Telling the Pack

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I flit through the tree knowing that I only have a few hours to be here or someone from school could see me. I doubt they would come to the reservation, but I still need to take some type of precautions. I carefully keep to the shadows as I make it to the treaty line hoping they won't perceive me as a threat by accident considering I'm a vampire now and it's possible they don't know Victoria has left the area. As soon as I make it over the line an unfamiliar wolf pins me to the ground growling and snarling in my face. I squeak in surprise and hear the rest of the pack coming up before the wolf is thrown off me. I sit up to see a familiar wolf standing in front of me in a protective crouch with a snarl pulling his snout back. I put a hand to his shoulder calming him a bit except he still keeps himself in front of me causing the ends of my lips to quirk up.

"Paul he couldn't have known I was friendly and he was only doing as he was told. If I was someone else then he would have been perfect at getting them down before back up could come. I'm unharmed so please calm down." I say quietly as I run my hand through his fur.

I move forward making him bump me with his head and roll my eyes. I scratch his head before moving towards the new wolf in the pack before realising who has phased. I blink unnecessarily before giving a small smile and sitting down waiting for them all to phase back into their human forms. I'm broken out of my thoughts by someone flinging themselves at me causing me to rock back in surprise. I see who it is and give a laugh causing one to come from him as well. He lets go of me and before I can say anything I'm tackled in more hugs causing a hearty laugh to come from me. Once everyone has let go of me we all sit in a circle for us to have a very important conversation. Everyone sobers up realising it's time for us to have a serious talk about what happened and what could come in the future for all of us.

"I was right about the tracker when I told you that he was that outside force we were looking for that would cause my transformation. I fought him to keep him from hurting Bella, but in the midst he bit me twice and I got some answers. His brother was the reason this all started on the vampire side. His brother was the one who bit me before the spell and the tracker was upset when he found out his brother was dead. He is dead so we don't need to worry about him, but the female might come back at some point. She is not to be underestimated at all because she seemed just as dangerous if not more than the tracker we killed. She might even come back to Forks to get revenge on Edward because the tracker was her mate."

"We'll keep an eye out and if we see anything we'll send Paul or Embry to you. If you know of her coming our way ahead of time can you warn us?" Sam asks politely.

"Of course, I will Sam. I hate to leave, but I sneaked over here and I can't be seen by anybody in Forks. I'm still not in control of my thirst and I don't want to accidentally find someone in the woods tonight. It wouldn't be good and I'd like to be able to stay here for a while unless my hand is forced."

He and Jared nod before taking off into the forest with small smiles. Embry tackles me in a hug and I hear his soft sniffles making me pull back to look at him. I give a slight frown seeing the tears sliding down his face making me feel sad and feel the venom pool in my eyes. He rubs at his eyes before looking at me causing me to give a sad smile. He actually thought I was missing or worse and was so worried before I showed up in the clearing tonight like nothing has changed. He might have tackled me when I first got here, but he was only doing what he was told to do if a vampire came into their land.

"Embry, you know I'll cry if you cry. Well not anymore, but still there is no need for you to cry. I'm still here and I'm okay now. I made my decision and followed through with it to make sure my sister was not killed. She's okay now and I've just made the final transition into what I'm supposed to be. Don't be sad Em because we can protect Forks as a team."

He gives a nod before taking off into the forest and then Paul wraps his arms around me. I hum as he lays his head on top of mine while I carefully hold him in my arms and give a smile. I know I still have to be careful even though they are wolves because they are still fragile. My strength is double what it will be later because of the fact that I am a newborn which makes me incredibly dangerous. He pulls back with a small smile before kissing my forehead then taking off causing me to shake my head. These wolves are a part of me as much as the Cullen family is a part of my family and that brings a smile to my face. I flit back to the Cullen residence knowing my time is running out and that I have to be back soon. Plus, they may want to know how this went since it was supposed to be my test run at being near humans without losing control of my thirst.

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