Chapter Seventeen: Damn

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Rowan's POV
"Baby wake up we are in Hawaii and i love you and want to spoil you," is what i wake up to on day one in this beautiful place. I peak my eyes open slowly and i swear i have never started crying so fast in my entire life

 I peak my eyes open slowly and i swear i have never started crying so fast in my entire life

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"Jackson," is all i was able to get out before tears were flooding uncontrollable

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"Jackson," is all i was able to get out before tears were flooding uncontrollable. "Baby you deserve the world and more and i hope i can one day give you everything you deserve, but for now all i can offer is this promise to always be yours. I know i want to marry you one day and i know i want kids with you and all of this is just to let you know I'm all in." He says as tears spill from his eyes. I'm at a loss for words so instead i just kiss him with more passion, love, and heart than i ever have before. We both put the necklaces on each other and then we spend the next hour eating, cuddling, kissing, and enjoying the company on this beautiful island. "As much as i love the way this day is going so far I'm gonna have to ask you to get your cute little ass up and ready for something special because this entire week is about you," Jackson says with his signature smirk before he yanks me up by my arm and pushes me toward the bathroom. After about an hour I'm ready for what the day has in store, or at least that's what i thought when i said the same exact thing to Jackson, but the smirk on his face made me re think everything. I tried and tried over a thousand times in the car to figure out where he was taking me, but Jackson is very very stubborn when it comes to secrets he never budges. I gave up after a while and just sloched in my seat like a grumpy toddler until we arrived.
Jackson's POV
Rowan's pouting has to be the funniest thing i have ever seen, but it's all gonna be worth it when we get to where we need to go. A while later we pull up to our destination and Rowan's grumpy face turns into a wide smile. She throws herself over the middle console and into my lap as she kisses my face repeatedly, which causes me to laugh as i open the door and we both get out. "Dolphins???!!! Baby this is amazing i can't believe you set this all up," she says as we walk hand in hand toward the instructor i hired to take us swimming with the dolphins. "You deserve everything my love," is all i say in response before i place a kiss on her forehead. After that we listen to the instructor and get ready to go into the water, the entire time Rowan is smiling, giggling, laughing, and reminding me just why i love her. I made sure to get tons of photos with the water proof camera we bought and we took a bunch together as well, and i honestly didn't want the day to end. After a few hours we finally decided to let the dolphins be and head out, when we got back to the hotel we showered and changed and then headed back out to lunch and some shopping.
Rowan's POV
I am so in love with this man. He took me to a beautiful beach side restaurant for a late lunch and then took me shopping for like 5 hours. This first day has been nothing short of perfect and i honestly can't imagine what he has in store for the rest of our time here. By the time we get done shopping i have at least 12 bags of stuff for me and 10 bags for Jackson along with stuff to make a bag for each of our friends back home. I am exhausted and ready for bed by the time we get back and i really don't think this day can get any better, until i walk into the room and see rose petals leading to the bathroom. "Jackson what did you do?" I say in pure shock because he's been with me all day. "I recruited some hotel help my baby, so please get ready and go to take a bath you deserve it," he says as he takes the bags out of my hands and pushes me to the bathroom and like always i tear up as i see what is waiting for me.

 "I recruited some hotel help my baby, so please get ready and go to take a bath you deserve it," he says as he takes the bags out of my hands and pushes me to the bathroom and like always i tear up as i see what is waiting for me

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I get settled into the tub and am enjoying every second when Jackson comes in and strips himself down to join me. We talk, relax, and drink for a while before i start to get really tired, Jackson can tell so he dries himself off and then lifts me out of the tub and dries me off before he wraps us both in fluffy white robes and carries me to the bed. Neither one of us get dressed because the events of the day have drained us completely, so instead we climb into bed and Jackson decided to give me a back rub. Halfway through i am practically asleep when i feel Jackson's lips on my neck and then my ear. "I love you my queen," he whispers before putting my robe back on and situating us on the bad. I mumble something completely  incoherent back as Jackson chuckles, and that is the last thing i remember before i drift of to sleep in this perfect moment.

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