Chapter Fifteen: Me and You

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Rowan's POV
"Baby wakey wakey" i hear as i start to wake up. I open my eyes slowly and am met face to face with my beautiful boyfriend

"Hi handsome" i reply as i pull him into me and kiss all over his face, which he lets me do with a giant smile plastered on his lips

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"Hi handsome" i reply as i pull him into me and kiss all over his face, which he lets me do with a giant smile plastered on his lips. Once I'm done harassing him he tells me to get dressed and meet him in the living room so that is what i do.

Once im done i find Jackson in the living room grabbing his keys

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Once im done i find Jackson in the living room grabbing his keys. "Come on we are gonna be late," he says grabbing my hand and rushing us out the door and to his car. I know not to ask where he is taking me because I'll never get it out of him, so i just adjust the radio and enjoy the drive. A while later we pull up to what looks like a hidden beach. Jackson helps me out of the car and leads me down the beach to something that makes my jaw drop in pure shock and happiness.

I quickly kick my shoes off and run over to what he has prepared for us

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I quickly kick my shoes off and run over to what he has prepared for us. "When did you have time for this?" i ask as i plop down on a blanket, "i didn't," he replies with a smirk "which ones did you get to help?" i ask with a sigh "Jo, Lex, Mark, know all of them," he replies sitting down next to me. "I love you," we both say at the same time before laughing and sharing a quick kiss. For the next 4 hours we do nothing but play in the water, eat, laugh, drink, and make out a lot. When I'm almost falling asleep in pure daylight is when we decide it's probably time to head back to the apartment. "Before we go i have something to show you," Jackson says as we reach the car. I give him a look before he pops the trunk and tells me to stay where i am. "Ok so i know it hasn't been that long of a relationship, but it has been a damn good one and i really want us to move forward together. I think you are amazing and i already feel so in love with you, so i want that love to continue to grow. For me the best way to do that is to give you this," he says walking towards me and showing me this

"I don't just want you to say yes, i feel like i need you to say yes," he says looking at me with the cutest look a man could ever give a girl

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"I don't just want you to say yes, i feel like i need you to say yes," he says looking at me with the cutest look a man could ever give a girl. "Jackson i want nothing more than to marry you one day and if that is ever going to happen then i need to be able to live with you, so of course i will take this key and live with you," i reply watching his face turn into the biggest smile i have ever seen. The next thing i know I'm being spun around and kissed all over. After the celebration we head back to my old house to break the news to Alex.

Alex's POV
I'm sitting on the couch just watching tv when i feel something slam into my body and land right on top of me. "Ok so smothering you in love is the only thing i could think of to make you less mad at me when i tell you I'm moving in with Jackson," Rowan says while hiding her face in my chest. I have to process what she said for a few minutes and make myself ok with it. I don't want to judge her because I've done some crazy things and made some bad decisions and i don't think this is either of those. I know Jackson will be good for her and to her i just don't wanna loose my best friend. "Alex she's about to hyperventilate can you say something," Jackson says while looking at me shyly. I grab Row in my arms and scoop her up to take her upstairs, once in the safety of her room i set her down on the bed and tears threaten to fall. "Hey Alex what's wrong?" she whispers while tilting my chin to look at her. "I have never in my life connected with someone like i have with you. It's not a boyfriend girlfriend type of connection it is so much more than that and i don't want to loose that or you. I think I'm just scared that once you move out you'll move on." i reply while looking into her eyes. "Alex come on i could never move on from any of you and especially not you. I've never connected with anyone like i have with you either and i don't want to. You are more than just my best friend Alex i promise i will never move on." she says wrapping me up in a hug. We sit there for several minutes just holding each other before i finally pull away. "Promise me i can have every Friday night with you," i say looking at her. "Of course," she says before kissing my cheek and pulling me back down the stairs to Jackson. "Ok Avery she can move in with you but i get Friday nights with her and you can't stop her from seeing any of us. If you hurt her you're dead and that is all there is to it. Got it?" i say looking at Jackson. "She is yours or theirs anytime you guys want her, but i get time with her too. I wont every hurt her again i learned from that. I appreciate you trusting me Alex and i wont let you down," he responds before i walk up to him and give him a bro hug. Rowan pulls Jackson aside for a few minutes before they kiss and he heads out. I give Row a look before she walks up and grabs my hand, "Jo is with Lex tonight and i think you and i need one more night before we start packing me up, so let's go upstairs and watch comedys and eat junk food until we fall asleep," she says before pulling me up the stairs. I hope we stay like this is all i can think as she picks the first movie.

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