Chapter Twenty-Six: Wedding Day

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Jackson's POV
Today is the day and i haven't seen Rowan in 24 hours because of the old not seeing the bride tradition. Now here i am in New York at the venue of the wedding standing next to Alex and we both don't know what to do or say because we are so nervous. It seems like time is going by so slow as I'm waiting to see my beautiful Fiance walk down that isle and become my beautiful bride. I take a minute to think about everything that got us to this point and all the beautiful memories we will share for a lifetime. "Man are you crying because damn it i am," Alex says placing his hand on my shoulder "yea man i am," i respond back before giving him a quick man hug. Before we know it Lexie is telling us it's time for Alex and i to go up to the alter, we make our way to the ballroom in the castle and stand at the alter

After what feels like a lifetime the wedding music starts and Meredith and Derek make their way to stand next to Alex and i followed by Miranda and Richard and then Lexie and Mark. After they get to their spots Zola and Sophia come down spreading flowers followed by Bailey and Callie with the rings, the music changes and then everyone stands as Rowan and Jo make their way down the isle holding hands. My heart races faster and faster as my woman gets closer and closer until she is finally by my side. The wedding starts and i pretty much zone out until Alex is asked to give his vows. "Jo i was absolutely nothing before i met you, i got in fights and i didn't take anything serious. You came into my life and you broke down every wall i ever put up, you saw the good when nobody else could. Jo Wilson i love you more than words could ever express and i am the happiest and luckiest man in the world to be able to spend the rest of my life with you as my wife. I will love, cherish, and protect you for as long as you let me," he finishes with tears in his eyes and then Jo wipes her eyes and collects herself. "Alex Karev when i met you i had a strange feeling that this is where it would all end up, i had a feeling deep inside me that you were the man i was going to marry. You helped me through the hardest parts of my life and i honestly don't think i would be alive if it weren't for you. I love you Alex and i will be the best wife to you that i can possible be," she says wiping her eyes once more. Before i know it it is my turn to say my vows and i have no doubt about what to say "Rowan ever since i met you my life has been full of meaning, I've felt like i had a reason to keep moving forward with you by my side. You made my life better and i know with you as my wife you will continue every single day to make my life better. I am not only happy but I'm also honored to take you as my wife and to be your husband, i love you," i finished seeing my beautiful almost wife with tears down her face. "Jackson i fell for you before i even knew what you looked like, i was under the impression that we would be the perfect couple and now look at us. Without you my life would always be missing something very important, you have half my heart now and i am trusting you not to break it. I love you more than you could ever begin to comprehend and i know you love me just the same. I can't wait to be your wife Jackson Avery," she finishes and i suddenly find myself crying as well. The ceremony continues and soon both of us lucky ass men are kissing our beautiful brides. The ceremony finally ends and we all make our way to the other ballroom for the food,cake,drinks, and dancing. Alex, Jo, Rowan,and i hit the dancefloor first for the first dance and then i dance with Jo and Alex dances with Rowan then I'm dancing with Lex and somehow by the end of the night me Mark and Alex are taking turns slow dancing with each other. It all gets pretty weird and then us three couples finally make it back home and the party continues in the comfort of our house. The booze comes out, the music goes on loud, and by the end of the night everyone is in Rowan and I's room partly naked and dancing like nobodies business on our bed and around the room. I am finally married to the woman of my dreams, living with the people i love, and starting to finally understand what family is, i am beyond happy and grateful for everything that has happened in my life this last year and three months. Now it is time to start the next chapter with our friends and family as Mr. And Mrs. Jackson Avery.

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