Chapter Fourteen: This is real?

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Guys i am back and will try to stay on top of it. I love love love the patience and support from you all. Please bare with me now and in the future because i will promise to make it worth your while.

Rowan's POV
It has been two wonderful weeks as Jackson Avery's girlfriend and i feel like the luckiest girl to have ever walked this earth. He has taken me out every night and has sent me some type of gift every day because he's felt really bad. It has actually been cute to get them all but i know it's annoying Alex because he is the one who has to bring them inside and up to me.

On Monday last week i got this card that said sorry for every dumb thing he has and will do

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On Monday last week i got this card that said sorry for every dumb thing he has and will do

On Monday last week i got this card that said sorry for every dumb thing he has and will do

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Tuesday i got poorly made but super cute and yummy I'm sorry donuts

Tuesday i got poorly made but super cute and yummy I'm sorry donuts

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Wednesday was pure cheesy

Thursday was balloons with I'm sorry notes that Alex was particularly upset about because he had to sneak them in

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Thursday was balloons with I'm sorry notes that Alex was particularly upset about because he had to sneak them in

Thursday was balloons with I'm sorry notes that Alex was particularly upset about because he had to sneak them in

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And Friday was amazing coupons that Jackson said i could cash in whenever i needed or wanted to.

Honestly it has only been two weeks but the very first week i get all of this and i feel like the most special girl in the entire world. It is now Friday and Jackson has planned a weekend for us at his house which has Lex and Jo far more excited than me. They are currently raiding my closet for something "sexy" to wear for dinner and something even "sexier" to wear for bed. I have informed them several times that "it" will not be happening but they choose not to believe me. "Look i know you wanna wait and see if he's really gonna stick around, but you should get it girl," Jo says rummaging through my underwear drawer "yea seriously he is hot and into you so do it," Lexie adds holding up a very skimpy pair of underwear. "No absolutely not no one is doing anything," Mark and Alex say at the same time as they enter the room and shove all my drawers closed. "Thank you guys i agree it is too soon and I'm not ready for that," i say hugging my boys "you're damn right you're not," Alex says glaring at the two defeated girls on my bedroom floor. "Now if you would all let me get ready that would be great," i say helping the girls up, kissing the boys on the cheek, and kicking them all out of my room. Jo whispers a "buzz kills," as she exits and i am finally left to myself to pack for the weekend. This time around i don't feel nervous about being with Jackson because i know we have chemistry and i love him. I smile to myself as i finish packing and then my phone goes off.
To: me
From: Jackson ;)

I'm on my way, meet me at the door beautiful. 5 mins :)

To: Jackson ;)
From: me

Watch out for the two guard dogs (Alex and Mark) :)

From: Jackson ;)

Those two scare no one ;)

I smile to myself and make my way down the stairs. Exactly five minutes pass and a knock is heard on the door. I hurry and beat everyone to it and slip out with a loud bye before anyone can harass Jackson more than they normally do. I smile brightly at him as i grab his hand and make a run for his car, he laughs behind me as we hear a jumble of things being shouted at us. We make it to his car both of us laughing our butts off and he takes off. "Care to explain?" he questions giving me a side look with a smirk on his face. "I have friends who like to harass people i really don't need to say much else," i respond before placing a kiss on his cheek. That seems to be a good enough answer for him because he smiles brightly and reaches over to grab my hand. After a while we make it to his apartment and inside, which looks like this with food covering the table

"How did you not burn this place down?" i ask kissing him on the lips, "pure awesome," he replies before helping me out of my coat and himself out of his

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"How did you not burn this place down?" i ask kissing him on the lips, "pure awesome," he replies before helping me out of my coat and himself out of his. We make our way to the beautiful dinner and he pulls my chair out like a gentlemen so i can sit and then we start eating. The dinner goes perfect with small talk about anything and everything, and the next thing i know we are in the kitchen splashing soap and water all over each other instead of doing the dishes

Jackson's POV
I smile to myself as i watch her laughing beautifully while running from the sprayer i have pulled out from the sink. I finally put it back and catch her in my arms as she rounds around the counter in the kitchen. "I love you so much," i say placing kisses all over her face as she laughs, "i love you too," she responds between laughter. I pick her up and carry her back to my master bathroom and place her on the toilet as i run a bath and add tons of bubbles. Once the bath is full i strip her out of her clothes and then she strips me out of mine and we get into the bath together. Everyone seems to think we are moving too fast but for the both of us it feels right and i couldn't be happier, i want to ask her to move in with me but i don't want her or her friends to freak so I'm trying to find a good way to do it. "Babe let's go to bed I'm falling asleep in here," Rowan says in my ear before kissing my lips and getting out of the tub. I follow her out and we both get changed in the bedroom, after that we do a quick kitchen clean up and i check the apartment to make sure everything is locked. After that i scoop my beautiful woman up in my arms and carry her to the bed where we cuddle, kiss, and hold each other until we fall asleep

Reconstruct Me: A Jackson Avery Love Story (I Entered In The Wattys) :)Where stories live. Discover now