One Direction <3 (Chapter 12)

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Chapter 12- One Direction?


Louis Tomlinson? That couldn't be my Louis Tomlinson. I jerked the magazine from its stand and stared at it; the line had already moved forward, yet I was unaware as this crushing revelation consumed me.

I read a bit of the article that was pasted on the first page.

"Almost three months ago, pop culture was astonished as Louis Tomlinson announced publicly that he would be taking a vacation from the band. Little did we know that Louis' vacation would consist of a new found love during his vaca at Kure Beach. Our sources have known the location of the heart-throb, but only in the last month did this mysterious young lady make herself known."

The bottom of the page was all me, a close up of my darkened face on the beach, wearing the same clothes I'd worn the first time Louis had kissed me. As if that photo wasn't enough, the bottom of the page read "Flip to page six for more hot photos!"

Without flipping the pages, I knew that those photos were of me wrapped in his arms. I remembered the feel of that night, of that kiss, and where it once would have calmed me, it now filled me with a horrible loathing.

Louis Tomlinson was famous. Famous enough to be plastered across the magazines here. Famous enough to have screaming girls approach him often; to not want to be with me in public. All the times that I should have clued into his lie came screaming back at me, and now all I could feel was humiliation.

I felt stupid that a guy could so easily fool me, make me think I was in love with him. Louis had made me feel so safe, so protected by him that I'd let my guard down and I'd actually pretended that he was The One.

Who was I kidding?

When I imagined Louis' face now, only one question rang out: How could he be with me for these last few weeks and lie to me like that? He'd seemed so perfect, so genuine and unlike any other guy I'd met. But now his image was twisted in my mind, and frankly I wanted nothing else to do with him.

I could do nothing now, of course. My dignity was too sound to embarrass myself and Louis in front of Harry and Niall. They weren't involved in this. I couldn't bring myself, no matter how furious I was, to stomp into my own house and jump into my tirade. That would be neither lady-like nor Christian of me.

I finally stepped out of my reverie and turned to the cashier. She gave me a strange look as she started ringing up my items.

I tossed the magazine onto the register last and watched it follow all of my other groceries down the automated line. It sickened me that someone could publish the lies he'd told me. Of course, they didn't know the whole story; I tried to calm myself down when I realized that.

As I packed the grocery bags into my trunk, my thoughts still lingered on how I was to confront Louis. I couldn't think of a decent way to do so, save for verbally attacking him the minute I set foot in the house.

I started pulling bags from the trunk when I arrived home. I rolled up the magazine in a plastic bag and tied the bag around it, carrying it closely to my hip as I gathered the other bags.

Louis' car and another unfamiliar vehicle were parked in my driveway. I almost let out a comical growl, but stopped myself as I saw Harry getting out of the car that I hadn't recognized. "Need help with those?"

"Sure," I said, shooting him a heartwarming smile. Louis stepped out of the same vehicle and my grin dissipated immediately. Finally Niall filed out, followed by another man that I'd seen at the bowling party.

Harry grabbed groceries from the trunk, and Niall followed suit. They were so helpful; how could they be friends with the Louis that had lied to me? Louis began to speak. "We didn't have a key," he said, smirking as though I needed an explanation from him.

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