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Dinner gets interrupted once by a fan who wants a picture with the band. It takes a bit of rearranging but it happens and by the time it happens we were done eating anyway. Everyone chipped in on the check and pitched in on a tip. Afterwards we all head towards the parking lot. We kind of all huddle near the entrance of the restaurant, staring at one another.

"Is it cool if Alec and Brooke ride with you guys?" Taylor questions, jutting his chin towards Oliver and Jasmine. They both share a look before nodding their heads.

"Yeah we got room." Jasmine says with a warm smile. "We're parked this way." She nods her head in the cars general direction and Alec turns towards Taylor.

"See you back at the house?" He questions and Taylor nods. Brooke pulls me a bit to the side and leans in.

"Are you going to be okay?" She questions and I nod my head. Wind blows hair into my face and I do my best to tuck it away.

"Yeah, I promise Taylor we'd talk." Brooke's face falls into worry at my words and I smile at her. "I'll see you back at the house."

"Okay." She hums pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around her too before walking off the curb with Taylor.

Bonnie takes a cautious step towards us but Jasmine catches her by the arm.

"I think Taylor wants to ride alone with Char." She says a bit firm and it takes a moment before Bonnie nods her head. She smiles at us, winking at me and turning on her heels.

I scrunch my nose and allow myself to be whisked away by Taylor. He holds me protectively under his arm and I keep my arm wound around his waist. I lean my head against his shoulder and he kisses my part.

"I love you." He murmurs softly into my hair, holding me a bit tighter. This time like he was afraid to lose me.

"I love you too Taylor-tot." I smile up at him and he smiles down at me, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

• — • — • — •

We drove around for what felt like hours, not saying a word. The moon high in the sky and the radio softly humming whatever songs it so pleased.

I have a feeling that he's waiting on me to say something, but I didn't know where to start. So he drove and I rode in silence. We stop for gas and we keep driving. Going back and forth through streets, around bends, on and off highways. It gets late and the traffic dies down, but we're no longer near the city. It's empty roads from here on out and I realize that maybe he knew about some place I didn't.

I look out the window and spy nothing but ocean. Washing against the sandy shore, slamming against the jagged cliff. After a minute or two more of driving he pulls over onto the shoulder and cuts the car off. I furrow my brows and watch as he nods for me to follow him out the car.

No questions asked I do. Removing my seatbelt and popping open the car door.

The air smells salty and fresh, crisp and a mixture of both warm and cold.

Taylor waits against the hood of the car, leaning against it and staring out over the ocean. Holding my arms close to my body I slide into the space next to him. Taking in the tall blades of glass blowing in the wind on the other side of the metal railing. The full moon's reflection in the rippling navy blue water. The sounds of the water rushing into the rocky cliff side. I take it all in. Even the crickets chirping all around us.

He shifts on his feet, rocks and dirt crunching beneath the soles of his shoes. I look over at him and his gaze is casted low. His arms are tucked close to his chest like mine and my stomach knots with the worst thoughts possible.

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