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I flounce down on the couch, smiling down at the picture Blair had just handed over to me. It's a picture of Taylor and I during the week before graduation. Of course we had been out on the docks. It was our spot. We'd just sit out there and talk for hours with our feet dangling down in the water. But this wasn't a picture of that. No, it was of a moment I hadn't known anyone was there capturing.

I was falling over in laughter while he was desperately trying to hold on to me, laughing as well. Eyes crinkling at the corners as usual. We were both dripping wet from having been in the lake. When we climbed out Taylor wasted no time in pulling me into a waltz. In that moment we both had two left feet, slipping every so often and nearly wiping out.

I definitely didn't know that Blair was taking a picture of us.

"I've been meaning to print this out for you for months now. Just got around to it." She smiles over at me, propping her elbow on the back of the couch and resting her head on her hand.

"I'll have to send this to Taylor. Or at the very least show him the next time we video chat." It's been a week since our last session and I've been too busy with work and editing that I haven't really seen his face lately. This photo being the first even though it's months old and his hair is short and muscles less defined.

My heart starts to ache for my man and I try to play it off with a deep breath and a smile. Laying the photo faced down on my jeans, being careful not to ruin it.

"You know I've always been team Chaylor." Blair leans in and gives me a goofy looking smile and eyebrow jut. I have half a mind to believe that she's been talking to Brooke. "How is he by the way? Last I heard you were running off to be with him and that was a little over a week ago."

"He's fine." I nod my head, not knowing how else to truly answer. "He's still nursing a sprained ankle, but other than that he's fine." I shrug, rushing my fingers through my hair.

Blair's face tightens up just a bit and I can see the gears working in her mind. She was thinking about something and I have a feeling I know what she's about to ask.

"And you? How are you?" Her mind is still working as she shifts on the couch and asks. I open my mouth to say that I'm fine but the front door cracks open and seconds later Cassidy is rushing through into the living room.

Before I could greet her she was throwing herself into my lap and wrapping her arms tightly around me. I do the same, trying not to laugh as she presses our cheeks together. Blair however does laugh, smiling brightly at the two of us before attempting to pry us apart when she realizes I wasn't breathing.

"If you'd stayed in Journey all summer, you might've seen her from time to time." She chides Cassidy once she has her sitting between the two of us. Her eyes narrow at her daughter and she waves it off but shoots her an apologetic look.

"How are you?!" She squeals grabbing ahold of my hand, brushing her mouse brown hair from her face. Her excitement rolls off her in waves. And I try to absorb some of that energy.

"Tired, but great." I smile brightly back at her. Blair looks over at me and I wave it off, turning to my half-sister. "How was your summer? Is Austin doing okay?"

She nods her head enthusiastically. "He's gotten his own place now. I helped him move." Clucking her tongue she flicks her hair over her shoulder and I laugh. "We spent most of our time camping really — I know! Me! Camping!" She laughs when she sees that my brows have skyrocketed up my face. "But he's great and it was great, and we're great."

"Okay." I laugh. Nodding my head.

"How's Taylor?" I try to keep my smile as I hold on to her hand just a little bit tighter.

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