Chapter Twenty-Four: Stay With Me

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Jo's POV
I couldn't breath as the tears poured down my face, i understand why i was kicked out of Alex's room and i regret my decisions fully. I never wanted to kill Alex i wished and waited for him to come back to me every day, but i could only hold on to the hope of him coming back to me for so long. It was never my intention to give up on him and i will regret it for the rest of my life, but seeing the man i love lying helpless in a bed hooked to machines was too hard for me to handle and i lost my inner battle. Now here i am with tears pouring down my face in a stairwell in the hospital because i don't know what to do without Alex in my life. For the next few hours i just sat and cried until i felt a presence sit next to me. "You were an idiot Jo you really were, but i actually understand why you made the choice and now I'm making the choice to forgive you because Alex forgives you. We talked for hours and he was upset but he understood and that made me angry because i didn't, so i yelled and he yelled and it got ugly with words being said that shouldn't have been said. I eventually got over myself and listened to Alex and i suddenly understood too, if i had to see Jackson suffer the way you saw Alex suffer i know in my heart i would have made the same decision. It took me a while but I've forgiven you Jo so go get your man back please," Rowan said to me before she pulled me into a hug. I slowly got up, took her hand, and walked back to Alex's room with my best girlfriend by my side. "Alex I'm," i started to say but Alex cut me off "Row page Mark and Lexie and Jackson please. Jo i don't wanna talk until they get here," he replied and so i had no other choice but to wait because i didn't want to argue with him. When the others finally got to the room Alex asked Mark if he had the thing and then Mark gave him something and he sat up. "Jo i love you and you know that, if you don't then something went wrong which wouldn't surprise me, but either way i love you. I've made stupid decisions my whole life and the outcome isn't usually good, in our case you made a bad decision but the outcome was good. You making the decision to kill me pushed me to wake up and at first i was so angry but baby if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be here right now, so Jo baby girl thank you. Thank you so much for saving me more than once, for loving me, for sticking by my side, and for pushing me when you know i need pushed. I love you more than ill ever be able to tell you so instead i wanna show you, i can't do this the proper way but i hope you will still accept it. Jo will you marry me," he finished. He opened the little box Mark had given him and the tears started.

I instantly started nodding my head yes and frantically saying yes over and over again

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I instantly started nodding my head yes and frantically saying yes over and over again. I ran up to the love of my life and kissed him repeatedly on the mouth.

Rowan's POV
I was crying for joy when Alex slid the ring on Jo's finger, i was so happy for them. "Well Jackson what are you waiting for," Alex said giving Jackson a look. We all looked around confused when Jackson slowly approached me, "hi baby i love you and i know things have been such a mess, but I'm glad you and i are ok again. We never got to celebrate our 8 months together and Alex had this great idea of how we could celebrate it with our best friends. Rowan Elise Collins i love your personality, your fire, your passion, your heart, i love you, and i love your last name, but if you let me I'd like to change it to Avery." He said while pulling a box out of his pocket and dropping to one knee "will you marry me and have a double wedding with Jo and Alex," he said opening the box

" He said while pulling a box out of his pocket and dropping to one knee "will you marry me and have a double wedding with Jo and Alex," he said opening the box

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"Oh my holy God yes yes yes," i said crying while Jackson put the ring on my finger and pulled me into a very passionate kiss. After we loved on our fiance's Jo and i hugged each other so tight crying tears of pure joy. "Boo we are gonna have a double wedding!!!!!!," Jo practically screamed in my ear, i laughed so hard and just held her tighter. After all the celebration and love we all left to get Pj's, snacks, and everything else we would need to have a sleepover with Alex in his hospital room. The night was mostly the three guys laughing and joking and talking guy crap while us three girls talked dresses, cakes, colors, flowers, food, locations, and everything else possible about our upcoming wedding. The sadness was finally over and the six of us were finally back to how things should have been and i honestly couldn't be happier. Being here having a sleepover in a hospital room with my all time best friends brought me back to how we all got here in the first place and i couldn't help but tear up. "What's wrong beautiful?" Jackson asked with concern, "nothing baby I'm just remembering where all these beautiful perfect relationships started from and it was all in a hospital room, in this hospital," i replied and then everyone pulled me into a hug besides Alex who just told me to shut up. Everything was the way it should be.

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