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The next morning I dress in a black top that says I'M 99% SURE THAT I'M A DISNEY VILLAN paired with my black leather pants and black heels. I go down the stairs before grabbing an apple to eat as I leave. I hear Bella moving around before I make my way outside and leave for school. I make it a bit early and as soon as I'm off my bike Edward has come over.

"I won't be in Biology today considering that are blood typing."

"Thanks for the heads up. Did Alice show you here vision from yesterday?"

"Of course, but we couldn't figure out what causes you to have such emotions. Stay in your toes for anything that could happen."

I nod before Rosalie comes to my side taking my arm in here with a small smile. We walk to class where we have to do a group project which means Rose and I are partners. We begin intensely working on the project even though everyone else is shoving it off until the last minute. We brainstorm together for a bit until we finally get an idea of what we want to do. Only we aren't positive of this is the route we want to take for the assignment. Which is to take a person and highlight something about them in a way that would be surprising. We are also supposed to add something to the drawing that signifies us as the artist. I bite my lip in thought before we turn to one another at the same time.

"How about we showcase someone from behind, but put an emphasis on their hair?" Rose says quickly and only where I can hear it.

"Long or short is the question though."

"I say we go long because the hair itself will stand out. What are we going to put in it to show us though?"

"We can put some kind of jewellery headpiece that is eye-popping to represent you. We can have the hair dyed to show me easily."

"That's perfect and you can come after school for us to work on it tonight."

"I'll tell my dad I'm staying with you so we can work all night if we have to." I say pulling my phone out and texting him real quick.

The bell rings just as I get an answer from him which I show to Rose. She smiles before we go separate ways to get to our classes on time. The rest of my classes bore me and with that being said I think of different images Rose and I could use. None of them seem to be right and I get annoyed that I can't come up with an idea for this. I huff as the bell rings for lunch and I have five drawings that I dislike for the project in my sketchbook. I don't bother with going to the lunch line as I open my sketchbook. I slide it over to Rose as she slides hers my way. It seems we're both having the Sam problem with the drawing for this assignment. In my annoyance, I suddenly realise Edward is not at the table like normal.

"Hey where'd Eddie go? I know he's skipping Biology, but I'd thought he'd be here for lunch."

"Oh he's here alright." Rose says upset and pointing behind me.

I turn around just in time to see my sister walk up to him and realise he called her over. I smirk as I hear Mike Newton and Jessica Stanley's thoughts from Bella's normal table. I don't pay attention to Bella and Edward considering Mike and Jessica are far too amusing to me. Before anyone can react I'm up and walking over to their table with a playful smirk. Mike and Jessica look my way when they hear my heels clicking on the floor. I lean down towards them causing their eyes to widen in shock.

"Mike let me say this right now. Bella can handle herself and you don't have to protect her because I can. Jessica my hair is not obnoxious for your information. I just have the courage to do something daring and the ability to pull it off."

"Have you and Bella had a D.N.A. test taken because there is no way in hell you are twins let alone siblings."

"Just because Bella doesn't say what she thinks doesn't make us any less siblings. She knows how to keep her mouth shut whereas I don't care what you think of me. You may be friends with her, but let us get this straight. Any of you talk about her behind her back I'll fuck you up after school. I would say it was nice to meet you darlin', but I was raised to never let a lie pass my lips."

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