Seeing Old Friends

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I pull up to the Black residence with a smile as Jake looks out from where he fixes cars. Before either of us can say anything, I'm grabbed from behind and placed on someone's shoulder. I groan in surprise causing the person to laugh and I realise who picked me up.

"Em would you put me down god damn it! I haven't seen you for a year and you're going to man handle me?"

"Crazy girl how come you didn't tell me or Quill you were coming? Let alone staying for a while?"

"I didn't get a chance to tell you. It was a last-minute decision after my sister told me she was coming. Let me down you jerk!"

All of us are laughing when I'm set down and Billy comes out of the house. He gives a smile seeing the three of us when I see three males come from behind him. Immediately, I grow serious and he gives a nod telling me they want to talk with me alone. I nod and get on my ride as they all pile into another car that I have to follow towards a place I've never been. Nervous energy runs through me as I park and feel their suspicion. The one I peg as the Alpha has a protective feeling run through him causing my brow to furrow in confusion.

"I'm not sure who you guys are exactly, but I'm Isadonia Swan."

"I'm Sam and the two with me are Jared and Paul. Would you mind coming in so we all can talk."

I nod and the three of us enter a house where a fourth person is. Sam moves over to the woman who obviously was too close when someone phased. Seeing her and Sam together I realise that she is his imprint causing me to give a soft smile. I can feel eyes on me, but ignore them as Sam turns my way. I feel surprise flow from him before I block my powers for the time being.

"Hi my name is Emily. I'm Sam's fiancée and it's nice to meet you."

"Thank you darlin'. I'm Isadonia Swan and it's a pleasure to meet all of you. What would you like to speak about?"

"Billy told us you were coming and that you were different somehow. We're just curious as to what you are and if there are others like you."

"No there are no others like I am because I was an experiment. I shouldn't have survived, but I did. If you must know I am technically half-vampire and half-witch."

"There's no such thing as a half-vampire. You're either a leech or not." Paul growls out causing me to whip my head to face him.

"I don't care what you think about vampires who drink human blood, but let's get something straight mutt. Don't call me a fucking leech because I don't drink blood mutt." I say as my hair lifts up getting me wide-eyed looks.

"I don't care what the Elders say. A half-leech is still a leech in my mind."

Before anyone can grab me and stop me my fist is flying at his face. I can see him fighting his shift as he breathes heavily with growls coming from his throat. I see Jared fly from his side as he catches me around the waist sliding us towards the kitchen. Our heads snack into the wall as Paul runs out instantly phasing causing Jared to let go of me. I run my head sitting up, but I have no damage as I'm not truly alive. Sam's shock and Jared's surprise roll into me as I let my barriers down in surprise. I hear their thoughts and my head whips over to Sam hoping it isn't true. I don't have time to deal with this, but I see the look on his face and feel my stomach sink down.

"Sam you've got to be wrong about this, right? A half-vampire and a shifter?"

"I wish I was Isadonia, but there's no denying it. You've been imprinted on and the two of you need to talk about it."

"Fucking hell this is not what I expected on coming home. I was just supposed to finish high school and live here until my dad died before leaving for a while. I shouldn't be too surprised with how my life is going right now. I've got to go, but it truly was a pleasure to meet y'all."

Before the can stop me I'm out of the small house and on my bike. I tear out of there and leave La Push behind, but slow down because I don't need to be caught speeding. Once I get home I see Rosalie standing in front of the house. I see all the lights off inside as I come to a stop in front of her.

"Rose what are you doing here this late?"

"Alice wants to speak with you regarding what you are. She says something about your future has changed and you need to know about it."

"Alright hop on and you can give me directions." I say causing her to get on behind me with a smirk.

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