you ready to come back yet?" Harry asked. "We miss you here." Niall nodded his head in agreement.

"I'm not ready yet," I said, my demeanor turning grim. "I think... I think I've got things to take care of here first."

It was dead silent. I didn't think either one of them had caught on to my statement, until suddenly Harry let out a strange whistle. "It's a girl, isn't it?" I stared at him, trying to convey confusion. His eyes suddenly brightened. "It is! It's a girl! It's a girl!" Harry chanted.

Niall laughed. "Harry, you sound like you've just had a baby," he commented. I busted with laughter. Lots of fans had made jokes about that. "But it is a girl, isn't it, Louis?"

I sighed. "I guess you guys would find out anyway when you got here," I said finally. "Yes, there's a girl. She's really great."

They waited for me to go on, but they knew I would never talk much about a girl. Harry was the opposite... the minute he met a girl he fancied, he'd be blowing it through the airwaves if he could. Niall was a bit more like me, for he tried to keep his love life a secret. Harry frowned. "'She's really great.' That's all you have to say?"

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