Vampire Baseball

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Finally, it is time for us to go to the field and set up before Bella and Edward show up. I'm sitting on top of a giant rock with Alice as she speaks to Rose and Emmett. I'm barely paying attention to their conversation as I watch everything get set up that is until I feel worry from all three. I turn to look at them in confusion as everything continues around us as if this conversation isn't about to happen.

"Al, what's wrong?"

"The vision of you is closer now although I can't see why still. You might not have made the decision yet that shows us where and when."

"Well, I'll just stay on my toes then and keep an eye out like I have been. Did Eddie tell you what I think about the nomad that has taken an interest in me?"

"No, he hasn't. Do you think it what we missed this whole time about home being so interested in you besides the fact that you have no scent?" She says as her eyes flicker to Carlisle behind us in the field.

"I believe so even though Eddie is not quite so taken with the answer I've come up with. I sketched the guy who is my vampire sire and realised he looks too similar to this nomad for it to be a coincidence. I would say that they are brothers with one of them being the older sibling and I'm betting it was the one who sired me that was the older sibling."

The conversation stops as Bella and Edward finally arrive at the field. I stay on the huge rock as Rose walks away to the field while Alice and Emmett go greet my sister. I know that it will take time for Rose to warm to Bella and she can't help that because it's her way of thinking. I can only be here for the both of them and hope that one day their relationship is not the same as it is today. Again, the dread rises up from my stomach making Jasper look my way before understanding that something could happen soon that we have no control over. I give a small smile before flirting over to her and Esme as Alice, Emmett, and Edward go to play.

Once the game starts I'm utterly entranced by it and my eyes analyse everything that is going on and the possibilities that are in front of me. I especially like how the sound of thunder and the call hitting the bat are in sync with one another making me give a smile at the simplicity of it. At some point I sit down to see everything from a different angle and look up when Esme lays her hand on my head making me realise just how relaxed they all are around me. Feeling relaxed as well I lean against her and see her give a smile before focusing back on the game that is going on. It's all great fun watching them play as their normal selves instead of trying to appear human right now. All the fun is brought to a stop in an instant when I see Alice's vision.

"Stop!" I say as Edward comes to Bella's side.

"I didn't see—I couldn't tell," she whispers.

Al the others have gathered by this time. I slightly put myself in front of Bella hoping they won't notice her.

"What is it Alice?" Carlisle asks with the calm voice of authority.

"They were traveling much quicker than I thought. I can see I had the perspective wrong before," she murmurs.

Jasper leans over her, his posture protective. "What changed?" he asks.

"They heard us playing, and it changed their path," she says, contrite, as if she feels responsible for whatever has rightfully frightened her.

I close my eyes searching for anything that I am able to see. Frantic I open my eyes as the feeling of dread almost overwhelms me. Jasper looks my way for a split second before we all hear them coming except for Bella. Instantly, everyone is here and I place myself at Jasper's side as they stop near us. I don't listen to the conversation as I analyse the two nomads I hadn't seen yet. Finally, I listen into their thoughts and emotions for any signs that I need to move.

The wind blows by as I hear hair rustle and quick as a whip I'm in a crouch snarling. I can feel someone holding my flannel collar to keep me from running, but it doesn't matter. I know I can't attack them and it makes me give an angry hiss at him. As soon as we start shifting back I come out of the crouch slowing them to release my collar. Emmett slowly walks back before I give a nod and he moves to Bella's side. I flit over there as well before helping her into the Jeep. I can feel her fear, but there's nothing I can do about it.

"I'm going to warn them, but I'll catch up to you. He's lost interest in me now that he has Bella's scent to track."

"Donia, you can't right now it isn't safe."

"Eddie, I haven't been safe for the last two years since they changed me. If something happens before I get to the pack Alice will probably see it, but I'm stronger than you think. I can fight nomads on my own because they underestimate me so get Bella safe and I'll be there before you even have to worry."

Before anything more can be said I flit into the forest. I move quickly while keeping an eye out for any of the nomads. I make it to Sam's house without a problem causing me to be on edge because this was too easy. I knock before opening the door to see Sam and Jared sitting at the table. They look up and surprise flows into me as I remain where I am. I need to be able to flit to the Cullen residence at a moments notice.

"At least one of the nomads will be circling Forks for a bit. One is tracking my sister so we're going to leave to protect her and anyone that could be caught in the crossfire. I don't know how long we'll be gone, but we're hoping that it won't be long. Don't underestimate the lone nomad that is running around plus I think this is it. Don't tell Paul until tomorrow because he needs to stay here. I already have Bella to protect and the Cullens that will be with us so you can tell him I'll be safe with them."

They nod and before they can blink I'm gone. I make it just in time and slide into the backseat with Bella which relaxes her some. I give Edward a nod telling him she will be safe and he gives a tight smile. After that we're off and headed to Phoenix where we will be hiding out.

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