Chapter One: And so it all begins

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Rowan's POV
Sunday, literally the only day i have to myself and of course it is raining because i live in the beautiful city known as Seattle. Right now i am lounging

Around my house doing nothing and getting increasingly bored

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Around my house doing nothing and getting increasingly bored. I finally decide to slip on some shoes, grab a cute hat, an umbrella, a hoodie, and head for the door. I am still fairly new to the city only seeing my work and my apartment, so i walked around pretty aimlessly not really knowing where i was going or what i was going to do. Pretty soon i ended up across the street from the hospital known as Seattle Grace/ Mercy west at a little bar called Joe's. It seemed pretty interesting to me so i decided to dip inside and have myself a drink or two before hiding back into my apartment. The place was pretty quite for a bar and super laid back, i slowly made my way to the front and sat down. "Hi I'm Joe, this is my bar and i haven't seen you before so welcome to Seattle." "Hi Joe, I'm Rowan i don't get around much and this is a pretty nice bar," i replied with a slight smile. "Can i get you anything?" he asked smiling back, with a slight laugh i order a cranberry vodka and watch as he gets the drink ready. After i get my drink i look around and slowly sip my drink, several minutes pass before the door is angrily slammed open and a guy comes barging into the bar. "Joe tequila, this day frekin sucks," he snaps before slumping in the chair next to me. I try to keep to myself and avoid making any contact with the grumpy man next to me, but i can't really help but look at him every once in a while because he's got blood on his face and an expression mixed with anger and disappointment. "I don't know if it's ok to stare at people where you come from but here its a little creepy," he snaps without looking up from his drink. I mumble a small sorry and go back to minding my own business, but my mind keeps telling me to say something and to for once stop acting scared and closed off. "Where i come from yelling at a bar tender with blood on your face and an i just ate a lemon expression on your mouth seems like a pretty clear picture," i snapped back while stirring my drink. "You must think you're cute. You probably think i killed someone, which would make you right because i'm a pediatric surgeon and i just lost a 12 year old boy in the worst way possible. Next time you wanna stare make sure you're ready for the damn outcome," he practically screamed in my face before he slammed his drink down and headed out the door. "Don't mind Alex he's rough around the edges, but he means well." Joe quietly said to me before returning to his work. Well now i just feel stupid, the poor guy just had a horrible night and i made it worse when i was just trying to be brave for once. I set money for my drink on the counter and slowly make my way to the door, shutting myself away from all humanity seems like the only thing to do at this point. As i made my way out the door i kept my head glued to the ground, which proved to be the second wrong decision i made tonight because i collided with someone's back. "Are you serious right now? First you butt into my business and now you frekin ram right into me, can you just get out of my damn life already." Alex yells as he makes his way down the sidewalk. Just great now he's extra pissed and he doesn't even know who i am. I start to make my way in the same direction as Alex running as fast as i can, tears pouring down my face, i seriously mess everything up. I keep running feeling horrible about myself, i start to run across the street hearing faint shouts behind me i turn to see what the commotion is and then everything goes black.

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