Beach Talk

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I leave the Cullen residence early the next morning to get home in time to catch Bella. She's in the living room when I open the front door startling her out of her thoughts. I give her a smile as she crosses her arms making me give a quiet sigh.

"Bells dad knew I wasn't coming home last night. Rose and I had an art project to work on. I knew we'd get distracted so I asked him to spend the night so I wouldn't have to come back late. Will you give me a few minutes to change?"

"I'm going with my friends somewhere."

"I know! Mike invited me since you had agreed to go!" I call back as I run up the stairs.

I pull on a bikini even thought I would guess it is freezing outside right now. I pull on a loose tank that says I'm not always a Bitch just kidding go fuck yourself with a pair of jeans shorts. I pull my hair into a loose bun before pulling on a pair of white converse. I come down the stairs and Bella raises an eyebrow causing me to give a cheeky grin. She sighs before going outside where she gets in her truck before looking at me expectantly. I raise an eyebrow before realising she wants me to get in her truck. I shake my head adamantly and she gives a long sigh.

"I'll ride my motorcycle to your meet up and to the beach."

"This could save you some gas if we go together."

"Bells I might go visit some people while we're there considering I know La Push like the back of my hand."

"So you know the place where we're going really well?"

"First Beach is where I go when I need to calm down because it's peaceful. Dad took us a few times as kids and o go there with my best friends all the time."

She nods and starts the truck as I hop on my motorcycle starting it. I follow behind her to the meet up and smile seeing the look on Jessica and Lauren's face. I lean against my bike watching all of them with a small smirk. They seem to be a good set of friends for Bella, but I'd never get along with them. I hear Bella telling them I am going to ride behind them on my bike so they'd have enough seats. I can feel their surprise causing me to grin before they all pile in to carpool. I follow behind them and pull into a different spot a few feet away from them. I stretch getting off and head my back pop all at once causing me to give a happy sigh. I hear someone shout Bella's name and turn to see Jake, Sam, and Paul have shown up.

"Jake!" I shout before running over and jumping on his back.

"Isa I didn't know you were going to be here today."

"Last minute plans. Hey Paul and Sam! Thank god someone I know is here." I say the end softly so only the four of us can hear it.

Jake snorts when he hears what I said and Sam gives a small smile. Paul snickers causing me to give a smile as I feel eyes on us. I turn to see Lauren and Jessica looking at us and give them a sickly-sweet smile. Jake shifts making me realise how long I've been on his back and I hop down. He shakes his shoulders out and I see his eyes flicker to Bella who is coming back from the tide pools. I move back over to my bike before taking off my shorts and top leaving them on my bike. I leave my shoes as well before walking towards the water. Before anyone can blink I dive into the water feeling the slight coolness of the water. When I come back up I can feel Bella's friends looking at me in shock and I give an innocent smile with a head tilt. Paul barks out a laugh at their expressions as I go back to swimming for a little while. When I come out Sam throws a towel my way causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"Emily heard you were swimming and figured you would need a towel to dry off."

"Tell Li I said thanks and I'll be over in a few days to visit."

"I'll make sure to tell her. She's going to be excited for when you come by."

"Don't I know it! Paul can we go talk?"

"Ah Isadonia is too shy to talk to people in front of us." Jessica says in a mocking tone.

"Ah Jessica is worried about my life how cute. I already warned you that I don't like you and I definitely don't want you prying into my business."

"You should have just stuck around the Cullens considering you're weird just like them." Lauren says with a bit of venom.

"Alright that's one fucking line you don't cross with me. I'm not afraid to hurt a bitch when she insults my friends and I'll gladly take both of your right now."

"You don't have enough courage considering your daddy's the sheriff."

Rage pulses into me and I throw myself at them only to have someone grab me around the waist. I shove at their arms not caring who it is and hear a grunt making me look their way. He blinks in shock seeing the rages my eyes, but it only causes him to hold me tighter. I thrash in his arms until he shifts presenting me a way out. I bite his arm keeping the venom away from him causing him to drop me in shock, but Sam is there in an instant. Before I can even move he has me thrown over his shoulder. I hear footsteps, but in my rage I don't look to see who it is. Slowly, I simmer down and Sam sets me on the ground making me see Bella with wide eyes. Paul has hidden his arm behind his back to hide the enhanced healing making me feel sick inside.

"Bella your sister is crazy! She just tried to attack me!" Jessica cries in a shrill voice making my head whip to her.

"Isa you promised you wouldn't do this here. You told me things would be different here."

It's like she's punched me in my undead heart and I must make some kind of face. She reaches out for me, but I've whipped around and walked away before she can move. I angrily pull on my clothes and shoes as venom pools in my eyes. I hear someone walk up behind me, but choose to ignore them knowing I will lash out. I run my hands through my hair knowing I need to get away from here. I go to run my hands through my hair again when someone's hand stops me. I whip my head to them and see Paul standing there with a worried look. I sit on my motorcycle facing him feeling any anger I have evaporate leaving me shaky.

"Is now a good time to have that talk?" He asks causing me to laugh and feel lighter after what just happened.

"It's a good time. I'm sorry for biting you."

"I was shocked by the anger in your eyes that was burning like fire. I guess I should explain how an imprint works for you."

"An imprint could be a brother, a best friend, or possibly a lover. It's whatever makes the person happy and they're willing to do anything for them. Don't look so surprised Paul. I grew up around Billy and he told me the stories because I was fascinated with them."

"How much do you know about us then?"

"I know why it's so hard for you to be imprinted with me. Part of you wants to protect me while the other half knows you have to protect everyone from me. Your body is confused and isn't sure what it's supposed to do. I completely understand that and it's why I can't be totally upset with you over this."

"That was it and you're helping me fight through that. Your personality and quirks are changing my wolf's thoughts as well as my own."

"So friends?"

"Yeah, let's start there." He says with a small smile.

"I'll see you later Paul."

He nods and takes a step back as I swung around on my motorcycle before starting it. I shoot him a wink before taking off to go home for the day. Bella won't be back for a bit so I get in the shower to wash off all the salt from the water. Once clean I go to my room and change before going to sleep.

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