Secrets Revealed

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"Ah shit. Why couldn't she just wait inside?" I huff out before sliding out of the car.

Bella waits until I'm at the front door before crossing her arms across her chest. I give a sheepish smile wondering how far I'd have to run if she gets angry. Before I can process what she's doing she has a hand wrapped around my wrist and pulls me in the house. I hear Edward snicker before giving him a furious look as the door closes behind me. At first, I think Bella is going to stay downstairs until she turns still gripping my wrist. She pulls me into her room before letting my wrist go and sitting in her rocking chair. I slip out of my shoes and sit on her bed facing her feeling a bit hesitant still. I don't know how she's going to react to the news, but she did take the news from Edward well.

"Bells there is something I've been hiding from everyone that you desperately need to know."

"Why keep a secret from me, Isa? I thought we said no secrets between the two of us."

"I had to hide my secret because you could have ended up hurt and I never want that. I'm supposed to protect you and that is why I am going to tell you my secret. Please keep an open mind when I tell you."

"Of course, I will Isa. What do you have to tell me?"

"I'm not human Bells and I haven't been since I took that trip with Uncle Peter two years ago."

"You went to New Orleans that much I remember. You were so excited to be going there after being in Phoenix for a year already."

"Yes all the trip did not end on a happy note like it started. Do you remember James from around then? I know I brought him around the house a few times, but it's totally okay if you don't remember him because he had this uncanny ability to blend in if he didn't want to be seen by anyone." I say with a hidden pain in my voice.

"He creeped me out, but you liked him so I didn't say anything."

"Well he convinced Peter to let me leave with him and we were attacked in an alley. A vampire started draining me before James killed him and he took me away. I blacked out at that point and when I started coming to I heard a ritual going. I'm mostly a vampire and a witch now because of what he did to me. You don't have to worry though because I don't need blood to survive, but I do have gifts."

"Gifts. As in more than one?" She says in shock causing me to give a smile.

"Yes, I can read minds and others emotions as if they were mine. Occasionally, if I'm allowed to I have visions of the future, but I haven't had any recently which is kind of terrifying for me since I'm used to seeing things. Also, I can read your mind whereas Edward is unable to read it, but we are unsure of why that is because we haven't explored the possibilities with everything going on. That's all I have in my vampiric side, but I also have telekinesis on my witch side."

"Why tell me know though? You've waited almost two years to tell me so why now? All the times mom has been gone and you could have told me, but you kept the secret buried inside yourself as if it could hurt someone else to know about it." She says with confusion and a hint of frustration.

"Someone has taken an interest in me, but you needn't worry over it. I can protect myself and I have many protectors around me. Speaking of I am not staying to protect you and dad. If something happens before Sunday you call me and Edward. It is imperative that we are called if this person comes looking here then the both of us can protect you and dad from him. Can you do that for me Bells?" I say with a hint of worry and frustration at the situation in my tone.

She nods and I give her a hug before packing some clothes for the weekend. Once I have packed I leave the house and go to the reservation where Emily is waiting for me. She pulls me into the house and shows me the room I will be using before pulling me into the kitchen. The two of us make small talk as we back for the three wolves on patrol. We hear the three come in causing us to laugh before we bring the food out for them to eat. Paul gives a smile seeing me before pulling me to him causing me to fall in his lap. I sit sideways so I'm able to face everyone and he's able to still eat the whole time.

For the next two days the routine is always the same, but I don't mind that. It gives me time to think and plan to go to New Orleans sometime soon so that I can get answers for myself. It one of the only places I know of to go right now and I have to find answers as to why this was done to me.

All too soon it is Sunday and I am needed back at the Cullen residence. Emily and Paul have both relaxed now that they have seen me, but a feeling of dread is in my stomach. It's a familiar feeling and makes me sick to my stomach remembering the last time I felt like this, but I push it down because I need to be calm for Bella. Somehow, I know this will be the last time I see them this way and I give a bittersweet smile before leaving the house behind me to meet up with the other half of my family.

*A/N: Happy New Year! 🥳 *

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