Saving Bella

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"Bells get out of here now! She isn't here it's a trap!" I shout to her, but she doesn't seem to hear me.

I hear a footstep and turn looking causing a low hiss to rise from my throat. He comes our way and I place Bella behind me before kicking him away from us. He snarls before landing in a crouch much like a cat before coming back at us. I grab onto his hands with a tight hold and start dragging him away from Bella. He smirks wickedly before he moves like a viper and bites into my wrist causing me to let go. I can hear him throw Bella after she pepper sprays him. I give a weak chuckle as I get to my feet when I hear him break her leg causing a snarl to rip from my throat. I flick my wrist slamming him into a wall feeling the need to cause him immense pain because of the pain Bella is now feeling that he created. He turns seeing me standing causing him to pause in shock and that's what I need.

"You had a Brother, right? Was his name Joseph because if it was I can tell you what happened to him two years ago."

"He's just in hiding from the Volturi!" He spits out angrily.

"Is that what James told you? If is he lied and I should know because you brother is the first one who bit me. Only it didn't go as planned for James."

"Lies! You sell me lies on a brother I know is alive!" He says stalking my way as I planned.

"He lies and I know that all to well James. Your brother lost control in New Orleans two years ago when he bit my jugular vein! James killed him because Joseph had lost control and he was going to drain me dry! James couldn't have that so he ripped him apart and set him in fire as I watched unable to say anything before I began losing consciousness!" I say bearing the scar on my jugular vein making him look at me.

Only this has the opposite effect on him that I wanted and I give Bella a small smile. He bites me again on the hopes it will shut me up and incapacitate me long enough for him to kill Bella. I fall to my knees from the pain, but keep a grip on him until he throws me into a wall. I hear him do the same to Bella, but I hear glass shattering as she cries out in pain. I push myself up as I see Edward attempting to get away, but James grabs his leg throwing them down making a piece of glass go in Bella's leg. She screams and I drag myself her way to see Edward fighting James letting me know the others are coming. I'm almost there when he throws Edward through a window and flits over to Bella's side. I grab onto him hoping to stop him, but he grabs her wrist biting her making her scream. I snarl as he throws me away and Edward throws him away from Bella.  I attempt to flick him away from Bella again, but it seems the pain is causing my powers to go haywire. I can't throw him, but that doesn't matter as Edward slams him into a pillar making me grin. I groan as I pull myself into a sitting position when the remaining Cullens come in to the fight. Rose breaks off running to me and I give a weak smile before tensing up in pain. She frowns before going to the battle where after a bit they mange to kill James and begin burning him. Alice, Carlisle, and Edward look my way realising what James has done to both of us.

"Save Bella while you have the chance Edward. It's too late for me, but you can save her. If you even make a move to come this way I will use my powers to send you back over there. I can handle the turning, but I don't think it is her time to be a vampire."

They nod and begin working as I search for my cell phone so I can warn Sam. Rosalie grabs it from my pocket and dials the number for me causing a small smile to appear. It takes a few rings, but he finally picks up sounding worried.

"Isa, why are you calling? I thought it wasn't safe."

"The bastard is dead Sam, but that isn't why I'm calling. He was the outside force we couldn't see until it was too late. He's bit me twice and he bit Bella, but they're going to safe her because it's too late for me. The venom is already coursing through my body."

Rose pulls the phone away for a second as I put a hand to my mouth to muffle the scream. I feel Esme place her hand on my shoulder allowing me to relax a bit under her comforting touch. When I pull my hand away Rose places the phone to my ear with a worried look on her face.

"Isa! What's going on?" I hear Paul shout in the background.

"Sam tell him it's happening because I'm about to go under and can't talk. I'll try to come see all of you at some point if I get the chance.I'll see you when I make it to La Push and I have my thirst under control."

The last thing I feel is worry from everyone in the room making me give a bittersweet smile. I can tell Bella is now unconscious and read from Edward that the venom is out of her body which means she will stay human. I relax knowing that she is safe and that I did good in protecting her until everyone could get here to take James out. I fade away as the fire begins licking at my body finally turning me completely.

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