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Leaving Taylor at the airport is worse than leaving him at a hotel. It was filled with people rushing to catch their flights. All needing to make it on time so they could get to their destination faster. I hated when he flew.

It made me feel rushed to say goodbye. Rushed to explain to him that he needed to make it on the other side and if the plane went down he needed to survive. He needed to help himself first. He didn't just need too. He had too.

"Would you stop worrying." Taylor holds my face in his palms, smiling at me as if everything was fine. Everything wasn't fine. He was leaving me. Again. For months. Again.

"Why can't you record the album out here? Like you did before?" I stick my bottom lip out in a pout and flutter my lashes up at him.

"Because it's not up to us. Plus LA has better recording studios." He strokes his thumbs across my cheeks and leans in to place a genlte peck on my lips. "I'll see you in a month. We can spend our days by the pool or at the beach, whatever you want."

"Promise?" My pout doesn't leave my lips and he smiles nodding his head.

"Promise." Taylor leans down to place one more tender kiss on my lips, but just as they part the voice announcing the final boarding call for his flight sound over head. I barely get to part from him willingly before he's being torn away from me. Fingers slipping from my face.

My eyes fly open as I stumble after him, still holding on to his shirt. They're wide as Alec tugs at him by the loop on the top of his book bag. Brooke grabs a hold of my shoulders and I let him go. Feeling something inside me break as my throat tightens. She holds me tight as my muscles twitch to rush after him again. To keep him from his flight.

Taylor blows me a kiss before turning around and nearly falling into the flight attendants stand. I watch as he gives her a warm smile as he hands over his ticket. She scans the validity of the ticket before returning the smile and handing it back.

"Enjoy your flight." And just like that he's heading down the hallway to the plane. Another piece inside of me breaks and it's painful to watch them close the doors.

I hate this. I fucking hate this.

"It's only a month." Brooke mutters into my ear as she rests her head against mine. She sounded a lot more put together than me and I hated it.

I nod my head.

I close my eyes and silently pray—more so beg—for him to land safely because I hate planes. Taking a deep breath I open my eyes and try to compose myself.

"It's only a month." I whisper more to myself as I stare at the closed doors.

We find a seat near a window and we wait and watch. We wait for the plane to start it's taxi before taking off. We watch until it disappears in the sky and we no longer have a reason to stay. With our arms wrapped one another we walk out of the airport and to Taylors truck. He insisted he drive it one last time before leaving.

When I climb into the drivers seat I feel the air in my chest deflate because his presence still lingers. His scent clinging to the fabric of the seat. He even adjusted the seat back because he was taller than me and I don't even want to change that because I miss him. But I have too. I have to adjust the seat so I can drive.

When I go to check the center console for the spare keys, my keys, I freeze. My stomach tightens as the velvet box stares at me from inside. I look up at Brooke and she looks just as surprised as I am.

I quickly shuffle around it and pull out my keys and shut the console. With shaky fingers and a hammering heart I shove the key into the ignition and turn. The truck rumbles to life and I don't hesitate to pull it into reverse and back out of our space.

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