Chapter Six: Road to Full Recovery

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Rowan's POV
I've been at Alex and Jo's house for the entire weekend now and it is Monday which is my first day of physical therapy with Callie at the hospital. I have a room in the house and Alex has moved almost my entire house into his and Jo's house which is crazy but I'm also happy about it because i get to heal with people who actually care about me. "Rowan come on you have PT and we are gonna be late for work," Alex yells from somewhere in the house, "shut it Karev I'm already ready to go waiting on you two as always," i yell back with sass in my voice. Jo comes rushing into the room a few minutes later and grabs my crutch and helps me out the door. Once at the hospital Jo hands me over to Mark even though he protests because he's about to go do a surgery. "Well morning beautiful lady the face is already looking better, i love you loads butttt i am busy and you are wasting my time," he says to me with a kiss to the cheek. "Go asshole I'll find Lex," i say before limping off in the opposite direction of Mark "no no no i will get you to Callie," he replies before looking around the room. His eyes light up like a kid on Christmas as he walks away from me, returning a few seconds later, he presents Jackson Avery. "Actually Avery is gonna take you to Callie, love you lady bye," Mark says before running off down the hall. "Well hi Rowan very nice to see you again, your face looks beautiful... I um..i....i looks like it's healing beautifully," he rambles with a blush on his cheeks. "Jackson you're cute and i appreciate the compliment let's get to Callie so you can get out of this embarrassing situation," i reply reaching for his hand. With a smile he grabs my hand and puts my arm around his shoulder, he then puts his other arm around my waist and starts helping me to PT with Callie.

Jackson's POV
We had quite a walk to go to PT and i was starting to get really nervous and sweaty being this close to Rowan. "So Rowan how is everything going?" i ask mentally slapping myself for not coming up with something better to say. This girl makes me nervous and she has since the moment i saw her, i know nothing about her except she is beautiful and i can't help but want to be with her 24/7. Her giggle knocks me out of my trance, "well I've been doing pretty good actually except for the fact that I'm on lockdown at Alex and Jo's house because people don't think i can handle myself. I am also being passed around from my four best friends and it's pretty crazy and annoying but other than that i'm good," she says smirking at me. "Well it sounds like your life is as crazy as mine. I am the head of the board at the hospital so i get tossed back and forth between everyone and their needs, it's like a hall monitor job on steroids so i get what you mean," i reply as we continue at a turtles pace down the halls to the elevator. Rowan laughs her stunning laugh as we step onto the elevator, i barely know her but gosh am i hooked. The rest of the trip to Callie is spent making small talk. "Well here we are Rowan it was nice catching up with you," i say once we reach the PT room, "you too Jackson we need to do this more often," she replies with a small smile. "How about this weekend I'm supposed to be taking it off anyways and i could use company? I don't mean to be forward and rush into things but maybe you could stay at my place for the weekend since you're still injured, it would give us time to get to know each other and you could escape your babysitters for a while," i suggest with a hopeful look on my face. "A whole weekend with the Jackson Avery? I would be thrilled to do that, thank you Jackson for wanting to get to know me it means a lot," she says looking me in the eyes, "you're welcome Rowan, find me after PT and let me know how it goes ok?," i ask. She gives me a nod and then i head off counting down the seconds before i see her again.

Rowan's POV
Jackson left me in the care of Callie and i couldn't wait until i was back with him, he's pretty much perfect and he is fueling my road to recovery. I know it sounds really stupid since i barley know him but for me it isn't, he shows interest in me and makes me feel like i could have something real and for me that's a good enough reason to want to get healed. "Alright Rowan snap out of the day dreams we need to get started, i need you to grab my hands and stand up ok?" I nod at her and grab her hands. The whole process goes pretty quickly but by the end of it I'm worn out and don't think I'll be able to make it back upstairs. "Callie can you page someone to come help me?" i ask peeking up at her "yea of course Mark, Lexie, Jo, or Alex?" she asks. "Actually can you page Jackson Avery?" i ask, she gives me a look but does what i ask. 10 minutes later Jackson shows up with a huge smile on his face,"well hello miss how did it all go?" he asks making his way towards me. "Perfect i guess for day one but I'm so tired and really need some help getting back upstairs," i say giving him my best puppy dog eyes. With a laugh he walks up to me and picks me up "i meant a wheel chair Jackson," i say bursting out laughing. "I'm perfectly capable of carrying you to the elevator, out the doors of this hospital, to my car, and to your room at Alex and Jo's place," he says making his way toward the elevator with me cradled in his arms. "Just don't drop me Avery, Alex will kill you," is all i say as a cocky smirk places itself on Jackson's lips. I swear this man is going to be the death of me and i think I'm ok with that.

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