Port Angeles

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I've been ignoring Bella since the incident at the beach, but I've been keeping tabs on her. That's how I know she's going to Port Angeles tonight with Jessica and Angela. At lunch Edward and I have a silent conversation on the best way to follow her there without being noticed. Finally, we decide just to take the Volvo so we don't stand out in the crowds. After the plans are mad I help Rose add in the colours to our drawing until we are satisfied.

The last of our classes pass and I leave my bike at the Cullen residence to catch Edward. I get into the passenger seat and he takes off to catch up to them without being too close to them. We keep an eye on them and that's when I see the direction her thoughts are taking. I groan realising Jake told her some of the Quileute's old stories. This would have sparked her curiosity and knowing Bella she googled some of it. She still seems to be with her friends though and she's safe with them.

"Is she always such a danger magnet?"

"I don't really know. I didn't grow up with her, remember? The only times we saw each other were when she came to Forks for the summer and I did the same. Otherwise we never saw each other because we lived in two different states."

"Why are you upset with her then?"

"She took her friends side over mine the other day and it hurts to think she would choose them over me. The fact that she chose to believe Jessica over me even though she doesn't know the whole story."

"You like the one you buy, don't you?"

"Our personalities surprisingly match instead of clashing like I thought they would. We've agreed to try and be friends to see how it will go. Where'd she go to?"

"What do you mean?"

"She's a slippery motherfucker is what I mean. We need to find her before she gets into some kind of trouble."

I hop in the back seat and lie down closing my eyes to concentrate. I focus only on her thoughts and track where she's been while calling out to Edward where to go. That's when I see the image in her mind that makes me hiss because I can hear their thoughts as well. Furious I spit out where she is and Edward must hear their thoughts because his hands clench around the wheel. We make it and he fishtails throwing open the passenger door as I fight with myself. Bella gets in and closes the door letting my muscles relax a bit before Edward speeds away. The farther away we get the calmer I get allowing me to relax. Eventually, the car stops outside a restaurant and I tell Edward I'll stay outside. He barely nods before he and Bella get out of the car leaving me to silence.

After a bit of thinking I realise how irrational it is to go after those guys. I may have super strength, but that won't really help me in this situation. I calm down and begin humming to myself to pass the time easily instead of sleeping. I can feel Edward's amusement at me and I'm thankful I can help calm him down. I switch over to humming Disney Songs as they come out of the restaurant and he raises an eyebrow at me. I smile innocently as I continue humming to The Circle of Life from the Lion King. They open the doors and I hear Bella groan making Edward look at her.

"Are you humming a song from The Lion King again?"

"She does this frequently I guess?" Edward asks with a bit of laughter in his voice.

"She does and she was humming The Circle of Life thank you very much."

I lean back down and scroll through my phone before finding my Kindle app. I open The White Aura by Felicia Tatum and begin reading where I left off barely listening to them talk. I've completely blocked them out until I hear Bella say Jake's name making me pay attention to the conversation. I watch them quietly as Edward basically tells her he's a vampire making me stare him down. I thought we were in agreement that she wouldn't be told to keep her safe, but that has apparently changed. That's when I see we are at our house making me realise he sped the whole way here.

"Donia left her bike at my house so she could come with me to watch over you. My mother will most likely have her stay since it's so dark and so Rose has someone besides Emmett at home."

"Oh okay. See you tomorrow Isa." She says before going inside.

"So am I supposed to ignore the fact that you just outed your family to Bells? You know Alice probably saw and they're waiting for you to get home, right?" I say with a smirk.

"Don't remind me." He whispers in frustration.

When we get to their house I flit up the stairs opening the door to see everyone in the living room watching the door. Edward comes in behind me the picture of ease making me flit to Rose's side knowing she's going to blow her top. I can feel her anger bubbling under the surface and cautiously wait for it to erupt. Alice is the first one to speak causing my eyes to flick to hers.

"Don't you think this should have been a family decision?"

He stays silent making me mentally groan because he's being stubborn about this. I close my eyes blocking everything out as the shouting between Rose an Edward begins. I slip into an almost unconsciousness when the shouting finally stops making me open my eyes. Everyone except Rose and Emmett are still here and I see Rose taking off from Alice's mind. I nod to myself knowing she's going to go cool off before school tomorrow. We all do our things for the next few hours and I groan once I finish the book I was reading only to have Alice grab my hand. She pulls me into her room before grabbing clothing I know will fit me before leaving so I can get dressed.

*A/N: The book mentioned near the end of the chapter is real. The White Aura by Felicia Tatum is a personal favourite of mine and is 99 cents on Amazon. It's a wonderful Young Adult novel I read a few years ago and I'm rereading it right now. Thanks for reading!*

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