Chapter Twenty-One: Moving in

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Author's note: you guys are insanely awesome 5k reads like what???!!! I love you all. The photo collection above is for shamira_avery because the support from you is awesome so thank you!!! Hang in there with me guys because there is some crazyness to come. All the love.

Rowan's POV
"Alex seriously this is your damn box of clothes and I'm carrying it why?" I hear from Lexie as i pass her on the stairs "You know which room is ours thanks," Alex replies from some unknown location in the house. This has been the way it has been since we closed on the house a month ago, the rest of us work together to get moved in while Alex hides and Lexie screams at him. "Are we gonna have to kick them out?" Jackson asks as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind "probably," i mumble back as i set the box i was holding down in our new bedroom and turn around in his arms. He smiles brightly at me before leaning down and kissing me, which quickly turns into a make out session with tongue and roaming hands. "I swear to god Avery i will murder you and make it look like Sophia did it," Mark says from the doorway causing both Jackson and i to pull apart laughing our asses off, " ok Mr. Scary as a stuffed bear," Jackson replies before pecking my lips one last time and heading back down to unpack more boxes. I pat Mark on his chest and skip off to grab Alex from his hiding space which i quickly find out happens to be the closet in the kids room. "Not today Satan," he yells as i take the blanket, pillow, and bag of chips away from him....he has some serious issues. After i finally get him to help the rest of the day goes by pretty quickly and soon enough we are finished unpacking. "Was that the last of everyone's stuff?" Jo asks coming into the living room which we are all sat in on the couches we decided to keep from Mark and Lexie's place. "Yea that's everything for us," i reply, Mark answers a quick yes, and Alex says nothing because he has fallen asleep. The rest of the evening is spent with takeout chinese, random movies on multiple phones because nothing was hooked up yet, and lots of laughs. Pretty soon we were all getting tired and that is when i realised we had no beds set up, "what the hell are we supposed to do now?," Jo asked looking completely beat "just make a fort," Lex replied with a shrug. A huge smile made its way onto my lips as i grabbed Jackson and Mark's hands and dragged them to get all the supplies we would need for what i assumed would be the best sleepover fort ever. Once all supplies were gathered i kicked everyone out of the living room except for Jackson and spent the next hour creating my masterpiece

 Once all supplies were gathered i kicked everyone out of the living room except for Jackson and spent the next hour creating my masterpiece

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Which happened to include the entire living room inside the fort. After Jackson and i finished everyone came in with blankets and pillows and got comfy for the night. Mark and Lex took the couch while Jackson, Jo, Alex, and i cuddled on the floor, night one has definitely been crazy stressful but this has made it the best night any of us could ask for.

The next day Rowan's POV
I woke up to sun coming through the windows and stretched myself out, and that is when i realised no one was beside me...i quickly sat up to see none of my friends were in the room. I looked around and found a note from Jackson telling me they all had to go into the hospital because there was a huge train wreck and tons of people were injured. Having the day to myself i decided to unpack and set up as much as i could so that is exactly what i did. Several hours later i had almost every room in the house set up in a way we would all like it and that is about the time everyone showed up from work. I went to greet everyone with a smile on my face until i noticed the sad looks and the lack of Alex and Jo. "What the hell is going on?" I questioned, no one seemed to want to talk so my voice raised "I SAID WHAT IS GOING ON. WHERE ARE MY BEST FRIENDS?" my shouting startled Lexie who began crying instantly, i wanted to feel bad for yelling but i couldn't because two of my best friends weren't here and i had no explanation. "Baby let's go talk," Jackson said pulling me gently by my arm into the kitchen "baby something bad happened Jo is ok but Alex isn't, he lost a patient today in a pretty bad way so he took off early to go have a drink at Joe's and while he was there a shooting happened. They caught the person that did it but 5 people died and Alex is in critical condition," he said looking at me sadly. My whole world fell apart in that moment "take me to him now," i said instantly walking to the door, Jackson didnt question me at all he just grabbed my coat and his keys and took me to the hospital. On the way there i found out Alex was shot in his heart and they weren't sure if he was going to survive it of not, Christina was on the surgery so i had high hopes he would make it but the heart is tricky and even i knew that. Once at the hospital i was taking straight to the viewing room of Alex's surgery, my heart broke to see him lying there with his chest cut open and someone elbow deep inside of him. I pressed the intercom button and said the only words i could think to say at this moment, " Alex Karev i did not just put us all in one house to loose you, you better come back to me or i swear to god i will kill you myself...i need you," with that i let the tears take over and fell to the ground with Jackson right beside me. "I can't loose him Jackson i just can't loose him," i said between sobs, all Jackson did was hold me tighter because he knew no amount of sweet words would help while my best friend was on that table.

I am so freaking sorry....don't hate me....

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