Waking Up

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The next thing I remember is waking up to see Rose and Esme waiting at my side in familiar surroundings. I furrow my brows in confusion as the last thing I remember is being in Phoenix, but it appears I am now in Forks. I shift and Rose gives a giant smile seeing as I'm awake now and Esme appears to relax seeing my eyes open making me give a huge smile. Alice flits into the room and her excitement wraps around me making me laugh at her excitement. Jasper comes into the room not long after her with a small smile and he is the last one to enter the room. It seems Edward and Carlisle are not here right now which is okay and that's when everything hits my memory.

"Is Bella okay?"

"She's fine, but she had to stay at the hospital in Phoenix. We brought you back here under the pretence that you were unconscious and asked that you come back to Forks beforehand."

"She's fine that's good. I'm surprised my father didn't put up any fight though it's not like him."

"Charlie was upset, but when we said that yourself to be brought back to Forks he seemed to understand. He knows you're happier here than in Phoenix and he respects that you wanted to come back home."

"So you're on first name basis with my father now?" I say with amusement colouring my tone.

"He likes me, but I think he's a bit upset with Edward."

"He blames him for Bella running off to Phoenix where she ended up hurt."

"It would have been worse had you not gone after her when she took off." Jasper says quietly.

It could have been a lot worse for her, but luckily it wasn't so."

I stand up before calmly walking to the door that is in the room and Rose along with Emmett come to my side. I give a smile before flitting into the forest with them at my side and begin hunting. It doesn't take long for me to find a herd of deer that are grazing causing my lips to quirk at the ends. I calmly watch them for a few minutes even though the thirst in the back of my throat burns immensely, but I can't spook them or I'll lose them. In an instant I pounce one of them startling the herd, but I quickly drain my deer of all it's blood. My eyes catch sight of the herd that is staying together and before they realise it a second one of their herd is done. After draining a second deer my thirst is more controllable and I feel as if I am in control instead of my thirst being in control. Rose smiles at me as Emmett lets out a loud whoop startling the fauna of the forest. He gives a sheepish smile that has me laughing as we walk back.

"Prom's in like a week right?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't recommend you going as of right now." Rose says with a touch of worry to her tone causing me to give a smile.

"Oh no I have a plan. Since everyone from Forks High will be at the dance I'll sneak over to meet with the pack. I can't risk being seen by anyone from school right now with me being a danger to them."

"You aren't a danger to anyone!" Rose says with a bit of anger in her voice making me raise an eyebrow.

"Rose I'm a newborn which makes me incredibly dangerous to humans and the pack. Part of me wants to hide from the pack, but I know they'll come looking if I do that. This way we're on my field and if I have to run they won't catch me. You already know that my strength and blood lust are going to be double what they will be later on. For a while I need to take things slow so that I can make sure I am in control of my strength and my thirst. I would hate for me to be near someone and the first thing I do is rip their throats out."

They both give me shocked looks causing me to give a smile with a head tilt. They brush it off before we enter the house and proceed to act as if nothing has changed, but things have changed. Edward would do anything for Bella even if it means leaving to protect her because he loves her. A dopey smile forms on my face at that thought before I hear the car pull up. I block my thoughts carefully before hiding out of the way with a mischievous smirk that Emmett sees making him grin. I put a finger to my lips and he nods before looking like he's in the middle of something. I stay hidden as Carlisle walks by and when Edward turns his back to say something to Emmett I strike. I latch onto him causing a startled noise to leave his mouth making me laugh. Emmett let's out a booming laugh that has me smiling as I let go of Edward and flit to his side. I tilt my head with an innocent smile as he gives a short laugh.

"Donia, you seem to be adjusting well to the new change."

"I am, but time will be the true test as we all know. I seem to be in control of my thirst, but we won't really know until we take a chance. I'm going to see the pack in a week so we can have a test in my thirst then, but it won't be the same. I feel the need to protect them just as I do Bella and that may mean I won't hurt them, but I could hurt someone else. Bella is home now?"

"She is and she's doing as well as expected for her. Since she was bit and had the venom sucked out of her while she was thrown around before all of that like a rag doll."

"That is very good to hear."

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