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He made a statement on Twitter. Like one of those things band members do when a controversy arises within the fandom and they have to apologize. But instead of making a note in his phone and screen-shotting it to post, he made a video. His face sincere as he details the events of what happened and explaining that they were both at fault. He also explains that he didn't want people bashing the girl in the video, that she hadn't wrecked his home and that we were fine.

After watching his video I felt obligated to say something. So I just tweeted that Taylor and I were working through this and that I forgive the girl in the photo.

A lot of people called me stupid for forgiving her after that. Demanding I confront her and tell her off for trying to steal my boyfriend. There was a lot a backlash towards me for forgiving Taylor and even believing him. Claiming that he knew what he was doing and he kissed her anyway.

Once a cheat. Always a cheat.

That tweet had gotten a lot of likes.

"What—!" Brooke booms into my ear and making me jump and drop my phone onto my keyboard. "—are you doing?" She laughs, climbing over the back of the couch and flopping down next to me.

I quickly pick up my phone and lock down my device. Feeling a lump tighten in my throat as I straighten against the couch and adjust my laptop resting on my thighs.

"Getting a bit of editing done." I answer. Not really lying but not really telling the truth either.

"Mmhmm, so what were you doing on your phone?" She slips my phone from my lap before I can stop her. Already slipping her thumb over the home button and it gives way to her fingerprint.

I sit and shame and also curse at myself inwardly for letting her put in a thumbprint. She scrolls quite a bit through my notifications before looking at me and frowning.

"You're not letting these haters get to you are you?" She questions, leaning back and looking at me with an arched brow.

I want to shake my head but I don't. The twisted heavy feeling in my gut wouldn't allow it.

"Char," Brooke huffs at me exasperated. "you can't let these people get into your head. Not while you're wounds are still fresh. Not ever. They will only put doubt in your relationship."

"I know I just— They're so mean." I frown at my phone. "People who used to fawn over my relationship are now so critical of it. Shouldn't they be happy that we're trying to make it work?" I look at her with confusion in my eyes.

"Some people think that some acts are inexcusable. Cheating being one of them." Brookes tone is soft as she speaks with a sunken face.

"Yes but it's not like he slept with the girl." I express sharply, frowning. "I would not be trying to make it work if he slept with her. I couldn't—" I swallow the lump that gagged it's way into my throat and jerked at my stomach. "I wouldn't be able to forgive him."

"I'm not saying that I'm one of the people who do think that what you are doing is wrong. I'm saying that there are people who do think that and they will never stop criticizing you for it. You just have to over look them." She rests a gentle hand on my knee and offers me a tender smile. I nod my head.

"Don't let them feed my insecurities." I mutter more to myself than to her.

"Exactly." Giving my knee a soft squeeze she stands up from the couch. "How about we go do something that's not scrolling through our Twitter notifications?" She holds out her hand to me and wiggles her fingers with a mischievous smile tilting at her lips and playing with her eyes.

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