A Much Needed Talk

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The next morning I catch my father before he leaves to ask him a question. He looks surprised at seeing me moving around so early on day causing me to give a soft smile. I make a cup of coffee as he reads the newspaper while drinking his coffee.

"Hey dad would it be okay if I go to the Rez today? I'm caught up and won't get behind if I miss one day."

"You promise that you'll be safe if I let you go down there?"

"Always an. I'll just be somewhere out of the way to stay calm after yesterday."

"Alright just stay safe, please?"

"Thanks dad and I'll be with someone the whole time that'll protect me if need be."

He nods and I place my coffee cup in the sink before going upstairs. I change into a black tank top and a pair of jeans shorts before pulling my hair into a messy bun. I run down the stairs and Bella raises an eyebrow as I wave to her before going outside to my motorcycle. I drive quickly to the house where they led me to when we had that meeting. I pull up and see a figure come out and realise who it is by their thoughts.

"Morning Jared. I didn't expect you to be here this morning."

"Come on in Isa. Sam has been waiting for you. He said you surprised him when he went to see you."

The both of us walk into the house where Emily peeks in from the kitchen. She smiles seeing me and waves before going back to what she was doing. I can smell muffins from here and realise she's baking in there probably for the pack. On that thought my eyes scan the room seeing only Jared and Sam. I relax slightly once I realise that he isn't here right now. Sam moves forward making me look right at him and my hair shifts slightly causing his brow to furrow.

"I figured you would be here at some point and your father told Billy what happened to your sister. I have one question though before we talk. Why don't you have a scent?"

"It's part of what I am I would guess. If I had a bloodlust I would be an even better hunter than normal vampires. Luckily I don't seem to need blood to survive."

"That's good to know because it means you're safe to humans. I'm sorry for upsetting you about the situation."

"It's fine Sam. I wasn't really mad at you per say. The wall in my mind that kept me from hearing thoughts and feeling was gone that day. I was on edge because hearing and feeling everyone for the first time was too much. I lashed out instantly in anger at the person who slightly upset me."

"Muffins are ready!" Emily says making Jared follow her to the table.

She sets the plate down and Jared automatically grabs one before devouring it. Emily sighs as she smacks the back of his head when he reaches for another. I laugh lightly moving to the table to sit as Sam comes up behind her. He wraps his arms around her causing a soft smile to appear on my face.

"Jared at least let Isa have a chance to get some first."

"Oh no it's okay Emily. I don't actually need food for sustenance."

"You don't eat human food or drink blood yet you survive?" She says with confusion and a bit of curiosity.

"I'm in a state of suspended animation I guess you could say. I'll never eat and taste what it tastes like. I slowly age, but I can't die from old age."

"So one day everyone you know will die, but you'll still be around after they are gone?" Emily asks as her sadness pulses into me.

"Li, this is something I've made peace with a long time ago. At least I have people now when I need them most."

I take a muffin to calm her and she gives a sad smile watching me eat it. I finish the muffin just as Sam and Jared pick up some. There is a comfortable silence as everyone eats and I know if I could be comfortable here I would be here all the time. I'm broken out of my thoughts when I hear my phone going off. I pull it out and worry enters my chest as I see the caller I.D. that is flashing. I stand up and flit outside before accepting the calm feeling sick.

"Al what's wrong?"

"I had another vision, but it's about tomorrow. You're in what I'm guessing is Biology when you get this shocked and terrified look in your face. Edward isn't here, but I wanted you to be prepared for whatever it is that happens."

"Thank you, Al. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

We hang up and I breathe a sigh of relief that the vision wasn't something horrible. I sit on the steps in front of me before putting my head in my hands. I run a hand through my hair thinking of what could happen, but am unable to come up with a reasonable answer. I shake my head knowing I can only be prepared for what could happen tomorrow and hope I can be strong enough to handle it.

I stand up feeling stressed and know just what to do to melt the stress away. I walk in to see the three munching on muffins Emily made. I lean against the door frame with my head resting lightly on it when Sam looks my way. I heave a soft sigh closing my eyes sagging slightly before taking a deep breath.

"Do you think it's a good idea for you to go to school tomorrow?"

"I can't miss another day and I barley got my father to agree to today. I'm going down to the beach to relax until I go home. Thank you all for allowing me to say what I felt was needed to be said."

"Don't be a stranger Isa! I'd love to have your company anytime you'd want to come by."

"I'll try to come back soon Li." I say before leaving the house behind.

I make it to the beach and staring at the ocean I feel my body relax. The smell of salt in the air has a smile on my face as I kick off my shoes. I hold them in my hand as I walk onto the beach with sand between my toes. I hear a howl and turn to see a wolf hidden in the cliff near me. I give a small wave causing it to move back in shock and I hear the thoughts. I blink surprised as my lips form an "o" before turning into a small smile.

"Whenever you want to talk to me just let me know. I'm willing to talk whenever and if you want Billy can give you my number. That's all I want to do Paul. I hope you have a good day."

I quickly pull on my shoes and get on my motorcycle to get home for the day. When I make it home Bella is out front pacing making me worried. I pull to a stop in front of her causing her head to snap up. Her relief flows into me causing me to swing off my bike before she pulls me in a hug.

"Bells you act like you thought I was dead before I showed up."

"I wasn't sure how you were because you weren't at school at all today. I saw you leave this morning in a rush and thought you went to school, but I got there and you weren't there. Do you have any idea how terrified I was?"

"Bells after yesterday I needed a breather. I have to work through some issues and yesterday scared the hell out of me. My twin almost died right before me and I couldn't go back today. Dad let me skip so that I could gather myself for tomorrow. Why don't we go cook dinner together?"

She nods and both of us enter the house to make dinner before dad gets home. Halfway through I send Bella to do her homework while I finish making dinner. I pull everything out just as I hear footsteps in the front of the house. My father peeks in the kitchen to see me as Bella comes down the stairs. The three of us eat before cleaning up the dishes and saying good night to one another. I spend most of the night preparing myself for tomorrow and give a small smile hearing Edward watch over Bella.

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