Chapter Thirteen: Bruised but not broken

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Before we start just wanna say the video above or to the side is Wait by Maroon 5 which is the song that they were dancing to in the last chapter. Ok now story time.

The next night
Rowan's POV
Today has been absolutely horrible because the four of us dumbasses decided to get so drunk and dance on a table last night. The side effects of that are a horrible hangover that has lasted all day and a broken coffee table. Alex said it was fine that the table got broke because we needed a screw you Jackson day and that is what we got. I, just like my friends, thought last night would be helpful and i could maybe forget about it all but that is not the case. I am still thinking about it all and i can't really figure out what is hurting me so much. We weren't dating and haven't even talked about it really, but i still felt that connection and him sleeping with someone else was like a stab to the heart. "Row you love him and yes it's a short time but it's the truth and you need to just tell him," Mark says coming out of nowhere and joining me on the couch where i was sitting. "I'm not even gonna fight you on this because you're very very right," i reply before placing my head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of my head before turning the TV on and snuggling closer to me. A couple hours later my hungover friends were all at work and i was pacing back and forth in my room trying to figure out what to do about Jackson. I couldn't clear my mind and i was growing increasingly frustrated because part of me hated the idea of what Jackson did but the other part of me knew Mark was right and i hated him for that. With a final sigh i got changed, grabbed a coat, and made my way out of the house. In the car i rehearsed what i was gonna say to him at least 50 times before i finally reached the hospital parking lot. I couldn't believe i was about to go into the hospital and make a scene in front of the people i have grown to love and a bunch of people i really didn't know. I made my way into the hospital and marched right up to the nurses desk, all i needed was a small boost of confidence to make this happen. "I'm here to see Jackson Avery can you tell me where he is," i asked the nurse behind the desk. She seemed to not really care who i was or why i was there, so she just told me he was somewhere on this floor. I didn't wanna deal with her attitude so i walked away and decided to try and find him myself, i wasn't having much luck but then i saw Alex in the hall. "Alex where the hell is Jackson?" i snapped causing him to turn quickly and give me a look. "Row come on don't do this here i know how you feel about him but you can't cause a scene it'll embarrass you and i don't wanna babysit you while you recover," he replies coming up to me. "Where is he Alex," i say growing more frustrated as time goes on. "Your funeral," he replies before telling me Jackson just walked down the hall in front of us. I walked that way for a little while before i spotted Jackson standing down the hall entering some information into a computer. "Jackson," i yelled causing his head to snap in my direction. "I hate what you did and i hate that it hurt so much, i hate that you made my life better and then took that all away, i hate that we had so much fun, i hate that i couldn't get over you, and i honestly hate that i have fallen in love with your stupid adorable face," i rant with my voice growing louder with each word. "Rowan come on lets get you home," Lexie says coming up behind me and grabbing my arm to take me home since she heard me yelling and sees the tears streaming down my face. I yank my arm back from her and stare into Jackson's eyes, he has started crying too. He slowly starts walking towards me before he stops and shakes his head slightly. "You know what Rowan you aren't the only one that hates me i hate me too: i hate me for taking her out every night, i hate that whatever happened happened, i hate that i kissed her, i hate that i slept with her, i hate that i didn't tell you, i hate that i had to tell you the way i did, and really i just plain out hate me. I hate me so much Rowan but you know what i don't hate about me? I don't hate you, you are the only good part of me. Everything that happened between us i don't hate and my stupid adorable face loves the shit out of you," he finishes starring me straight in the eye. My face slowly turns from a frown into a smile, i close the gap between us and we both lift a hand to wipe each others tears. "How can we love each other so much already?" i say holding his face in my hand. "Sometimes you just cant control it," he replies before leaning in and kissing my lips. "Be my girlfriend?" he whispers in my ear when he pulls away. All i can do is nod my head very quickly, his smile grows impossibly wider as he hugs me and then spins me around in pure joy. He sets me back down and kisses me again. "Take me home?" i ask giving him puppy dog eyes. He stares at me intensely for a few seconds before he smirks,"ok ok I'll take a lunch and drop you off," he says caving. I squeak out a quick yay before throwing my arms around his neck." jump," he whispers and i do exactly that and with no shame Jackson carries me out of the hospital wrapped around him. We make our way down the hall and i see Alex looking at us with a weird look. "You were wrong" i say to him with a smirk as Jackson and i turn the corner. He pecks me on the lips one more time before we exit the hospital.

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