Bella's Moping

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I open my eyes an hour later when I hear movement downstairs and I move to go to the bathroom. I quickly shower before going to my room and looking at what I laid out. I towel-dry my hair before pulling on my Guns N Roses tank top with a pair of black leather pants. I put on a pair of ankle boots before plaiting my hair.

I come down the stairs with my backpack on my back to see Bella eating. I hear her thoughts and grab an apple before going to school. Thankfully, we only have one class together so I don't have to hear her moping. For the first few minutes it's normally amusing, but after that it grows kind of old. Especially when I can hear her thoughts that contradict what she's showing everybody. I drive up at the same time as the remaining Cullens causing a smile to appear on my face. I hop off my motorcycle before making my way over to them to see Rosalie with a small smile. I give her and Alice a quick hug before Emmett picks me up throwing me over his shoulder. I give a soft laugh until I hear my sister's truck and look up as she parks. She looks our way and I wave as I feel her disappointment across the parking lot. I sigh and Emmett puts me down looking confused until he sees who I'm looking at.

"Sorry, Em. She's moping and it's going to drive me crazy with her thoughts."

"What about your wall that you put up?" He questions softly.

"I can't seem to pull it up anymore. I think I had it because I didn't want to accept what I was before I moved here. I think it was a last ditch effort to make me feel more human after all that happened. Rose and I have to get to Art before the bell rings."

I grab Rosalie's hand before setting off with one hand tapping against my leg. I take a deep unnecessary breath to calm down as Rosalie pulls me into a corner away from everyone's view. She puts her hands on my shoulders with an almost bruising grip which snaps my head up. I look into her eyes and calm down before sliding down the wall making her let go of me. I take a shaky unnecessary breath as I tip my face up feeling myself calm down.

"Donia, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Rose. I just got overwhelmed by all the thoughts and emotions that are here. I wanted to move towards class because I didn't want to make it harder for Jasper. How he and Edward stay sane must take a lot of self-strength for them to feel this everyday."

"You've has that wall up constantly since you found out what he did to you, haven't you?" She says in a soft tone making me give her a watery smile.

"Come on, we're skipping for the day until you can block their thoughts and emotions better." She says with concern leaking into her voice.

"Rose I have to stay and build up a tolerance. If it gets to be too much I have a last resort. If you want me to I'll grab one of you beforehand."

She nods with a smile before holding a hand out to help me up. I smile before grabbing her hand and standing up before we make it to class. Somehow we've made it to class on time which allows me to relax before all the voices hit my mind. I take a deep breath with closed eyes before attempting to ignore the thoughts floating through the room. I can block the quieter thoughts, but it seems some people's are naturally louder than others. No one's emotions in here are too noticeable which allows me to relax more.

I make it through my other classes just fine, but I know that lunch will be the real test. The whole school will be there and I'll get a feel for what it's going to be like for the rest of my life. I make it to linch early so there are not many people and it is bearable to be in here. I start through the lunch line when I hear Emmett and Rosalie come up behind me. I give a small smile as I check out before waiting for the two of them. Rosalie's eyes roam around my face to see how I am causing a small smile to appear on my face.

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