New School and New Friends

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I wake up the next morning with a smile on my face until my surroundings fade away. I see a group of people sitting at a table before a pixie-like girl stands up. I can feel her excitement flow into me as she gracefully comes over to me with a smile.

"I'm Alice Cullen. Would you like to come sit with my family and me?"

Just as my surroundings come back to me I hear a knock on the door. I quickly crack open the door to see Bella already dressed for school. I blink before giving a small smile as she heaves a sigh at the sight of my sleeping wear.

"Sorry Bells. Don't worry I'll drive myself so you can go on ahead."

She nods and I close my door before moving to the clothes that I left out last night in preparation for today. I quickly pull on my black leather pants and place a black and white checkered flannel around my waist. My short for the day is gray with the words I run on caffeine chaos & cuss words printed on it along with a pair of black heels. I quickly run a brush through my hair before leaving it down and pulling on my backpack. I hurry down the stairs before going over to my motorcycle with a huge grin. I quickly get on before driving to school and startling people.

I see all the looks I'm receiving and smirk before getting of my bike. I quickly make my way over to the office to get my schedule and a map of the school. I give the lady helping me a smile before looking closely at my schedule. I give a smile seeing art is my first class and I have English followed by history. My fourth hour is gym followed by trigonometry then lunch. My sixth hour is biology and my final hour is a free period. I quickly make it to my first period and notice someone from my vision this morning. I quickly get my paper signed and she tells me to sit wherever I please. I quickly sit next to the blonde girl who has no one sitting near her.

I guess a good thing to say is that for a good portion of my life I've lived in Louisiana. My mom couldn't handle Bella and me so she sent me to my uncle who lived in Louisiana. I've only been staying with her for the last three years of my life. I don't resent her though because she was just trying to give us a good life.

"Hey there darlin'. What's wrong with them? They look like you've got the plague or something."

"My family is different is all. Interesting outfit choice."

"Isadonia Swan darlin'."

"Rosalie Hale."

We both fall silent before working on our assignment for the day, Normally, I would be bothered by the silence, but somehow this feels as if it's something that happens every day. I give Rosalie a smile before heading to my next class of the day.

The rest of the day passed by uneventfully and it's finally time for lunch. So far today I only got glimpses of my sister and I was unable to talk to her. I walk through the lunch line grabbing an apple and a soda before looking around the lunch room. I see Bella sitting with people surrounding her and give a slight smile before I see someone coming my way. I give a smile at the sight of her pixie-like frame.

"It's nice to finally meet you Alice." I say before she even opens her mouth to speak.

"I knew it. You can see visions like I can. Would you like to sit with my family?"

"I'd love to."

She leads me over to the table startling the whole cafeteria causing me to give a mischievous smirk. She sees this and gives a laugh causing her family to look our way. I can feel someone prove at the walls around my mind and my eyes see one of her brothers staring intently. My mischievous smirk comes back as I sit next to him and Rose.

"It isn't nice to try and read someone's mind without their permission." I whisper before taking a bite of my apple.

"What do you mean?" He says and I feel his worry pulse into me.

"I know what you guys are and no I'm not like you are. I'm one of a kind. Am I going to be introduced or are we just going to ignore each other?" I finish to see Rose's lips quirk up.

"Obviously, you know Rose and Alice. I'm Edward Cullen while Emmett is on the other side of Rosalie. Beside Alice is Jasper. How do you know what we are?"

"A long story for another time and place." I whisper as I hear my sister vaguely ask about the family in sitting with.

"That's Edward. He's gorgeous, of course, but don't waste your time. He doesn't date. Apparently none of the girls here are good-looking enough for him."

I make a face as I feel her jealousy all the way over here. That's when I see my sister looking this way and give her a small smile. She quickly turn around as the girl decides to speak again.

"Although, I don't know who the girl with the obnoxious hair is."

"Jealousy is an ugly colour on anyone darlin'. Plus, my hair isn't obnoxious it's daring idiot."

Their eyes all flash my way when I say this and I bite my lip. Well that wasn't intentional, but I don't really care if they know. I feel as if I can trust them with any secret I have. I see Alice's eyes widen right after she zones out letting me know she had a vision. I see Edward look at me in shock as well making me smirk.

"I guess the cat's out of the bag for you two. Come on Eddie we've got to get to Biology."

Alice gracefully walks away before Jasper follows after her causing a small smile to appear on my face. Rose and Emmett leave not long after then as I grab my bag placing it on my back. Edward stands up and the both of us walk to Biology where he sits in his seat while I get my paper signed. He sends me to a seat as Bella enters and I hear Edward's thoughts. I stop at his seat causing him to glance my way.

"I'll keep an eye on your thoughts and if need be I'll step in."

"There's no way you could stop me."

"You'd be surprised at what I can do Eddie. Don't ever forget that I'm one of a kind."

I finally sit down with some kid who I don't know. He obviously doesn't care that he now has a seat mate as he stays silent. That's fine by me as the teacher drones because it means I can keep an eye on Edward. For all three of us this class drags on forever as we sit tense the whole time. Finally, the bell rings and Edward is out the door with me hot on his heels.

"How come you seem to have no scent unlike your sister?"

"That's another perk of being what I am. You're leaving for Alaska?"

"I don't want to risk my family being found out or risk hurting her. You know what she is, don't you?"

"She's your blood singer, isn't she?"

His stiff nod gives me the answer as we meet up with the rest of the Cullens. Alice drops a set of keys in his hand and before anyone can say anything he is gone. I feel a bit of worry come from Alice and turn to face her.

"There's no need to worry Alice. He's going to be fine and I'll bet he'll be back in no time. It was just a shock for him."

"You're an empath?" Jasper questions softly.

"Not like you are though. I can only feel everyone's emotions without the ability to manipulate them."

"How are you not shocked like Edward?"

"After everything that happened to me there is very little that sparks shock or fear in me."

"You told Edward you could easily stop him is that true?" Emmett questions next.

"Yes, I've had a few run-ins with some nomads and well they aren't around anymore. I'll see you guys tomorrow I've got to turn this paperwork in."

I quickly walk into the office before turning the paperwork in and walking to my vehicle. I shoot the remaining Cullens a wink before starting the engine and leaving the school behind. I quickly make it home and scribble a note telling them I'll be back late. I call Jacob and wait for him to answer.

"Isa, what's up?"

"Hey I wanted to see if it was cool to come down. Ask your dad, will you?"

"I don't know why it wouldn't be, but I'll ask. Hey dad is it cool for Isa to come over?"

I hear Billy give an affirmative and hang up the phone. I get back on my motorcycle before driving down to the reservation to meet my friends.

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