Chapter Seven: Avery on my mind

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Rowan's POV
"She came home with Avery, are you serious?" i hear Jo's voice in what seems like the distance say "yea he knocked on the door and she was asleep in his arms, freaking gross," i hear Alex reply. I peak my eyes open slightly to see the two of them sitting cross legged on the edge of my bed staring at me. "Guys stop starring I'm sleeping alone without Avery, so go talk about us in your room," i say throwing a pillow at them with my good arm. "Oh shut up and get dressed we have a lot to do today: PT for you, work for us, and Jo and little Grey are taking a long lunch to get you completely moved in here," Alex says. I instantly pull him into a side hug and kiss his face repeatedly (not his lips of course). "Get off me you disease," he yells trying to get away from me. Jo is just laughing while all of this goes down so Alex and i exchange a look and then both sit up and grab her into us. After the love fest is over i get ready and we head to my second day of PT.

Jackson's POV
I feel like a complete moron standing here at the nurses desk pretending to be busy while actually waiting for Rowan to show up for her PT. "Avery you look like a stalker, she wont be here for 10 more minutes go do something with your time," Mark says coming out of no where. "No I'm good I'll wait," i say trying to sound not creepy. "Ok creep I'll let you take her to Callie then," he says before walking away. Once he's gone i sigh in relief and continue to wait for Rowan. What feels like a lifetime later I'm interrupted by that beautiful voice I've been thinking about all night. "Jackson hi, what are you doing?" she asks with a bright smile on her face. Before i can answer a purse is shoved in my arms along with a crutch. "Keep her safe Avery and get her to Lexi and Jo by 12," Alex grumbles before taking Jo's hand and walking off. I give Rowan a look as she mumbles a sorry bout him, i just smile at her, take her hand, and put us in the same position as yesterday. "I'm gonna be living with Alex and Jo for good now," she says breaking the awkward silence that had overcome us. "That's amazing Rowan you can be around your friends," i reply pulling her into my side just a little tighter. "Yea I'm happy about it they are great people, you are too Jackson really. You don't have to keep doing this," she says snuggling into me as we step onto the elevator. "Rowan it's not a problem i enjoy doing this it's fun, and besides we get to know each other a bit so it's not awkward when you come over this weekend," i say smiling at her. "Very very true Avery, come back in an hour that's when ill be done and then maybe we could eat before i go with Lexie and Jo if you aren't busy," she says looking at me questioningly. "Yea ill do that," i say once we reach the PT door, "see you soon," i say handing her the stuff i was holding, she gives me a small wave before entering the room.

1 hour later Rowan's POV
Callie worked on my arm today having me lift some soup cans and stuff like that, which is way harder than you think with a healing arm. Tomorrow is going to be dedicated to doing some warm sand therapy, where i put my arm in this machine that rotates warm sand around it(i've actually done this when i broke my arm). I'm excited at how quickly the therapy is going but I'm more excited that i get to have lunch with Jackson before i go get the rest of my stuff and move it into the Karev/Wilson household. I make my way to the door to find Jackson waiting for me with a smile on his face. He puts us in the position we've been walking in and takes us to the cafeteria. When we get there he sits me down at a table and brings me back a burger and fries. "You may not think so but this hospital food is the best," he says as he sits down. "I'm sure it's perfect Jackson thank you for this I'm having a great time," i reply as we start eating. We make small talk and get to know each other even more, asking each other questions, talking about our lives before now, and just enjoying each other's company. "Rowan it's almost 12 we need to find Jo and head out," Lexie says walking up to Jackson and I ruining the moment. "Can i have 5 minutes? Ill meet you by the nurses desk i promise," i say shooting her puppy dog eyes "fine fine, help her there Jackson, she replies giving me a slight eye roll. "I've enjoyed today Rowan it's been perfect and i can't wait for this weekend, but if i don't get you to Lexie and Jo i might be killed by Alex," Jackson says standing up from the table. I stand up too and pull him into a tight hug,"Thank you so much you are being way too nice to me and i love it, i can't wait for this weekend if it's anything like today it is gonna be a great time," i say just holding him for a minute. "You're welcome Rowan," is all he says as he holds me tighter. Once we release he walks me to the nurses desk and hands me over to Jo and Lex. "I'll meet you right here tomorrow to take you to PT if you want," Jackson says scratching his neck. "Yes i would love that," i reply as i hobble up to him and place a kiss on his cheek. After that i get Jo and Lex and leave as fast as my hurt leg will let me because I'm embarrassed as hell. "Oooo Row and Avery," Lex gushes "so adorable," Jo adds. "Yea yea shut up we have stuff to get," i mumble as the girls laugh and we make our way to my old apartment.

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