Chapter Four: Hospital or Home?

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Jo's POV
It has officially been 10 days for Rowan being in the Hospital and she is healing hella well (her words not mine). She is getting increasingly bored and thinks she has healed enough to do her facial reconstructions even though that's not true, she just wants to see Mark because Lex won't shut up about him. Rowan also wants to meet the elusive Jackson Avery that Lexie keeps saying would be her perfect match. He is actually our subject of conversation right now...we have started taking Rowan to the cafeteria for lunch as of yesterday because Callie said her casts should be fine as long as she is wheeled there and back. Now we are sat in the cafe listening to Rowan point out doctors and ask if that is Jackson (she still hasn't seen him because he doesn't eat in the cafeteria anymore)."Come on Lex that has to be him," Rowan says while continuing to point at Derek Shepard "No Row that is Meredith's husband and she will kill you," Lex replies with a laugh. I chuckle along with Lexie as Rowan continues to pick and choose which doctor is Jackson her so called soul mate. The hospital has turned into a home for Rowan over the past 10 days and she is getting her facial reconstructions soon, to be honest we are all a little bummed out and hope to continue our great friendship with her once she leaves us. I think Alex is the most concerned because he hasn't met someone he clicks with so well other than me, he has Christina and Mer but they are closer to each other than they are to him so it's good for him to have someone like Rowan. "Jo snap out of it and tell me if that is Avery because he is hot as hell," Rowan says as she points at Mark Sloan himself, i can't help but crack up as i see Lexie's face drop from a smirk to a straight up scowl. "Um no Row that is Mark," i say trying not to laugh "oh my God way to go Lex," Row says punching Lexie in the arm. "Shut up Rowan," Lexie replies waving Mark over to us. "Hello sexy lady and friends," Mark says kissing Lexie on the lips and pulling a chair up to the table "I'm Mark Sloan, Lexie's sexy as hell plastics attending boyfriend and you must be Rowan," he says with his classic smirk plastered to his face.

Rowan's POV
I try not to laugh at Marks introduction as he sits down "yea I'm Rowan and you are just as full of yourself as Lex says," i reply with a smirk. He shoots Lexie a look and scoots his chair closer to me, "I like you a lot, now let's talk about the changes I'm gonna make to that face to make you beautiful again." "Mark seriously you are an ass, be nice to the girl i like her and i don't wanna loose her because my boyfriend is an ass. Keep her company i gotta find Shepard," Lexie says slapping Marks arm and kissing his cheek before running off. "Seriously Mark don't ruin her and please get her back to her room at a decent time she still needs to rest, i gotta head to Callie she's got a dislocated shoulder for me," Jo says waving to us before running off. "Now that those nut jobs are gone we are gonna talk plastics," Mark says with a huge smirk on his face. The next hour is spent going over what Mark and doctor Avery want to do to my face, talk about our lives, talk about how hot Jackson is (Mark has been trying to set him up for months), and a best friends jam session where we learn everything we can about each other. Spending time with Mark was a lot of fun and he is for sure part of my little friend group here at the hospital now. Soon Marks pager goes of and before i know it he is racing me down the halls shouting at people to get out of the way. We make it back to my room and Mark says he'll be back later with a portfolio of the amazing plastics work he has done along with a plan of how he wants to help me. Once alone my mind finally has time to process everything that has happened within the last 10 days here at the hospital. I have made some amazing friends and I'm not sure how much longer i am gonna be here, so i happen to be a little bummed out because i don't want this to end. I have Alex, Jo, Lexie, and even Mark now and before i had no one, i just hope these friendships will be there when all of this is done and i go back home. Alex is by far the best thing that has happened to me so far in this entire experience and if nothing else comes from this i hope i still have Alex because even though things didn't start that great they are pretty great now. He is the best friend i have ever had and i have only known him for a few days. I spend some more time thinking about the amazing times I've had in this hospital when a voice brings me back to reality. "Earth to Rowan, we all wanted to come tell you this amazing idea we have," Alex says as he, Lexie, Jo, and Mark enter my hospital room. "What is it guys?" i ask sitting up in the bed slightly. "Well we decided to have a sleepover in your room tonight," Lexie says with a smirk as her and Jo exit the room and come back in with pillows and blankets. I smile as bright as i can and tears start to come down my face as Mark wheels in a cart of snacks. "Hey hey no crying woman what the hell happened," Mark says as he sits next to me on the bed, "I am just overwhelmed with happiness. You guys haven't known me for long at all and here you are having a sleepover with me in my hospital room, it's insane and perfect," i reply and the next thing i know I'm surrounded in a group hug. The rest of the night is spent laughing, eating, singing horrible, and forming incredible friendships.

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