Meeting the Family

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I park my bike outside before going upstairs to meet with Alice and Jasper.
I flit upstairs before sitting on Alice's bed causing her to give a smile and Jasper relaxes slightly. Alice sits behind me before she braids my hair all the way down my back to keep it out of my face. We all hear the car drive up and a burst of excitement from Alice makes me laugh. We can hear introductions being made before they leave ahead of me because Alice flits down the stairs. I hear her thoughts and bite my lip knowing Edward did as well, but I find them amusing.

"You do smell nice, I never noticed before," she comments, to my sister's extreme embarrassment.

Jasper comes to a stop next to Alice who has stepped back and I stand next to them. That is until I hear Edward's thoughts and I flit to Bella kissing her cheek. I give her a wink before leaving the house behind easily finding Rose and Emmett. I hop on Emmett's back causing Rose to give a small smile momentarily forgetting her anger. Emmett gives me a grateful look causing me to give a crooked smile in return.

"So, when are we supposed to play baseball?"

"Alice says a good storm is coming tonight and we'll stay dry the whole time."

"Hell yes! Tonight will be fucking awesome!"

"So, the human showed up?" Rose asks with a bite to her words that I ignore.

"Yeah and I want to go back because they're about to talk about the Volturi. I've been curious about them for a year now so whenever you're ready come back."

I hop off Emmett's back before flirting to the house. I meet Edward and Bella before they enter Carlisle's office. I block out there talk already knowing what happened to Carlisle and how he decided to feed on animals instead of humans. Once we stand in front of the painting of the Volturi though I pay attention and I analyse the image absorbing the information. I don't miss the worried look Edward shoots me when he speaks of them. If they ever found out about me I'm positive they would kill me on the spot. Finally, learning who they are makes the threats from the nomads even more chilling. Only the Volturi have no reason to come to Forks because not only would they kill me, but they would kill Bella or force her to be turned. Edward gives an inaudible sigh making me realise he's reading my thoughts as he explains everything to us.

"Are you ready for baseball later?" I say withs touch of excitement.

"Yes, but you and Bella will only be watching tonight. Alice says to tell you all three will be getting closer soon."

"Ah, damn. I hate those three nomads especially that one. Why couldn't he latch onto someone else instead of me? They're causing so many problems that if it gets more noticeable they'll come knocking on out door and that would be a huge ass problem. Hopefully, they will leave before the Volturi decide they need to step in and stop them."

"I'm bringing Bella home would you like to come?"

"No, I'll stick around here until it's time to head to the game. Have fun telling dad Bells?" I say with a playful smirk.

She stares at me wide-eyed causing me to laugh before going to where I left my sketchbook. For an hour I spend time sketching trying to get the picture perfect for when the time I'll get to add some colour to the image and I stop hearing Rose and Em come in. Rose gives a small smile before going upstairs and I follow her while Em stays back thinking we may need some time to ourselves. She huffs sitting o her bed as I grab the ponytail from the dresser as I pass it and sit behind her to work on her hair. It always seems to bring a sense of calm to us and with the conversation I'm about to have the both of us need to be calm. For a few minutes all I do is braid her hair continuously and as I finish I take it down before repeating the movement. Once I can sense she is calm I bring up a bit of courage in case she wants to lash out at what I am going to say.

"Rose, I understand why you seem to hate my sister and I can see how you think it's perfectly rational, but it is not. I am not telling you that you have to hold each other's hands and braid each other's hair during a sleepover or anything like that at all. As I told Jessica the day we met, jealousy is an ugly colour on anyone and that holds true for you as well. A frown on this face is just wrong and brings down the amount of beauty people see which may not matter."

"How do you know besides feeling my jealousy that I am jealous of her?"

"I've seen the look far too many times for comfort, but that is beside the point. What else would you like to ask me about?"

"Are you the older twin or the younger twin?"

"I'm the older one and Bella will tell you that it's is quite annoying because she believes I am too protective and perhaps I am. I just want to make sure she is safe and that what happened to me will never happen to her. It's why I was a tad wary of what Edward felt for her, but I know he would never hurt her on purpose and would hate himself forever if he did hurt her. He only wants the same thing for Bella as I do and that's for her to be safe no matter what. Let's go downstairs so we can leave for that baseball game because Emmett has me completely interested in how y'all play."

"Thank you, Donia." She says softly with a smile.

I smile before we go downstairs and meet everyone before we all leave for the field where the baseball game is going to be held. I can barely hold in my excitement which amuses everyone causing me to give a small smile.

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