Chapter Eighteen: Perfection

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Rowan's POV
It is now day four of seven and i am beyond happy with the vacation. Jackson has spoiled me with countless dinner dates, expensive gifts, beach dates, and many other wonderful things. We have spent countless hours talking, cuddling, kissing, playing, and just being the two goofs we really are. I have realised throughout this vacation that even though it hasn't been that long of us being together i am 100% positive that Jackson is my soulmate. He does so much for me all the time and i want to do something for him, this is his anniversary too so today is his day of the trip. I told him i wanted to spend the day together at the hotel relaxing, but what he doesn't know is i flew Mark and Alex out last night to have a bros day with Jackson. "Hey baby, can we run down to the lobby and look in the gift shop?" I yell from the bed since Jackson is in the bathroom, "sure thing love lets go now," he responds before helping me up and heading toward the door with our hands intertwined. When we make it down to the lobby i spot Alex and Mark on the other side of the gift shop by the teddy bears, and that is when i come up with the perfect idea.

Jackson's POV
"Hey can you go and grab me a teddy bear while i get us some waters?" Rowan asks and i can tell she is up to something, but i haven't figured out what. "Yeah babe of course," i say eyeing her before i walk towards the teddy bears, the next thing i know i bump into someone. "I am so sorry," i say as i look up, my worried expression automatically turns into a smile as i see Mark and Alex standing in front of me. "Brooooooooooo," Mark yells as he pulls me in for a hug, Alex joins and when we pull away our smiles are huge. "What the hell are you guys doing here?" I ask and they both shrug and point behind me. I turn and see Rowan with a huge smile on her face, "what did you do?" I ask trying to hide my smile, "you do so much for me so i wanted to return the favor and bring the boys out so you guys could have a bro day," she says shrugging. "Baby that is so perfect, but what are you going to do?" I ask slightly frowning. "Did you really think she was spending this day alone?!" Jo yells as her and Lexie approach us. "What the hell I didn't plan this," Rowan shouts as she runs to hug the girls, "no i did," Alex says smiling as Row runs and jumps in his arms. I smile to myself as i look at the scene in front of me, our best friends pulling through for us again...i swear these guys are our everything. "Ok ok enough love fest we have stuff to do," Alex says while peeling Rowan off of him, i laugh as i make my way to my girlfriend. "Thank you so much for this baby girl i love you and I'll see you tonight," i say kissing her, "you're welcome babe i love you too, have a good day and don't miss me too much," she replies before walking off with the girls. I smile to myself and make my way out the door with Alex and Mark by my side, i have no idea what they have planned for today, but i am beyond excited to have a day with the guys. "Alright my dude are you ready to get super weird and insane?" Mark asks with a huge smile on his face, both Alex and i shake our heads at how ridiculous Mark is as we continue out of the hotel and to wherever these guys are taking me. We got picked up outside the hotel for our first adventure which happened to be the Honolulu City Ghost Haunts Walking Tour, which is a guided tour through the most haunted places in Honolulu that takes up to 3 hours. I had a blast with the guys hearing ghost stories and seeing spooky ass places, we also scared each other throughout the tour and it was honestly one of the best times i have ever had. After the badass tour the guys took me on a 2 hour long adventure that involved underwater scooters, which was incredibly awesome and super freaky at the same time. After that we hit up a late lunch and by the time we got done it was about 5pm, so we decided to hit up a club for a few hours and then meet up with the girls for dinner.

Rowan's POV
The girls and i had spent our day shopping, snorkelling, parasailing, getting massages, and hanging out at a spa. By the time we were done we were so hungry so we met up with the guys for dinner. "Baby!!!!" Jackson screamed as he ran up to me and spun me around in his arms kissing my face repeatedly, which caused me to giggly uncontrollably. "I missed you too baby," i said between laughs when he finally set me down, i kissed his lips and then we all sat down. We all ate and had a wonderful dinner, it was so nice to be here with all of our friends away from the craziness of the city. Jackson and i only had 3 days left in this beautiful place and i was happy to have one day with our friends who were flying back home tomorrow, this vacation has been perfect. Once we were done eating we all went to the beach and had a small fire to finish out this perfect night.

 Once we were done eating we all went to the beach and had a small fire to finish out this perfect night

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I smiled to myself as i was snuggled up in Jackson's lap next to our best friends....i couldn't help but think of how perfect my life is right in this moment and how i hope it never changes.

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