Chapter Twelve: Why Jackson?

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Jackson's POV
I watched as Rowan walked out the door and i lost it: i knocked over lamps, broke things on my coffee table, and kept breaking things throughout the house all the way to my bedroom. I didn't realise i was crying until i felt water hit my arm. In anger i wiped my tears away, put a shirt on and made my way out of the house. Its not like i could fix this at work because she doesn't work there and i don't even know how to fix it. I messed up and i couldn't do anything about it, i don't know why i slept with her and i don't know why i didn't tell Rowan. I feel stupid and i know today is going to be miserable.

Rowan's POV
I get back to the house with tears streaming down my face, i know that all of my friends had to be at work so i don't compose myself before i enter. When i get inside i make my way to the kitchen to get lots of snacks and then lock myself up in my room for the rest of the day. Several hours later after crying, binge eating, and several naps i hear the front door open and close and Alex shout out my name. I am far too broken to move so i wait for him to come busting into my room which he does several minutes later. When i see his face i instantly start crying again and  know its not gonna stop.

Alex's POV
As soon as i saw her burst into tears i didn't feel bad for earlier today anymore. I'm home earlier than everyone else from work and i don't regret the reasoning anymore. "I'm glad i hit him," i mutter as i walk towards the bed. "You what?" she yells through her tears. "He was being a dick all day and i finally yelled at him in the hall asking what his deal was and he yelled back that he slept with someone else and my fist found his face," i replied with a shrug. "I can't say I'm mad at you right now because i am so hurt by him, but I'm positive I'll be mad later," she says with a very small smile and opens her arms up for me to hug her. "Oh I'm sure you will because I'm suspended for two days because of it," i reply as i hug her which earns me a smack on the head. I laugh and grab a bag of chips from the bed and pop it open before leaning back and resting with her for the remainder of the day. "Alex what the hell is wrong with you," i hear a few hours later as i slowly wake up from a slumber. "Shh Jo she's sleeping," i say pointing to Row as i slowly get out of bed and grab Jo's hand. Once in our bedroom she pushes me away from her and crosses her arms over her chest. I sigh and tell her the story and what Jackson said to me. Once I'm finished with the story she throws her arms around me and tells me she's sorry for jumping to conclusions, i just tell her to shut up and then pull her into a kiss. Afterward we climb into bed and fall asleep in each others arms.

Rowan's POV
The next day i wake up in my bed with just me and a bunch of crumbs. I sigh to myself thinking about everything that happened but slightly smiling because i wont have to spend today alone. As if on que Alex busts through the door and pulls me out of bed. "Get dressed Jo just left for work and we are having a screw you Jackson day," he says with a bright smile. I give him a what the F is that look before pushing him out of my room to get ready. 45 mins later Alex and i are in his car on our way to stop 1 of 7 according to Alex. He says we are doing breakfast first, then shopping, then laser tag, then a movie, then lunch, then ice skating, and to end it all an alcohol binge at the house with a dance party. The day goes perfect with me beating Alex at every game of laser tag and us both falling on our butts several times during ice skating. He really is the best friend anyone can ask for and im stoked to have him. Right now we are pulling up to the house after buying loads of alcohol. We get inside and Alex cranks the music as we start drinking and drinking.

3 hours later
Mark's POV
Lex and i pull up to Jo's house to drop her off after work and we were going to just let her go but loud thumping caught our attention. "What is going on?" i ask as i shut the engine off and get out of the car followed by Lexie. I walk the girls up to the door and slowly open it and instantly wish i hadn't. We see Alex and Rowan dancing in their underwear on top of the coffee table with vodka in each of their hands. "I love this song it's wait by Maroon Five," Lexie says before walking into the house, grabbing alcohol, and stripping down to her underwear to dance with the drunks. "That's my damn girl," i say with a smirk before doing the same thing. Three seconds later Jo is with us and we all have alcohol and are dancing almost naked in the living room. I'm not sure what the hell is going on or why i am agreeing to it but these four bafoons are my best friends and i wouldn't change them for the world. I may be holding back some hair later tonight and tomorrow but i haven't had fun like this in years. Rowan is a special girl and I'm glad she's come into our lives. I snap out of my thoughts as Rowan grabs my arm and yanks me onto the table with the rest of them. Damn i love these freaks.

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