Chapter Sixteen: A Month Already?

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Author's note
Hey guys i slacked for a long time but here is an update. I have had a very crazy life for the past few weeks but i will do my best, thank you for hanging in there with me i appreciate it.

Jackson's POV
I have been moved in with Rowan for almost 2 weeks now and it has been like a frat house around here, which i have loved. We have moved everything in and got it set up the way we both agree on and have been treating every day like a party. I fall more in love with Rowan every single day that i wake up next to her and get to cook, clean, shower, sleep, and have fun with her she is the best. It is actually going to be our one month anniversary tommorow and i have requested a week off without her knowing and have been planning something incredibly special with the help of our friends. "Hey Jackson i got your flight tickets you guys leave tonight at 10 and should get there at about 5 in the morning our time," Mark says handing me the flight tickets to beautiful Honolulu. "Thank you Mark i owe you big time," "you're damn right you do," he replies with a pat on the back before making his way down the hall. I am beyond excited to spend a week with my beautiful woman away from everyone and everything. Mark obviously got the tickets, Jo and Lex have packed Rowans bags and got everything she is going to need, and Alex has been in charge of keeping her distracted all day today so the girls could get her bags packed and he also needs to get her to the airport. My responsibilities have been getting everything ready in Hawaii and acting normal today so she doesn't get suspicious. I can't wait to treat my woman to the best week of her life.

Rowan's POV
"Alex we have gone to breakfast, went shopping for 2 hours, watched a movie, and went bowling. I love the crap out of you but can i please go home?" i beg from the passenger seat of Alex's car as he continues to drive around Seattle. "Row chill out and spend a day with your best friend, I'm taking you back to my place and we are just gonna watch movies and sleep if you really want to ok?," he replies continuing to his house. I sigh and give up trying to argue with him and decide sleeping somewhere is better than sleeping nowhere. When we finally get to the house i go straight to Alex's bed and fall asleep within two minutes of laying down.

Alex's POV
Rowan fell asleep as soon as we got back so i pulled out my phone to call Jackson. "She's asleep i completely wore her out," i say as soon as he picks up "ok good thank you Alex, can you get her to the airport by 9:30?" he says, i reply with a quick sure before i hang up and take a nap myself.

8 pm
Alex's POV
I woke up and looked at the clock, seeing it was 8pm i woke Row up and dragged her sleepy butt back to the car. "Where are you taking me now?" she whined still half asleep "shut up" i replied continuing to her and Jackson's house where Jo and Lex were ready with her bags. "Love you Row love you babe have fun," Jo said placing a kiss on my lips and waving at the sleepy Rowan as Lex put her bags in the back. After saying goodbye i continued to the airport to say goodbye to my bestie for a week.

Jackson's POV
I was finally at the airport and waiting nervously for my queen to arrive. About ten minutes later Rowan walked in with Alex by her side

I could instantly tell she had been sleeping and a smile found its way to my lips

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I could instantly tell she had been sleeping and a smile found its way to my lips. I love her so much even when she has no makeup on and dried drool on the corner of her mouth. It took her a few minutes to notice me but when she does her mouth drops open and she runs straight into my open arms. "Baby what are you doing here?" she asks as i spin her around in my arms "you and i are going somewhere special," i reply as i kiss her lips and set her back down. We say goodbye to Alex and wait for our flight to be called, and the entire time Row keeps asking where we are going. I refuse to tell her anything because i want to see her face when the flight is called, so i deal with her adorable pouting. About 20 minutes later our flight is called and i grab her hand and head to the terminal. When it clicks that we are going to Hawaii Rowan stops and jumps in my arms and instantly starts crying. "Happy anniversary baby," i whisper as i hold her tightly "i love you," she whimpers out through her tears "i love you too," i reply as i grab her bags with her still attached to me and make my way through the terminal to the plane. I set her down in her spot and get comfy next to her for the long flight ahead of us.

6 hours later Rowan's POV
We finally landed and made our way to the car Jackson rented and make our way to the hotel. When we arrive i swear i stop breathing, and realise i am the luckiest girl in the world.

I want to cry again as we make our way into the beautiful resort but try and hold it in until we get to the hotel room

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I want to cry again as we make our way into the beautiful resort but try and hold it in until we get to the hotel room

I want to cry again as we make our way into the beautiful resort but try and hold it in until we get to the hotel room

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Once i see the beautiful sight in front of me i loose it and tears flow freely. "Jackson you did this all for me?" i ask in between tears "of course i did, we have been together for a month and you deserve the world and as long as we stay together i will always spoil you like this. I love you Rowan." he replies and i loose it even more. We hug and kiss for a few minutes before making it into the room and settling down for what i am sure will be the best week of my life

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