Chapter Twenty-Three: Come Back To Me

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Jackson's POV
Today is the day that Jo has decided is a good day to kill Alex Karev and I'm pissed. There are so many reasons I'm pissed: Alex is my damn friend, she promised him she wouldn't, he would never do this to anyone, he is Rowan's best friend, and the biggest reason has to be because this is tearing Rowan apart and I've already lost her. 8 months together and we haven't got to celebrate or anything and i know I'm being selfish but i can't help but feel like i should be the one getting her through this, and i feel like i might loose her forever if Alex doesn't wake up. It is noon and i know Rowan is about to go down to get food before coming back up to eat next to Alex, on cue she exits the room and i know i have about 15 minutes alone to talk to Alex. "Alex i know I'm a doctor and i should know a thing or two about this but i honestly don't, so I'm gonna hope you hear me. Things are so screwed up right now man and i don't know what to do: you're laying in a damn hospital bed, Rowan is slipping away from me, Lexie can't stop crying, Mark can't stop trying to fix everyone, Jo can't stop being a total bitch trying to kill you, and i can't stop thinking about how much i need you. I know I'm selfish with Rowan right now and i know you waking up will fix her, but that is not the only reason i need you. You may not know this Alex but you are like a brother to me and ever since i met you my life has gotten better and I'm not ready to have it go to shit again. I need you to wake up Alex and i need you to do it before five, i can't and i wont watch your own damn girlfriend kill you in front of four people who can't function without you. Alex Karev you are an ass, you are a button pusher, you are so annoying sometimes i wanna kill you, but you are caring, you are strong, and you are a great friend. I love you Alex like a brother and i need you to wake up," i say to him with tears running down my face. I look at the clock and see that Rowan should be coming back soon, so i wipe my eyes and head back to work hoping he will somehow fight his way back to us.

Rowan's POV
After Jackson leaves Alex's room i head back in with the slightest smile on my face, i didn't hear it all but i heard enough to know that Jackson is still the man i fell in love with and if Alex was awake he would be cussing me out for being so stupid and pushing that loving man away. I finish my lunch, kiss Alex on the cheek and make my way out of the hospital to make things right with the man i love.

Jackson's POV
It's now four which leaves an hour until Alex dies and i finally get Bailey to let me go collect myself, i head out of the hospital to take a breather and i almost cry at the site in front of me.

Jackson's POVIt's now four which leaves an hour until Alex dies and i finally get Bailey to let me go collect myself, i head out of the hospital to take a breather and i almost cry at the site in front of me

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Rowan is standing in front of me with a tear stained face, a bouquet of balloons that say sorry I'm an asshole, and I'm sorry chocolates and i instantly tear up

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Rowan is standing in front of me with a tear stained face, a bouquet of balloons that say sorry I'm an asshole, and I'm sorry chocolates and i instantly tear up. I run up to my beautiful girlfriend and kiss her repeatedly on the lips while continuously telling her i love her. "Baby i love you so much and I'm so sorry i didn't let you be there for me. I pushed you away and i don't know why I'm just so sorry," she spues out while crying, "baby girl its ok shh don't cry anymore, i love you and i don't care about any of that stupid stuff. Your best friend is lying in that bed and all i could think about was why you didn't want me, so im sorry for being so selfish," i reply kissing her again. As she is about to kiss me back we get interrupted, "guys he's up," Lexie yells from the door. Rowan and i look at each other and both start crying again before we interlock hands and run all the way to the room Alex is in.

Alex's POV
I've been awake for about 5 minutes now and surprisingly i feel fine and everything seems to be ok. The next thing i know i see my beyond beautiful best friend pop her head into my room almost unsure, "hello I'm awake are you gonna stand there or do i get a hug," i say holding my arms open. Rowan doesn't waste another second before she is on the bed and in my arms, "Alex oh my god Alex I'm so glad you're ok," she sobs into my shoulder, as I'm about to reply the door opens and Jo steps in. I've missed her so much but I've also heard all the conversations and i know she planned to kill me in exactly 5 mins and she promised she would never do that, so as much as i want to hold her and kiss her i just can't even look at her. "Jo please leave," i say holding Rowan tighter "but Alex you can't do this I'm sorry and i know i promised i just couldn't see you suffer like that," she says crying heavily which makes me want to pull her close even more but i can't give in. "Jo i can't do this with you please go," i say and she slowly backs out of the room, i kiss Row on the forehead and just continue to hold her close. We stay like that for what feels like a lifetime before i hear her whisper "you came back to me."

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