Welcome to Forks

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My tri-colour hair is pulled in a bun even though I don't feel temperatures anymore. I haven't been able to feel them for the last two years since that night. I shudder at that thought before I'm shaken from my thoughts by my younger twin holding my hand. I feel her worry and give her a reassuring smile which lessens her worry, but does not erase it. Immediately, I know that the worry is for our mother rather than us. We can hold our own, but our mother is too child-like for her own good.

I take a deep breath before we all get in the car to head to the airport. Ever since that horrible night I've tried moving to Forks, but my mother wanted me to stay away from there. She didn't want me alone in Forks so when Bella decided to move I jumped at the chance. Forks is more my type of town considering I love the forest and constant rain that plagues the small town. I get on the plane after saying goodbye to my mother and go to sleep on the plane ride to Port Angeles.

I wake up before the plane lands to see my sister reading a dog-eared copy of a book that I can't read the title of. I give a small smile as I stretch causing her to look my way before she goes back to her book. I blink a few times to wake up as the plane finally lands making me give a small smile. I see our father and give a huge grin before sprinting through the airport startling people, but I could care less. He chuckles when he hugs me before giving me a surprised look at the sight of my hair. I give a soft laugh as he and Bella have an awkward moment before we go out to his cruiser. The whole way back I watch the scenery go by barely listening to Bella and our father. When we get home, I see a sight to behold and as soon as the car stops I jump out of it. I turn around from my motorcycle shocked considering that I thought it was still in Phoenix.

"Your mother and I decided to let you have it while you stay."

"Thank you, Dad!"

He smiles at that before I go upstairs with my luggage to the attic. I open my door to the familiar room giving a smile as I set my luggage down. I hook my phone up to my speakers letting my music softly play as I put up my things. I've just finished when I hear my dad call my name. I head to the stairs before seeing him waiting at the stairs.

"A friend of yours is waiting outside for you." He says with a smile that crinkles his eyes.

Confused I come down the stairs wondering who could be here to see me. I hear my dad shout for Bella before we see who is outside. I let out a laugh before running forward.

"Jake! What are you doing here?"

"Dad just sold the truck to Charlie for Bella. We came to drop it off."

"How's the Rez doing anyways?"

"The same as always. You should come visit one day considering I didn't tell Quill or Embry that you're back."

"I'll try to make it." I say as I feel eyes on me and turn to see Billy watching me.

I move to his side before giving him a short hug knowing he sees the changes. I move to where the others can't hear us and see him give a nod causing me to sigh.

"What happened to you?"

"A guy changed me two years ago, but you are the only one who knows. I can't tell them because of the treaty, right?"

"You are correct. Warn me before you come so I can warn them that you are coming."

I nod before moving to the front of the house sitting on the steps. I grab a lighter out of my pocket before pulling a cigarette from my jacket pocket. I light the cigarette as Jake's eyes flicker to mine in confusion causing me to give a small laugh pulling everyone's gaze my way. My father looks surprised at the cigarette in my hand. I pull my black, green, and yellow hair down rubbing my scalp as I take another drag from my cigarette. I quickly finish it before setting the butt on the ground stumping it out before bringing the trash inside. Not long after that the Blacks leave and I change before going to sleep in preparation for tomorrow.

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