Chapter 18

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On Monday when I got back to school, I was kind of dreading going to Mr. Henns' class. Because then I had to talk to Blaise. Which I didn't really want to do.

But of course, eventually the time came when I had to walk through the doors to go to French class. When I looked in the window, only a few people were in there. No sign of Blaise. I sighed and walked in, grabbed a seat near the back, and pulled out the latest book I'd been reading: "You" by Charles Benoit.

Too early, the bell rang, and the rest of the students filed into the room before Mr. Henns entered and told us to sit with our partners. I was just about to raise my hand and tell him that my partner wasn't there, when Blaise walked through the door. He smirked and apologized to Mr. Henns for being late. You could tell that he didn't mean it though. Blaise walked over and took the seat next to me as Mr. Henns finally started the lesson.

French went by fairly normally, like it always does. Mr. Henns says something in French, Blaise asks me what it is, I tell him, he ignores me and texts with his phone.

After the bell rang signalling the end of class, I stayed behind a minute longer than everyone so that I could get my stuff all organized. I didn't like being messy and disorganized! Mr. Henns called my name when I was about to leave and I turned to him. "Oui monsieur?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Venir içi pour un minute s'il vous plait Avril." He said, pointing at a chair near his desk. "Okay, since we're aloone, I'll speak in English. I have a preposition for you Avril."

"What kind of preposition?"

"Well, I've noticed that Blaise isn't really doing very well in this class. However, you are one of my top students. I was wondering if you would tutor Blaise and help him learn."

I stared at Mr. Henns for a moment, wondering if he was actually being serious. When I realized he was, I nodded. "Sure, I guess I can do that Mr. Henns."

"Great! Thanks Avril. I hope you can help him out or else I'll have to fail him." He looked relieved that I said yes. I smiled at the young teacher.

"No problem Mr. Henns. I'll see you tomorrow." Then I walked out of the classroom and practically ran to Jace's locker.

By the time I got there, she was just putting her books into her locker. I hid behind the open locker door and then I shouted BOO! when she slammed it closed. I swear, she jumped about a foot off the ground when she noticed me. "Avril! Jeez! You scared me!" She shouted.

I grinned. "That was the plan."

Jace stuck her tongue out at me and I returned the favor. We started walking to my locker and then she asked me why I had 'visited' her at her locker after class. My locker was a ways away from hers, so it was a strange sight to see me there right after French class. "Well, Mr. Henns asked me a question after class."


"And what?" I asked, pretending to be oblivious.

"Duh! What did he ask you?"

"He asked me if I could tutor Blaise in French." I said nonchalantly.

Jace gasped. "No way! You lucky bish!"

I laughed. "Lucky? More like unlucky. I'm just going to be wasting my time trying to teach him!"

She laughed with me and we reached my locker. Blaise, of course, was at his locker, surrounded by girls. One of which, I noticed, was the girl who was with him at the party, Tiffany. If you don't remember yet, she was the one I described with a '_______' (blank) so that you could have an imagination on how to describe her. I know, I'm amazing like that.

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