Hiding from the Tracker

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After some time Bella falls asleep allowing me some relaxation from her thoughts and emotions. Jasper relaxes as well making me realise how intense her emotions have been. After a few more hours of driving we finally make it to Phoenix where we get a hotel.

While they get the room I pick up Bella and carry inside where I get a few looks. I ignore them as Alice comes my way with a smile and leads me to the room we've acquired. I set Bella down in the bed before placing the cover over her while she sleeps. I step out of the room and into the front room where Alice and Jasper have turned on the television for some background noise. I stride over to the window and sit down in front of it watching the sun come over the horizon with a small smile. For hours we stay as we are still as statues until we hear Bella wake up. We all turn her way as she comes out of the room, but go back to what we were doing when she comes in. She sits down next to Alice while briefly watching the news before her eyes flicker to the phone on the table.

"No one's called yet Bella so that is a good thing." I say without looking at her.

"Is it Isa? Weren't they supposed to call already?"

"The tracker is probably too close for them to make a call. They will call if something changes or they have finished and it's safe to go back. Rest easy Bells they can protect themselves."

"I know that, but what if they need help and can't call?"

I run a hand over my face trying to think of a way to get this through her head. That is until I see the vision that is running through Alice's mind. If I had a heart it would be racing a mile an hour right now at what is being shown. I wouldn't have guessed looking at his mind he would be one for theatrics, but I am new to understanding people's minds.

I come to from that and see what Alice has drawn from the vision. I furrow my brows trying to figure out where the hell the tracker is now going in regards to the image. That's when Bella speaks up surprising all three of us in the room.

"So the Tracker is going to end up at a ballet studio?"

"What do you mean Bells?"

"I used to take ballet lessons as a kid at a place that had an arch in it just like that." She says tapping the arch in the picture.

"Was that studio here in Phoenix?" Jasper questions quickly.

"Yeah, it only a few streets over from our house."

"I'll bring the car around while you guys check out and Bella you stay in the room."

We all nod before we leave to do what is needed so we can hide somewhere new. Thank goodness everyone will be here soon and perhaps Edward knows somewhere she can hide until all of this is finished. I leave the car in the shade before going in to see how things are going and nod seeing them come my way. We all get in the car and Bella directs us to the nearby airport where we are meeting the remaining Cullens. We finally make it to the airport and sit in the terminal waiting for their flight to come in. At some point Bella asks to go to the bathroom alone which raises a flag in my mind. Before I even realise what is happening she has left the building making my eyes widen in surprise.

"Jazz tell Edward to meet me at the ballet studio when they get here and I'll hold him off until y'all get there."

"Why do you have to go I could get there just as quick?"

"I've got questions he can answer plus I'm his obsession mainly not Bella. You put me in a tiny room and he'll be distracted. Perhaps that means I can distract him enough that Bella can run away although we don't know why she is going to him just yet."

He nods and I take off carefully avoiding main streets as I flit through the streets. I make it to the ballet studio as soon as Bella's cab leaves the street. I grab her arm before she can move and her fear flows into me.

"You dumb girl Bells. What are you thinking going against the tracker all alone?"

"He has mom! I can't just let her die for me Isa! He says that if I bring anyone that he will kill her because he'll know that I brought someone."

"Why not tell me? I would have gladly come because you can get her out while I distract him! I have no scent which means that he won't be able to know I'm coming and he won't hurt her. I promise Bells that I won't let him hurt her and I'll do everything in my power to save her. He's the one I told you about Bells! The guy whose been watching and circling me for days now!"

"Then we go in together even though we're going to be killed later when Edward finds out."

"God he'll kill me first because I should have been listening to you at the hotel, but I was too worried. He won't kill you, but it's possible he might just kill me for this error. Let's go kick some nomad ass and show Edward how we can protect ourselves. Plus, I won't let the nomad kill you because I'll kill him before he even gets the chance to make a move towards you.

"Thanks for coming with me even though we might die."

I nod and we walk into the ballet studio together making me realise a key bit of information. Our mom was never here and it's a trap that was set for Bella.

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