Snow Day and Horror

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It's been almost a week since Edward left and Bella is starting to drive me crazy. I love my sister, but the constant moping has me on edge. I'm hoping Edward is back soon so she isn't moping and driving me up the walls day and night.

I drive up to school and hear a familiar set of thoughts that has me swinging off my motorcycle quickly. Dad didn't want me to drive today, but I had shown him my snow chains which made him worry less. I hurry over to the group as I see Emmett laughing as I manoeuvre around everyone quickly. I see the bronze hair and run keeping my thoughts from showing what I'm doing. Before he can react I jump on his back startling him and causing Emmett to laugh loudly causing people to turn our way. Rose smiles slightly at my antics while Jasper shakes his head trying to hide his smile.

"Hey Eddie how come I didn't know you were coming back? Didn't I deserve to know you were back?"

"I just got back an hour ago Donia. They said your powers have progressed since I left."

"Ah yes the have. I don't have my wall anymore which means I hear everyone all day plus I feel their emotions, but I've been practising so I'm doing better."

"How are you even still on my back? I'm not holding you or anything."

"I'm a fucking koala, isn't that right Em?"

"Good luck getting her down Edward." He says with a snicker and I hear my sister's truck pull in the parking lot.

Automatically, I turn around causing Edward to turn his head as well. Only he looks away causing me to snicker as she gets out of the truck and I give a small wave. She gives a small wave before noticing whose back I am on. Her eyes go wide and I feel her shock causing me to laugh before I hop down from Edward's back. We head our separate ways to class where the day is boring until I see the snow falling.

I take off into the snow not caring about lunch and grab a snowball before I begin my hunt. I quickly walk forward finding my target and smile wickedly causing Edward to look confused. I put a finger to my lip before launching the snowball at Emmett who whips around. I squeak before he grins grabbing a snowball at the same time as me and he hits me on top of my head. My hair is now soaked and I lob the ball at the unassuming Edward who flinches back in shock. I grab another ball as I hear footsteps behind me and roll away quickly, but I still get hit. I groan before Alice helps me up and I brush the snow off my body before we head to the cafeteria.

I only grab a soda before we sit down to pass the time before our next class. The rest of the day is boring and amusing when Edward is nice to Bella. I get a glare during it when she wasn't looking for snickering during the conversation. We leave class and I groan seeing the snow is now gone. I leave campus for my free period and go home to get things done. That night I actually go to sleep just to pass the time quicker.

I get to school super early the next day and stand next to Edward as we wait for everyone to arrive. He quizzes me on what people are thinking as we see my sister pull up to school. It's still early so I'm not paying attention as I'm being quizzed until I hear a weird noise. I whip my head towards Bella when I hear Tyler's thoughts. Before I can move Edward is over there so I place my hands out and concentrate on stopping the van. I feel the resistance and force myself to make it stop. It slows it for Edward to push himself against it and protect Bella from being hurt.

"Oh Shit...I'm not supposed to do that with people watching." I say as my hands fall to my sides.

"No one was faced this way Donia. Go to your sister." Alice says softly.

I nod with an apologetic smile before taking off across the lot towards the screams. I shove people out of the way and it upsets them until they see who I am. I come from the side and hop into the bed of the truck with ease to peer over in worry. I see Bella and Edward are fine and sigh seeing that they are okay. Edward looks up and nods thanking me in his mind for helping with the van.

"Bells are you okay?"

"I just slightly hit my head is all."

Edward hops over to me and stands with me as they manage to move the van when the ambulance gets here. The EMTs try to check me out until I tell them I wasn't a part of the accident then I hop in the back with Bella. We make it to the hospital and Bella is rushed in while Edward and I walk in. Edward and I turn away from where Bella is taken, but I only go out of curiosity and not wanting to be in a hospital room. He knocks on a door leaving me confused until I see who opens the door. I see Rose inside, but Carlisle is the one who opened the door to the room.

"So, you're a doctor here? That's cool." I say entering and he gives a smile.

"I'll go check on Bella and then all of us can talk after."

I sit next to Rose and somehow she knows I'm not calm from earlier. She turns around with her back to me with a ponytail dangling from her fingertips. I pluck it from her fingers before placing it around my wrist and begin plaiting her hair while softly humming. I undo the plait and redo it once more as I finally calm down when Carlisle opens the door. He motions us out of the room and into the hall where we stand in a circle to talk.

"She's going to be fine, but she thinks we're hiding something. I could see it on her face that she knows something about us is different."

"I'll try my best to stall her as best as I can, but she is incredibly perceptive and I am only stalk her for so long. Somehow someway she might find out."

"It isn't safe for anyone if she finds out!" Edward growls out.

"I know that! I don't want her to find out anymore than you do." I finish softly as I hear Bella's thoughts behind us.

We all turn her way and she looks surprised. She looks my way before her eyes flicker over to Edward causing us to look at him. He sighs before going over to her causing Rosalie to give a soft hiss as I furrow my brow in confusion. I give a small smile before saying goodbye and going home for the evening to sleep.

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